One additional COVID death recorded on the Dashboard today… Meanwhile, PM Minnis reminded yall he is waiting on Bill Gates KILLER vaccine!

BP BREAKING| 777 active cases of Covid19 in the country. That is ya three-ball number for the day!
• There are 777 active cases of COVID19 898 CASES NOW.
• Sizable NON-BUDGETED Investments have been made. So how much were these sizable INVESTMENTS? NO DOLLAR VALUE GIVEN…
• Every eight minutes in larger countries someone is dying every 8 minutes. This is the fear from BILL GATES DEM!
• BP IS LEARNING Bill Gates killer vaccine is expensive!
• In short the PM is saying GET OUT OF PMH! He saying it is UNSAFE!
• SuperClub will be turned into a HOSPITAL… WELL WHAT IS THIS?
• Breezes is being thankful as they get to pay to become a hospital. The hotel becomes the new National Response Facility.
• I want to know when the press ga be invited in an exclusive to tour Doctor’s Hospital WEST…
• Why the Bahamas Government just don’t threaten to publish the names of the no-good relatives who won’t claim their kin?
• PM said he has met with all health leaders [UNIONS]. Well, why he hired Renward Wells for the Health job? PM says the meeting will be regular with him.
• PM says citizens should respond honestly with the contract tracers. Meanwhile “Da Lockdown” PM refuses to deal honestly with questions from the press.
• PM says he is invested heavily in Food Assistance. $1 million a week is being advanced to the Food Task Force. Meanwhile, people calling BP to know where the food is? WELL, WHAT IS THIS? Persons applying will be placed into categories.
• More than 110,000 people across The Bahamas has registered for food assistance.
• The task force has reached out to food stores to provide vouchers for people in need. We have asked mom and pop shops to reach out and be apart of this effort.
• It is important to emphasize that the task force is implementing a needs-based program…The task force will begin a criteria to help people who register in the three needs category. Most VulnerableModerate VulnerableLeast Vulnerable
• The government has not laid anyone off or terminated any contracts because of the current economic state.
• For yall FNMs who tired listening to PM Minnis I want yall to know Duane “MASTER DISASTER” Sands is on Love97FM…
• On Grand Bahama shopping days will be extended from Monday to Friday as like Abaco.
• The measures being taken with respect to Grand Bahama are not random or arbitrary. They are being strongly recommended by public health officials.
• BASED ON THE ADVICE of Health Officials Church [Services Beaches and Parks] will reopen on MICAL, Long Island, Rum Cay and Ragged Island. Lockdown and Curfew have been lifted for these islands.
• Food store hours will be extended to 7PM on MONDAY, Wednesdays, and Fridays. And restocking will be permitted on Tuesday, Thursday and Sundays. Well, Rupert Roberts get his wish. Meanwhile, PM Minnis says he is waiting on the vaccine. LORD HAVE MERCY!
• I hope every time you hear of an amendment it is for the food stores! To hell with everyone else.
• The Bahamas Pharmaceutical Association has raised concerns about services and the public has also raised concerns regarding access to laundromats, we will continue discussions with health officials on those two areas.
• Travel between the islands reopened will be permitted without COVID-19 testing and 14-day quarantine.
• Minnis says it is a great pride to address yinner. LOL! NO QUESTIONS …