A local Pastor hiding in Florida now wanted for questioning in connection with the murder of Long Island woman


Long Island, Bahamas — Long Islanders are batten down tonight as if a category 4 hurricane is about to hit the community. Everything is on lock down even the crabs along the roadsides are in the hole. The wind is gusting to the east as CDU officers inquire into the murder of a 60-year-old woman, Veronica Knowles.

Bahamas Press is still on the island this morning after a long day of intensive investigations. BP has tracked down the cold killers and here’s what we know.

We can confirm authorities have in custody a man not native to Long Island who has confessed to killing the elderly mother of 7 children. Police knows the individual to have killed before and is a hired assassin [CONTRACT KILLER]. Sources close to the investigation tell us the killer has confessed to the murder, which occurred sometime on Monday.

Knowles was a taxi driver who went missing on Monday. Friends without delay launched their own investigation and rode the long roads of the community in search for her. It was around 2am Wednesday morning when residents discovered the lifeless body of Knowles along side the lonely road near the Crossings in Salt Pond. We are told an initial investigation proved she was struck to the back of the head by a blunt object. However, those details were just the beginning of what we know.

The killer has also confessed to police that a local pastor, known as a ‘LAND HOG’ who is now hiding out in Orlando, Florida, had hired him. Some $5,000, sources tell us, was paid to take out the innocent woman who had recently received papers for 500 acres of land in Roses, Long Island. The clear title in the hands of the woman we are told could be the motive behind the killing and if police do their jobs as BP has, the killers could be found guilty for murder in the 1st degree.

Deep into the investigation we also know the said pastor in hiding is connected politically in the country; with his family running sections of the island.

Contract killings appear to be fast becoming a new norm in The Bahamas, with the police warning last year of its surge. In 2003 when a young girl was shot following the murder of her mother, former Prime Minister Perry Christie decided to launch the witness protection programme. The project has now died with the former government.

Police on Long Island however believe they have their man and want to question the hiding minister.

BP can also confirm police in Nassau are also questioning the senior partner of a major law firm in connection with this latest murder.

BP wonders where is the Christian Council on this one. And where is the ‘INVESTIGATING ‘ WUTLESS MEDIA in the Bahamas? We shall listen to the deafening silence.


  1. My husband and our two young sons took my father to Long Island for his 70th birthday. We are from Canada. We have travelled a fair amount but our favorite destination is Long Island. We were enchanted by the island but our fondest memory of a beautiful older lady who drove us to the airport with her plaque proudly displayed in her cab “TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED”. Her name was Ronnie and she was a beautiful, gracious lady with a starched pink cotton dress and her hair done up in a lovely bun. I joked on the way to the airport that she would be dropping off my family but she could take me to her place and I would clean her house and have supper waiting for her when she was done work. She didn’t say much as I joked but when we got to the airport, she hugged me and said “Not this time Baby, not this time. Next time Baby”. We were devastated when we discovered her death at the airport yesterday. We mentioned to the gal at the checkout that Long Island was the “place to be” and she proudly said that was her home and sharing of stories, the sad news came out. We pray that the corruption which resulted in such a senseless waste of a beautiful life is dealt with properly. I am hoping her children and grandchildren read this and take comfort in knowing how their special lady touched us. We are so sorry for your loss.

  2. Stop pussyfooting around and name the paster. What you are doing is scandalous! If you have the facts NAME THE PASTOR or SHUT UP ! Stop defaming peoples character !!!!!!!

  3. Stop pusyfooting around . Name the pastor if you are sure of who it is otherwise all that of what you have said is scandalous. If BP has the facts NAME THE PASTOR or SHUT UP. Stop defaming peoples character.

  4. I hope who ever is responsible for that lady death be dealt with and I don’t mean dealt with how the courts dealt with the bare footed bandit $300 dollars and entering the Bahamas e legally? It’s hard enough to win souls for the kingdom to here men of God wrap up in that sought of thing. For what land? and whats rightfully hers? I don’t care if it’s the pastor the pope are the Governor general lock them up and throw away the key. That lady trouble no one and it seems that you can’t seems to own nothing these days some one wants to kill YA for it> MAY GOD HAVE NO MERCY ON THEIR SOULS AND MAY THEY BURN IN HELL AMEN.

  5. Now that they are holding a 40 odd year old man from that Island,for questioning,will this ‘pastor” still be investigated?BP you are good, but where is the real investigative reports going to happen?

  6. Hope yenna do shed some light on “the preacher” who in this mix-up,cause I heard on the radio, they have a 40 odd year old local from that Island for questioning.BP better than The Punch right?

  7. Any idea of the name of the pastor? Also, which sources state that $5,000 was paid out for the assassination of this woman?

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