A former Magistrate to be hauled before the courts for ‘THIEFIN’

file photo - Justice brought to its knees in the Bahamas. A former Magistrate to be charged with stealing.

Nassau, Bahamas — A big time former Magistrate and senior officer of the court will be charged on Monday for stealing money from a client.

Bahamas Press reports, police will charge disbarred lawyer, Andrew Thompson, on additional counts of fraud after the rogue attorney is alleged to have stolen more than $40,000 from a client.

Thompson, many would remember back in 2008, had an action brought before the Bar Council by a number of clients who made claim that the former magistrate had stolen more than $230,000 collectively from them. A deadline was set for the repayment to be made on the debt; however, Thompson failed to meet the deadline.

Bar Council officials warned that his failure to do so by the September 17, 2008 deadline would result in him being disbarred.  His name we are told was later struck from the register.

Thompson had taken the funds of a number of clients who were being financed through lending institutions, however, the funds never reached the clients accounts.

And from what we have learnt, despite being disbarred, the rogue officer of the court continued practice in secret.

In this latest incident BP wonders how swift would his punishment be or will this be another case dragged before the courts at a snail’s pace, while members of the public continue to be shafted! We shall wait and see.

A number of rouge lawyers are finding themselves before the courts these days, and the numbers keep growing.

A couple of months ago another big-time lawyer and a member of the FNM finance committee was hauled before the courts after being accused of stealing more than $80,000 from a client. Nothing has been heard from the case and the big-time FNM is still practicing at the Bar.

Boy, that could not be the boy from Bain Town!


  1. A magistrate who was caught up in a bribe scandal involving a police who has since been fired actual tried to send my daughter to jail on a bound over the peace case. The girl filing the case was her baby sitter and a friend to her mother who also worked in the court house. She and my daughter had an issue over a boyfriend. Subsequently my daughter filed assult charges against the girl who later file a case to bound my daughter over the peace. Some how this matter made it to court will the assult matter didn’t. But when they went to court on this bound over the peace case the magistrate closed the court had the police place my daughter in a holding cell. Remember there was no criminal complaint or charge brought against my daughter, further, she advised her that she must return to court the following day to pay a fine and she would let her know what the fine was when she return. The following day I accompanied my daughter to the court house and brought the matter to the attention of Cheif Magistrate Franklin Williams who admonish the magistrate over the phone in my presence and asked her to explain how, why and what fine she was imposing. Its just sad to see corruption is everywhere in the Bahamas. Magistrate Williams instructed my daughter not to return to the corrupt woman’s court.

  2. this what happens when the leader of our country is flying around and in bed with the so called investors the PM has drop his pants and tell the bahamians if you don’t like it kiss it….

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