A Nation for Sale, A Paradise Lost…A BP ‘Land Scandal’ Exclusive!!!



Hubert Ingraham, Tex Turnquest and Perry Christie ARE ALL GUILTY AND MUST RESIGN!!!


Andros, Bahamas — Nestled nearby the quiet island of Andros amid luscious natural foliage, wildlife and beautiful marine turquoise waters is a beautiful cay called Kamalame. The island has a temptation at first glance. A temptation that pulls you back in time in the Bahamas when lushes palm trees swayed under the natural Bahamian sun. When sugar dusted white sandy beaches implied that only angels had danced on this spot. Oh yes, this is my Andros.

The cay is accessible by private seaplane or via the private ferry, and is hidden from the locals. It’s locked away from, ALL DEM WILD BAHAMIAN PEOPLE. It is only for the privileged, the adventurous, the elegant and those who seek private romance. The people of the Bahamas once owned all 96 acres before 1996 – you guessed it, just after Hubert Ingraham came to power.

See it wasn’t long after that time a Jamaican national named Brian Hew saw the opportunity to take possession of this “LAND” and turn it into the ever ringing cash register for himself and some other local politicians. Hugh sailed his yacht named, ‘LICK GUNSHOT’ into Staniard Creek, and docked his huge vessel at the Light House Club. There he would look across the waters and eye that jewel once set in the crown of Bahamian diamonds and ponder of ways in which he will take possession of it. Yes, Hew the former nursery grower and horticulturalist found no more pleasure in being a competitor of Manny Diaz of Florida. He heard that land was being given away in the Bahamas and so he wanted to be a hotel developer. Andros would be the spot for that dream, and Ingraham will opened that door to sell the people’s land.

Hew began hanging out with some unsavory characters on the island seeking his way through the agents of ‘land sellers’ in the country. Many of which had influence at the top of the new political regime. There on the island he would hangout with drug dealers, mafia personalities and realtors. He began to believe what he had heard, that the a new government was in-charge giving it all away. He therefore began moving closer in his plot to acquire the largest piece of land his eyes can visualize, and boy he was successful.

Sources in the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) told Bahamas Press that Hew through a high-ranking lawyer and political figure in the PLP made request to the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance at the time, Hubert Alexander Ingraham, of his interest into acquiring all 96 acres of Kamalame Cay for a tourism development project. His offer placed to the purchase of the cay was a mere $350,000 [Three hundred and fifty thousands dollars]. Not one acre now, not two but all 96 acres! BP can reveal that serious resistance began in the OPM for the sale of cay, with many asking, “How can the government of the people just sell Bahamian land that cheap?” Young Bahamians cannot buy 1 acre of land for $300,000 and yet Ingraham was giving a foreigner a whole cay, 96 acres, for under half a million dollars.

Through the Royal Bank of Canada the purchase was made. And the Minister of Finance [who also was in-charge of land at the time], agreed for the sale to take place. And so since 1996 Kamalame Cay has hosted and helped plan many special occasions ranging from weddings to executive retreats to day-out corporate picnics to week-long fishing trips. From time to time even senior members of the Royal Bank of Canada’s corporate management team could be seen wining, dining and getting it from behind at the resort. As we said, the place is known for its corporate weekends of romantic adventures. But all this is just a tip iceberg of our story.

Now readers must digest that Hew bought an entire cay for $350,000, all 96 acres. Since then he has constructed private villas, which can cost a guest up to $7,350 per night. Rooms can run from $400 per night in the low season to $4,730 per night. Plenty, plenty money indeed, but that’s not all.

Hew decided that why not also, since he’d already taken all this land, go into the real estate business and sell some of it back, to others. And guess what? That is just what he did. He created a profit windfall. Hew divided a section of the cay into plots; 0.75-acre plots, and placed them on sale to the world market at $1,000,000 million each. The Bahamas is now a ‘Nation for Sale’, and here is another Paradise Lost! Some would not believe our evidence presented here and so we point you to some resources.

Bahamas Press can now confirm that ERA Dupuch Real Estate company has listed lots at Kamalame Cay on its listing here in Nassau and has posted properties also available on its global website at: http://www.erabahamas.com/properties/listing.cfm?ID=3728&search=Lookup
Also now available on the website is one of the villas on Kamalame Cay now on sale for $1.8 million.kamalame-villa-1

After BP updated officers at the OPM to our shocking revelations, they informed us that this is just a small part of the land scandal. “Since coming into office in 2002, we’ve also learned that Perry Christie approved more land to the Kamalame developers. This proves that both Hubert Ingraham and Perry Christie have both waged an unholy war on the assets of the Bahamian people,” the OPM officer said.

