A HERO Returns to the capital to the Bahamas to join in the country’s 40th Independence Celeberations


Fashion Mogul returns home to a grand celebration!

Peter Nygard touches down from his spanking new jet to celebrate Independence home in the Bahamas. The Fashion Mogul landed at LPIA yesterday.

Nassau, Bahamas — Mr. Peter Nygard descending the stairs of his Boeing Super 727 to a Red Carpet Junkanoo Welcome Home Rush-out, specially arranged by his friends yesterday, when his jet aircraft called “NFORCE” touched down at Executive Flight Services.

Getting into the Junkano spirit, Peter Nygard arrived at LPIA Nassau yesterday to enjoy the 40th Anniversary Celebration of Bahamian Independence.

A massive Junkanoo welcome back home team created much fanfare as the spanking new Peter Nygard jet parked at the terminal.

Just loving his Bahamian friends Nygard give a brief tour of his Boeing Super 727 jet aircraft to his Welcome Committee, comprised of Evangelist (Senator) Ruby Ann Darling, Carlos Mackey, Rev. Reuben Cooper, Rev. Dr Philip McPhee and Apostle Agnes Glinton.

On the Tarmac with community leaders and junkanooers Peter Nygard rushes in the crowd.
Touring the beautiful aircraft of Peter Nygard is Evangelist (Senator) Ruby Ann Darling, Carlos Mackey, Rev. Reuben Cooper, Rev. Dr Philip McPhee and Apostle Agnes Glinton.