A MESSAGE TO The Valley Boys Junkanoo Group


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Dear Valley Boys,

We, the true and dedicated members of the Valley Boys Junkanoo Group, wish to address the recent actions and false narratives being propagated by Brian Adderley and his team. Their latest attempt to mislead both the public and the government regarding their ongoing legal action against the Registrar is nothing more than an effort to mask their poor and incompetent management of the group. Their refusal to face the reality of their missteps has brought us to this point.

At the core of this issue is their desperate desire to gain access to seed money, funds that they are not entitled to due to their mismanagement. By clinging to the group’s name, they are making every attempt to avoid the consequences of their failure to lead effectively. The deadline date was tomorrow and they know that without the Valley Boys’ name, their plans fall apart, and this legal battle is their last resort.

It is clear to us that Brian Adderley and his team are posers who are acting out of self-interest rather than for the good of the group. After plotting behind the scenes with the JCNP, they still find themselves in a desperate position, lacking the genuine support of the group’s core members.

We must not let these distractions take away from our rich history and the pride we have in our Junkanoo heritage. This battle is not just about a name, but about preserving the true spirit of the Valley Boys and protecting it from those who would exploit it for personal gain.

This is a critical moment, and we will see this through to the end. United, we will ensure the Valley Boys remain true to the values that have carried us to greatness.