It is amazing indeed to see that a developer who was given land in Andros for a small $350,000 (ALL 96 acres) could now be allowed to flip the land and profit on plots (0.75-acres at a 300% profit). It is clear with this evidence not only Tex Turnquest is involved in flipping Bahamian land, but Hubert Ingraham and Perry Christie are both equally GUILTY OF THINGS SINISTER in the Land Office here in the Bahamas.

Why cannot young Bahamians be given the chance to do what Hew was allowed to do? Why is it so difficult for young Bahamians get a license for a taxi, or land to develop a business on in this country, yet but a foreigner can? How is it Ingraham could have seen the ability of a Hew to develop a cay, but could not see or help the group of Bahamians in Eleuthera to build their resort?

Anyone NOT carrying a Bahamian passport can walk into the Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield Building, see Hubert Ingraham and walk out with acres of land, something must be wrong with this picture! Something is wrong Bahamas! Our leaders have traded the TRUST of Bahamians! Ingraham has committed TREASON against the citizens of this country and both HE AND CHRISTIE are equally guilty as TEX TURNQUEST when it comes to flipping land for profit!

Bahamas Press cannot say it enough, WE NEED CHANGE!



  1. the biggest problem was not the foreign investment act but the decision by HI to allow all residential leases on Crown Land to be converted into Crown Grants – that is the real story. With this removal of restraint it opened up the market for flipping. And by the way the reality of it is Crown Land is not valued according to market value – it is valued quite openly to reflect and ability of most Bahamians to afford it – somethign traditionally called peppercorn rents. There is good reason for this – it allows almost all the ability to purchase. Also there is nothing wrong with “flipping” as it is called. It is an open market and there is nothing illegal in reselling the land then at market value – which of course will be much higher and makes for “juicy” reading.

    The problem is regarding the transparency and record keeping regarding Crown Land and the process required for anyone to go about accessing it. There is also a lack of policy surrounding this and persons like Turnquest are in fact doing what they have to do – their procedures are clearly laid out and they are following it – anyone who comes forward has to be processed for Crown land. Do some know the process better than others? Certainly. Are they often relatives and friends of those in power or in the institutions? Certainly. And that is the lack of transparency I was talking about.

    There have been two in depth studies done on all details of land in the Bahamas which have been submitted to Cabinet of both administrations. They lay out in great detail the action items that Government must take to reduce corruption and abuse. Not one of those has been acted upon in either FNM or PLP regimes.

    And some historical note – the grabbing and accumulation of land has been going on in the Bahamas for centuries. How do you think the Christies and others got so powerful and wealthy?


  2. canesfins :Kim Sands – Party supports then must start asking for new and different leadership

    I say it all the time but no one seems to be listening. Raynard Rigby, Jerome Fitzgerald and Ryan Pinder – Good leadership team!! That’s my five cents.

  3. @kevin mckenzie
    You should check and see what the daddy got in Crooked Island and Acklins along with Basil Kelly. Beautiful spot called Attwood Cay and Harbour. Best Half moon beach in the Bahamas.

  4. kevin mckenzie :Examiner your information is 100% correct!!

    What a shame, anyone of us given that deal could have gone to any bank or insurance company, get the bond and do the deal. In fact I believe that parliament conveyed the land up front just on a bond. Call the Police. Shame.

  5. kevin mckenzie :I know i said i will not make any further comment on this post but i cannot allow the blame of massive theft of crown land placed solely on civil servants.Mr.Brian Hew best Bahamian assistant in acquiring Kamalame Cay and obtaining Bahamian citizenship is a FNM cabinet minister.The prime minister made crown land a part of his portfolio from 1992-2002 and mr.Christie continued this practice from 2002-2007 and it is again in the prime minister’s purview.According to the Westminister system of government if anything positive happens the minister responsible gets the credit therefore it stands to reason that if the result is negative the minister responsible must shoulder the blame.It is my opinion that if a proper audit of crown land was done mr.Ingraham would be recommended for a court trail and will be convicted and if justice exist in this country will be sentenced to life imprisonment.Mr. Christie on the other hand will probably get a three year jail sentenced.Ask mr.Ingraham how much did he sold prime beach front land on Norman’s Cay to a group of wealthy white Bahamianss for? These Bahamians are then supposed to flip the land to a foreign investor for an extremely,richly,filthy,handsome profit.Bahamas Press it is time that we admit that when it comes to our political parties we the people must choose between the PLP who we know will rob us and the FNM who will rob,enslave,rape,torture and beat us however,they will tell us that it was for our good that they did these sadistic deeds to us!!!

