A Christmas Message From Bradley Roberts Chairman of the PLP

Bradley Roberts

My fellow Bahamians,

We end 2010 as a most turbulent and crime ridden year where hopes and dreams for many Bahamians have been shattered and promises remain empty.

Our murder rates have skyrocketed to record levels this year to the dismay and discouragement of many. The once collaborative relationship between the Government and unions are falling apart before us. For many Bahamians (thousands of whom will spend this holiday season in darkness), this Christmas will not be a joyful one as the New Year may also bring more unemployment. These are the cold hard realities of life today in our beloved Bahamas.

As we share in and celebrate this yuletide season and a coming new year, I encourage you to rest in the hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Many of us have faced various challenges over the past year and some of our brothers and sisters did not make it. However, because we are alive, please view it as a new opportunity to change our future for the better. In this Christmas season let those of us who have remember our brothers and sisters who are in need.

Let us check on our elderly, the sick and shut in, both at home and in hospital. Let us commit ourselves to the peace, safety and security of our neighbors during these unprecedented times of violence for the Bible compels us to be our brothers’ keepers.

Let us also pray for our men and women in uniform as they work long hours, day and night and away from their families in their valiant quest to keep us safe during the holidays.

We must also never forget the true meaning of this season as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, born in a humble manger some 2000 years ago. The redemptive power of the birth of Our Savior is what gives Christmas its true meaning.

Lastly let us pray for the healing of our Bahamaland and that the New Year is a joyous and prosperous one for each of us.

On behalf of my family and the leadership of the Progressive Liberal Party we wish to extend our thanks to all of you for your continued support and prayers and that you have a safe, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Bradley B. Roberts