A Bahamian Songbird • Princess • Diva is dead at 48 – Farewell T’rez Hepburn! Farewell…


T’rez Like Princess Diana slips quietly away and leaves us…

T'res Hepburn 2012 - 1964

Nassau, Bahamas — She was a star on the Bahamian stage, but following a massive stroke in early July, and a long battle for recovery, T’rez Hepburn passed away shortly after 8pm Friday evening.

It was reported that the popular singer suffered severe brain damage and swelling following the stroke.

It was the end of a short life in what many believed would end after a long entertainment career.

Hepburn was famed for her hits like; “You Gon Talk It” and “Mr. Bus Driver” as she wooed concert stages across the country.

She quietly slipped away from time into eternity from her bed in Doctor’s Hospital on the 15th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana.

Scores of condolences poured onto social media following the passing of the Bahamian diva.

Berry Halle wrote: “Love you Rezy RIP! No more practices, no more struggles. God knows best, and God knows your heart.”

Born March 28, 1964 in Nassau to Lorraine and Patrick Hepburn, Terez’ first performance was in 1984 at the Cabaret Theatre.

This served to be very easy for her because she was familiar with the stage due to her prior experience in modeling and dancing.

With voice lessons from Ernie Scott of New York, who also coached a young Whitney Houston in her career, Terez went on to win two Bahamian Grammy Awards for Best Song and Best Female Entertainer.

In the early 90’s, Hepburn toured the U. S as a part of the Bob Marley Memorial Concert.

She will be greatly missed.

Bahamas Press is sadden following her passing and sends our prayers to her family on this great national loss.

Rest eternal grant unto her O Lord…Amen!

As we bid our Bahamians Songbird farewell as she lift into the heavens we remember her with the music of Elton John in a Special Tribute to T’rez Hepburn…Farewell My Beautiful Bahamian Princess!!!!


  1. Gone too soon! It saddens my heart that our nation has lost one our finest young women. She was beautiful inside and out. May her soul rest in peace!

  2. Gone too soon! It saddens my heart that our nation has lost one our finest young women. She was beautiful inside and out. May her soul rest in peace!

  3. R.I.P. Terez,beautiful lady indeed. Can Bahamas Press tell me the status on Berkly Van Burg? havent heard anyone say anything else about him

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