    Well said, was the Holowesko Boy involved in the Norman’s Cay Land deal where they only had to put up a bond?.

  6. I know i said i will not make any further comment on this post but i cannot allow the blame of massive theft of crown land placed solely on civil servants.Mr.Brian Hew best Bahamian assistant in acquiring Kamalame Cay and obtaining Bahamian citizenship is a FNM cabinet minister.The prime minister made crown land a part of his portfolio from 1992-2002 and mr.Christie continued this practice from 2002-2007 and it is again in the prime minister’s purview.According to the Westminister system of government if anything positive happens the minister responsible gets the credit therefore it stands to reason that if the result is negative the minister responsible must shoulder the blame.It is my opinion that if a proper audit of crown land was done mr.Ingraham would be recommended for a court trail and will be convicted and if justice exist in this country will be sentenced to life imprisonment.Mr. Christie on the other hand will probably get a three year jail sentenced.Ask mr.Ingraham how much did he sold prime beach front land on Norman’s Cay to a group of wealthy white Bahamianss for? These Bahamians are then supposed to flip the land to a foreign investor for an extremely,richly,filthy,handsome profit.Bahamas Press it is time that we admit that when it comes to our political parties we the people must choose between the PLP who we know will rob us and the FNM who will rob,enslave,rape,torture and beat us however,they will tell us that it was for our good that they did these sadistic deeds to us!!!

  7. JR :I don’t know how I got to be the spokesman for PC. I guess standing up the unabashed PC hating by Media earned me that title. Whatever the case, the bottom line is that land was stolen and it was stolen by senior civil servants who used the system against the politicians in charge. They have a network that works whether PLP in power or FNM in power as we now know and you can’t put that on no politician. Focus on the real crooks for once.

    I agree, but in my case, PC was complicit with Greaves to jam me, I got wind of it and worked hard for PC to be voted out. I tore up my PLP card. I waited on HAI and was paid within two weeks after he won. Real Leader not no toothless Pussy Cat.

  8. I don’t know how I got to be the spokesman for PC. I guess standing up the unabashed PC hating by Media earned me that title. Whatever the case, the bottom line is that land was stolen and it was stolen by senior civil servants who used the system against the politicians in charge. They have a network that works whether PLP in power or FNM in power as we now know and you can’t put that on no politician. Focus on the real crooks for once.

  9. JR :Media, you mixing your Js up. I don’t know who JT is but he’s piggybacking off the point I was making. I’m not the so called king of investigations Media. Thats your claim to fame. If anything I can tell you who to talk to but then that would mean you having to talk to the same media you call wutless. Paul Turnquest has the goods and has spoken publicly about that and the fact that files are now disappearing in the Lands and Survey dept. What I know is from the same sip sip that has been going around for years. I don’t have access to any proof but since when does BP need proof to talk about things thats in the air?
    Furthermore, I recall vividly being threatened by this same site about language. I guess that only applies to us eh? Sound like Media is again mad that his PC vibe is once again being pointed out in a story that has less to do with him or even Hubert but you couldn’t resist. I get ya and if thats your thing, then thats your thing. All I know is that The Tribune confirmed what we were hearing about Greaves too and it doesn’t matter if Perry didn’t fire Tex or not. Maybe he didn’t have the evidence that the Tribune got its hands on, but he did move him and Hubert did bring him back. You know that but you didn’t bother to put that in your story. I know why. Same thing with Greaves but thats not here or there. Call the Tribune Media, or better yet, use your “deep throat” up there and get the info for us. No need for you to attack me but thats your style when things get uncomfortable for you.
    I’m just an amateur like everyone else, even though I did break the Fr. Brown case and brought it to you and you didn’t do anything until it was in the papers.

    Better yet, you can have Christie provide the information to BP. He knows what he signed, I bet he even has copies, I had personal experience with PC and Greaves and I will provide BP with the details to expose how lousy PC was and was very complicit with Greaves in depriving Bahamians of their own land and monies when the land was accquired by the Govt. I have the goods BP. PC can’t duck this one.

