A large group of student athletes shows up to an unapproved and uncertified Basketball Jamboree hosted at C. I. Gibson on Dec. 28th against COVID Protocols!

Director of Education Marcellus Taylor.

NASSAU| Bahamas Press is reporting a major violation of the COVID19 rules after a High School Coach defied the Emergency Powers of the Competent Authority and held a Basketball Tournament with approval of the Ministry of Education.

BP can also confirm the major basketball Jamboree held at the C.I Gibson school was done without permission of the Principal of the school in violation of the orders and the systems to check such approvals in Education and Youths and Sports. What is this?

Some seven teams showed up to participate in the event with some 15 members in each team.

The event was also done with no COVID19 testing taking place as prescribed by Health for such indoor gatherings which would protect public health.

One simple question follows this most egregious affair which is most reprehensible: WHO IS PROTECTING THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE CHURRIN DEM?

We cannot help but also ask WHERE were the COVID19 Ambassadors and police patrols who are charged with the management, peace and security of such dangerous and potentially deadly events?

Minnis, you see what I keep saying about your laws? Not even FNMs listen to what you have to say anymore!

We report yinner decide!