A clerk is running the Administrator’s Office in North Eleuthera without any tools of appointment!


NASSAU| PM Hubert Minnis’ slack management of public funds has not only failed to account for the collection of over $2 billion in VAT funds, but has left many communities without the proper accounting and fiscal management of the people’s money on various family islands.

We can report that an example of this poor management is best captured in North Eleuthera. Gilbert Kemp Sr., the administrator for the area, was removed from the island because of serious irreconcilable differences with Hank Johnson. Now you would think the Minnis Government would follow the rules and the law, especially with its Transparency International and Good Governance puppets who have now been hushed in death as it seems, since Minnis has come to power.

With Kemp out the way, Lynton Pinder, a clerk inside the Administrator’s office, has taken over management and control of the district without any hierarchy supervision of the island’s finances.

We are being told that the Acting Director, Brenda Colebrooke, has directed that Pinder sit in the post as Administrator and act on her behalf. However, readers should note that none of those individuals have their Tools of Appointment to exercise or carry out any operations or exercises as the Administrator for the District.

We ga ask again for clarity: Who is the Minister for Local Government again? Why is all this slackness being permitted in the governance of the nation? And where is Carl Bethel these days? Should he have some competence to understand these matters as the Attorney General of the Bahamas? We told yinner he, too, is unfit for that office!

Anyway, we ga report and let yinner decide!