  10. That is why we need a change in our country what has happened is that we got into this habit of keeping persons in positions of power for too long and it is coming back to bite us in the backside .

    We need liberal change in this nation we need fundamental change ….our country is at a cross road with itself and it is effecting all of our institutions if we do not begin to change then we will start to see our own undoing as a people and a nation.

  11. Media, you mixing your Js up. I don’t know who JT is but he’s piggybacking off the point I was making. I’m not the so called king of investigations Media. Thats your claim to fame. If anything I can tell you who to talk to but then that would mean you having to talk to the same media you call wutless. Paul Turnquest has the goods and has spoken publicly about that and the fact that files are now disappearing in the Lands and Survey dept. What I know is from the same sip sip that has been going around for years. I don’t have access to any proof but since when does BP need proof to talk about things thats in the air?

    Furthermore, I recall vividly being threatened by this same site about language. I guess that only applies to us eh? Sound like Media is again mad that his PC vibe is once again being pointed out in a story that has less to do with him or even Hubert but you couldn’t resist. I get ya and if thats your thing, then thats your thing. All I know is that The Tribune confirmed what we were hearing about Greaves too and it doesn’t matter if Perry didn’t fire Tex or not. Maybe he didn’t have the evidence that the Tribune got its hands on, but he did move him and Hubert did bring him back. You know that but you didn’t bother to put that in your story. I know why. Same thing with Greaves but thats not here or there. Call the Tribune Media, or better yet, use your “deep throat” up there and get the info for us. No need for you to attack me but thats your style when things get uncomfortable for you.

    I’m just an amateur like everyone else, even though I did break the Fr. Brown case and brought it to you and you didn’t do anything until it was in the papers.

  12. Lolo LOLO Pc coming for you lolo.Am intrigued by PC who never seems to get angry.Growing up in Bains Town you had to have hard mouth if you did not wish to be trampled.Same in parts of Abaco especially where HAI is from.Am glad to see PC responding, as in the ghetto, the loudmouth is king.He represents a hard area and should be like Ping show his East St side.

  13. Drama King :And what kinda gangsta names their boat, “Lick Gunshot”……we all need to come together as a nation and “Lick Gunshot” after Perry and Hubert and run them out of town. Damn Gangsters! (Sorry BP)

    The same gangsta that also named his barge “Sandbar Sally”, the bill ducking slave driver, Brian “Lick Gunshot” Hew.

  14. @Russell Johnson
    Well listen here RJ, my daddy always taught me to never run from no MAN, WOMAN OR BEAST (MUGABE)! So you know we ain’t scared a NO PUSSY CAT! NOOOOOO WAY, even if he’s a half dead lion!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  15. I feel so important now that my views are being heard.I picked up on scrutiny of this webs power when things discussed here were put in the Parliamentary domain.If all of you might notice I speak directly to subjects who then respond.Joe Blow I accept your invitation to get involved in politics but only on this site as no whip of any party can silence me.lolo gotcha.Am happy that perry Christie is alive and well as he is responding.Way to go PC stay in the game as it is a slam dunk once you stay focused and committed to change.It will involve cutting some of your members but so be it.HAI threatening to fire everyone and you,the church and unions are too silent.Fire up your supporters by shooting on all cylinders.Everybody asking about you especially BP who runs a story on you weekly.Let us see more fire in your belly,I say no more.Once you speak the detractors will hide maybe even BP but I doubt it as you are still a magnet for plenty criticism

  16. Canefins, you need to stop hanging with Fred for people to take you serious. You cannot have it both ways.

  17. @Altec
    Well Altec we know and you all know this website has become the centre of National debate. Many of you who are on here drive that debate. Your voices are being heard, and these WUTLESS media people know it. They’re working OVERTIME to deflect news and information you all assist in putting out. And they know it is effective!

    They know it is a stirring message of Change now emanating from this website! And so the WUTLESS MEDIA, the FNM and the PLP have all become one gang! And now they are attempting to all come against US THE PEOPLE! We outnumber them in size and in talent! We beat them all in ideas and skill. WE are taking over and they know it!

    King and Pindling believed and saw the Dream, but our generation will bring forth Change! Change is coming Bahamas!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  18. The Guardian is a spineless newspaper ran by men who think they are the new architects of the Bahamian economy. Don’t beleive me look at when these guys are interviewed, they are so aloof one of them can’t even keep his eyebrows down!!!

  19. BP last week you broke the story of the prisoners being released and the WUTLESS MEDIA followed your lead. In that story at least this website was hinted at.

    In this morning’s Guardian, the front page story is aobut the PLP leadership report that was released on this site but the Guardian isnt even mentioning you as the source.

    I think its safe to say that BAHAMAS PRESS is now in the mainstream. When other newspapers are reading this site daily and following up by printing stories based of this site says a lot BP. Congrats you are the Bahamas’ Huffington Post, the Bahamas’ online newspaper.

  20. @JT TO JT and JR, don’t come in her throwing your LOW BLOW and haul ***. Bring the information we want to expose ALL AND SUNDRY! Bring it on and we’ll publish it! BP ain’t playing with this one!

    Bring the information JT, Bring it!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  21. Christie did not fire Tex, but he moved him from the crown land office. Um, BP I have to say that Tex Turnquest is HI’s boy and was only moved from the OPM when HI was in power. Mr Turnquest had to retire quick, fast and in a hurry because HI knew that the longer the Guardian ran this story the deeper and closer it would have gotten to him. PC met Tex where he was. You need to ask the people in the Crown Land office, because it is not as cut and dry as you have it here! I rest this one strictly at the feet of HI.

  22. See “Jr” lets ask this question, why did Christie not FIRE TEX TURNQUEST like Hubert Ingraham did? Christie shuffle the rotten apple but could FIRE HIM!

    Did you know why Christie shuffle Tex, Jr? Because people went to him complaining of how TEX took some people land in Long Island and gave the lease to his own family. What Christie did!? SHUFFLE ROTTEN APPLE [TEX TURNQUEST]. Can you explain that for that Jr? Tell Christie take DAT! See, we have the goods and all the fact on Chritie and Ingraham’s WILD love affair on THIEFING the Bahamian people land.

    We shall wait to hear from you Jr…

    STOP BEING A CHRISTIE BUTT LICKER JR! We know you are an agent of the SAME and not CHANGE!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  23. @JR
    Jr. I agree with you.. I always wonder why PC is always mentioned in HI stories these days but when PC was in power, HI was never mentioned… It was always PC this and PC that!!

    I still believe that PC is a better leader than HI… People are afraid to speak their minds when HI is in power but when PC was there, people spoke freely!!

    I wonder what punishment Grant, the MP for EMR is getting for speaking against her govt’s decision to form the committee to look into those incidents at the EMRH school????

  24. Objective Thought, Tex’s mother in law, his auntie, Greaves’ wife, son, brother in law, Russell’s wife, brother, secretary…these are all Bahamians.

    Edison Key, who has hundreds and hundreds of acres of crown land thanks to the payoff from Hubert for him leaving the PLP. Why you don’t talk that one BP? Oh yeah, then you would have to say how Eddison and Perry fell out because Perry wouldn’t give him a 99 year lease renewal on the land he already got from the government for his children and his wife? Can’t make Perry look too good right.

    Plenty more Bahamians ripping us off on the land than the foreigners if you ask me. At least with the foreigners, you might get one lil job out of it, but the Bahamians flipping it and keeping the money in their pocket. Ever wonder where the hell Tex get the kind of money to be going into land business with Tennyson Wells and Algernon Allen? Thats another one Media and BP missed because they were too busy trying to pin this on Perry too.

    • And Jr. since you have all this inform please provide Bahamas Press with documentation where Tex, Greaves, et al and others all collected the land and Bahamas Press, as you know, will gladly publish it. You know we are fair and balanced, but you HATE when ya boy in the line of fire! Christie and Ingraham are just as guilty and you know it!

      We are concern with preserving the LAND OF THE PEOPLE, there is no politics in this!

      Bahamas Press

  25. @media
    Media, I am angry that I had to pay $30,000 for a 60 by 100 3 years ago and these/them idiots still giving away our land to the foreigners for almost next to NOTHING!!!

    And from what I am told, (not sure if it’s true.. but) one can get about 4 60 by 100 lots from just 1 acre of land which means that a foreigner would pay less than $1,000.00 for that same 60by100!!!!

    Why do these politicians who we put into office treat us like DIRT??? WHY???? Media this one time I agree with you that “we need CHANGE!!”

  26. Great story but once again, Media and BP are trying to spin it in a certain direction to further their anti Perry campaign and they lump Hubert in just to make it look legit. BP, you are telling an old story and yes, I know plenty people don’t know about this but you have to be careful when you try and spin spin spin and screw up the facts. Hew’s application was walked through by Earl Deveaux. Everyone in Andros know that, even the crabs know that. The PLP you talking about didn’t represent the application. He handled the conveyance, a mere formality, but the deed was already done and Earl had his grimey hand all over it. That is why he got run out of Andros.

    Hubert nor Perry had much to do with any of these grants because even though they sign the conveyances as Minister, the real crooks are Tex, Greaves and Russell and their followers. Just about everyone in that department is guilty as sin because they had to get land to keep the conspiracy quiet. None of the politicians were aware of this shit to the extent that it is now being revealed, but BP knows that. NOw you could make a case for them not paying closer attention but the people they are supposed to trust to do the right thing were the same ones in on the scheme so they couldn’t avoid getting swing. If you want to kill them over that, I’m right with you BP, but the way you write this one comes across as just another attempt to use a hot button issue for their own benefit.

    YOu need to do better man. You jumping on the land bandwagon late and took a story that is over a dozen years old and still got some of the details wrong. Why didn’t you just name the PLP MP who represented Hew? Be far BP. If you name one, you should name all so call his name so that everyone is aware of who is who in this? I know you won’t because you realize that its not that big a deal because you can find the names of almost every lawyer in Parliament on land papers conveyed out of Lands and Surveys so you’ll be painting them all with the same brush, when you know that all land transactions must be handled by attorneys. But you carry on smartie. Better late to the party than not at all.

    I wonder why BP spending all this time trying to sink Perry ship with this land thing when he won’t even write how when PC came to be PM, he moved Tex because he heard sip sip about him and how Hubert moved him right back in 2007. Now who look dirty in that scenario. BP won’t go there because it will make Perry look clean. I wonder why BP won’t talk about how Perry was trying to get rid of Greaves too.

    Why we can’t hear diddly squat from Mr. Save Our Land Omar Archer should tell us all what a fake he is. Not a thing from the Land Man.

  27. @media
    Media, I still gat a few shirts even one or two from 2002!!! Which one you want me burn???

    This mussy gon be an all day affair because we aint have enough space to burn all a dem shirts all at once!!!

  28. Great story. What pisses me off is even though it is well known and admitted by HI that repealing the immovable properties act turned out to actually be very bad for Bahamians, you still have people walking and talking as if HI and PC are gods.

    These two bums would be ridiculed and even jailed in a progressive democratic nation for some of the foolish things they were involved in. Both PC and HI are lousy!! Can someone please tell me why Dion Foulkes and Tommy Turnquest aren’t in jail for bribes and misuse of government funds.

    BP can you look into the scholarship fiasco? I heard two clowns mentioned here did some shady stuff.

  29. …LOL…Media I don’t have any shirt to burn last election I voted PLP and I have already washed my car with the shirt and discard of it.





  31. Christie and Ingraham could not be more alike if they were identical twins. The only thing one complexion is darker than the other. If you did not know better you would think they came from the same woman. They both have the same wicked mentality, which is why you will never see any change in this country, if we keep voting for either one of them. It does not really matter which one of them you supports the end result will always be the same.

  32. Ms Kiara Sherman just walked away with the Miss Bahamas Universe title. They were all very intelligent contestants, but I am very pleased with the judges’ choice.

  33. Media the only thing that I disagree with you on is when you said that Hew is making a 300% profit… He is actually making 300+% profit per acre on properties sold…

    If we break it down, the original purchase for a .75 acre of property would have been $2,057.13… If Hew sells half (48acres) of the island using plots of .75 acre he will get 64 plots!!

    Half of the island would have been bought for $175,000 but by selling half of the island at $1 million per .75acre, Hew will make $64 million!!! That’s a 365.7% PROFIT!!! WOW!!!

    • I wonder OT if Bahamians are reading this the way I see it. Now imaging this Ingraham is all over the place telling Bahamians how his government is creating lots “SERVICE LOT” available to Bahamians for purchases. 80X100 for $40,000 in New Providence. All up in the house telling yall how he providing land at affordable prices to Bahamians. He and no one else told the people of how Christie was selling the land! but at the rate of this sale one acre went for less than $4,000. Bahamians buying land for $40,000 from the government! Whilst foreigners getting land “BEACH FRONT PROPERTY” for 10% of that cost, for LESS THAN $4,000.

      Christie was selling the land and Ingraham is GIVING IT AWAY! Boy we Bahamians are SUCKERS FOR PUNISHMENT! WE NEED CHANGE!

      Bahamas Press/Editor

      PS: Just look into this Guardian story on the matter and look at the GAMES these jokers playing with the people’s assets…

      Nassau Guardian Senior Reporter

      Amid growing controversy surrounding the granting of crown land, Director of Lands and Surveys Tex Turnquest has resigned, The Nassau Guardian confirmed yesterday.

      According to sources familiar with the matter, Turnquest received an ultimatum from the government: Resign or be fired. The Guardian learnt that authorities changed the locks at the department on East Bay Street.

      When contacted by The Guardian at his home yesterday, Turnquest said he had no comments. The Guardian also contacted Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham, who is the minister of Lands, but he too had no comment on the matter.

      Yesterday, former prime minister Perry Christie said it is clear from this latest development that reforms are needed at the Department of Lands and Surveys.

      “I think this is a notice to all of us that this is an area that we should pay very close attention to and given the fact that it is topical, put in place the necessary reforms that would lead to greater accountability in the administration of lands in the country,” Christie said.

      Just last week, former public service minister Fred Mitchell called for a select committee in the House of Assembly to inquire into all matters touching and concerning the disposition of all publicly owned lands and lands owned and managed by statutory bodies.

      Mitchell also posed a number of questions in relation to this matter. He questioned what the government policy is with regard to the granting of publicly held lands to employees of the government or their relatives. He also asked for a listing to be provided naming those public servants and retired public servants who have received grants of publicly owned lands since March 19, 1997.

      Additionally, Mitchell wants the government to provide a list of all parcels of land granted to individuals or entities from May 2, 2007 when the FNM came to power and say what applications for publicly owned lands are now outstanding and how long they have been outstanding.

      The Nassau Guardian learnt that the government has been examining reports that a relative or relatives of a certain senior public servant was/were able to make a huge profit from the sale of prime crown land on a Family Island which was acquired from the government at a price substantially less than what was paid for the land.

      This practice is known as “flipping”. Crown land is given to friends or family for a nominal value and then sold a relatively short time later in its undeveloped state for a price many times the amount that was paid to the government.

      Christie said yesterday there has long been concern among officials about the administration of crown land in The Bahamas.

      “Those of us who have had this responsibility, the current prime minister included, have always had a concern about strengthening this area because of the potential for matters being beyond your knowledge and control,” Christie said. “It’s great reliance on people in this area and what develops is land becomes very valuable when it’s associated with an area where there’s development.”

      He added, “There has always been the concern that the department responsible for lands has not been fully and properly staffed and that there is great reliance on the people who work at the lands and surveys level, the director and persons under, to frame applications that are sent to a ministry and invariably the ministry has one person working in it who then sends it to the permanent secretary.”

      Christie also pointed to this concern when he spoke during the debate in the House of the Assembly last year, when the FNM government sought approval to convey government land to developers at Norman’s Cay. The former prime minister at the time pointed out that his government when in office was concerned that there was a scheme to get Bahamians who were supporters of the FNM cheap government land, that would then be immediately turned over to a foreign entity at a huge profit.

  34. Tonight is mostly entertaining, I am trying to watch the game between the Cavaliers and the Magic’s, plus I am trying to keep up with Miss Bahamas Universe Pageant. Anybody has a favorite contestant in the pageant yet? I normally can tell who my favorite contestant is after the questioning and answering part.

  35. watch the sale of batelco, then you will see the real owners, but we as a people deserve exactly the government we have. we dont stand for anything. so with the victors comes the spoils.

  36. It should not be difficult for any Bahamian to get land but remember now and this is specifically for young persons on this blog.It has only been 42 yrs since majority rule and many of the persons who make decisions were effected by having to be subservient to white men and all foreigners be they white or black.While growing up I always wondered why the worst students were sent to the hospitality field to work until I recognised that they were better able to be indoctrinated.THe field has changed tremendously but here on the outside some persons still feel that unless you have connections you do not qualify for crown land.Every foreigner who came to the Bahamas to work whether as teachers,Policemen or bankers have crown land.But none for the majority of Bahamians.It did not have to be like this and to quiet the population we need to give property to deserving Bahamians especially those who have applied umpteen yrs ago.

  37. See that’s the kind of mentality our Prime Minister has, I believe people refer to it as the Black Crab Syndrome. I don’t know what the Bahamian people do him, but he seems like he is determine to sell everything out from under us. The man does not want to see us with anything. He would rather give away our land to the foreigners for little or nothing, before he makes it easy for Bahamians to obtain it. Everybody could benefit in this country, except Bahamians. I see people from all over the world come to this country with nothing and became rich here over night, but we Bahamians have to work three times as hard if we want to get anywhere in this country. This is only country in the world I know that looks out for foreigners first, before looking out for their own people.

  38. Mr. Brian Hew applied to the Bahamas Government for the sale of Kamalame Cay,the natives of Staniard Creek voiced their objection to their member of parliament at that time mr.Earl Deveaux.Mr.Deveaux and the government agreed to lease the land to mr.Hew for 99 years. I must cofessed that all this was told to me by mr.Hew in the year 2000 when i was working in Central Andros.Mr.Hew also told me that he would be acquiring Bahamian citizenship before the 2002 election as this was a promise that the FNM made to him.If mr.Hew had to get the approval of government he cannot be called a gangster.Government gave the approval and set the terms and price of the lease therefore if one must call anyone a gangster they would have to mean the government.This is my final comment on this post.

  39. media :
    Now calm down, calm down ALTEC this was not easy for us either to discover. But do remember this site is still rated G. Please avoid the foul language, PLEASE! And be creative in your expressions.
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    BP the banks are getting away with murder with their high rates and mortgage loan policies. If land was $4,000 an acre the the majority of bahamians would have been able to get a piece of the rock. The banks, real estate companies, foreigners and the government top brass are the only ones benefiting.

    I work hard to get what i have BP, i work hard and to see how the government just give away to a foreigner what i and other Bahamians are scrapping so hard to keep is frustrating and an insult. Its adding salt to the wound.

    BP $4,000 an acre? FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS AN ACRE for beach front property!!!! and then the foreigner selling it for a 500% increase in profit PER ACRE and you telling me to calm down? You bought a piece of property from HI and PC too a?

  40. BP
    All the focus seems to be on Tex Turnquest. What about the other staff members who also got land for themselves, children, spouses and even got land in their first and middle names. The lady who got land for her five children and even her children’s friend. The retired lady who despite getting land in the fifties and sixties, also got herself land on most of the Family Islands for her children before she retired. All the present and former Permanent and Under Secretaries who have land in the various Family Islands. Man you need to see the plans or the grant books on some of those islands. By now if you can find the FILES OR PLANS in that office YA GOOD. ALL DOCUMENTS SEEM TO HAVE DISAPPEARED. SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE. WE CANNOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS “RAPE” OF OUR HERITAGE.

  41. I am ashamed that foreigners are getting all the gravy while hardworking Bahamians have to scrap to make a living.Nepotism is still the order of the day and these social partners must speak and let the country know what is going on.A complete investigation of land giveaway is needed but it wont happen bcos politicians protect each other.

  42. And what kinda gangsta names their boat, “Lick Gunshot”……we all need to come together as a nation and “Lick Gunshot” after Perry and Hubert and run them out of town. Damn Gangsters! (Sorry BP)

  43. @Altec
    Now calm down, calm down ALTEC this was not easy for us either to discover. But do remember this site is still rated G. Please avoid the foul language, PLEASE! And be creative in your expressions.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  44. 96 acres for $350,000? thats $3,645.83 an acre…This country is CORRUPT from the HEAD! HI is responsible for repealing the immovable property act that has cause the price of land to skyrocket in this country. IF he or PC was concerned about Bahamians they both would have tried to correct this mistake that they both are aware of.

    i am sooooooo bug right now. i have to scrap to buy a piece of the rock and these bush negroes giving it away for pennies?

    BP none of our leaders care for our people or this land. Whats the difference between this FNM, PLP leadership and the UBP leaders of the 1950’s? NO DIFFERENCE. the bahamas was for sale then and its for sale now.

    Whats so sad is that the system of governance in the bahamas doesnt allow for recourse. there isnt anything the people can do except every 5 years and the ones who have the power are in no rush to change the system.


  45. These men are worse than drug dealers!!! The wife KNOW why she put them Sands beer in the freezer for me earlier. Now I can bib on a few and read this stuff about these gangsters running our country.

    BP I beg to differ!! Its not a Nation for Sale….they ALREADY sell the nation. I think we RENTING the land we living on. What next, I ask??!! What next??!!

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