A Nation for Sale, all in the name of Miss Bahamas!


dscf9672This is certainly not the kind of photo one would expect to see hoisted in broad public view in Nassau, or should we say in times past. It is a swimsuit photo of a Miss Bahamas pageant contestant, poising in what we would like to describe as a swim suit.

However, when one looks closer you wonder, is this young girl exposing it all? All in public view? Take a look at the photo below and ask yourself, is this the sheath formed by the basal part of certain leaves where they embrace the stem? [We’re using colourful language here].

Persons in the ministry of works should be concern about this poster now hoisted on the streets of the capital. The Bahamas is NOT a place for suggestive public propositioning all in the name of a beauty pageant. Come one man, let’s do better if only for the CHILDREN! The poster has the junction of Shirley Street and Village Road all blocked up, leaving kids screaming in the car saying, “…oh mommy look, da woman have on half panties!

Come on people you’re trying to promote an EVENT NOT SELL/PROSTITUTE WOMEN?



  1. larry is the typical violent, ignorant bahamian. they were not getting down on her, but the pageant who is responsible for the swimsuit. also the ministry. they did not even mention the girl’s name once in the article. anyone could have wound up wearing the swimsuit. it just happened to be her. and how is resorting to violence going to help anything??
    i don’t see the big deal but i did notice it. i had to park my car to the side and look at it. i was like, is her private hanging out??! Lol. i still couldnt figure that it was not, until passing it a few more weeks. a very unattractive and strange looking swimsuit.

  2. Big deal.Most men instead of looking women in the eye look at their chest lolo. The swimsuit competition is the most popular segment of any beauty contest.I agree in Muslim rule where women are dressed in burkas.Unfortunately for us in the western world most men are easily distracted by females.I have called for all male schools again but in light of the EMR scandal I am puzzled as to what remedy we can use to save our children.I support contest for females as I feel it nurtures their personalities.Tjhe photo is a marketing strategy to garner votes especially male.By the way my wife can wear skimpy clothing at home but not in public.After more than 30 yrs of marriage it is still a turn on.

  3. @mr.Bahamas
    Thats not the sad part. The sad part is because we are so negative, we make these comments without checking out the missbahamasuniverse site.
    No wonder the world is passing us by.
    Another sad thing is a lot of these people are the first to turn to the page in the punch that shows ladies in far more provacative poses than seen in girlie magazines
    We are good at turning something innocent into something vile and despicable.

  4. the sad thing is that tthis picture on the bahamaspress website is not the actual picture placed on that bill board if you visit the website for missbahamasuniverse you will see that someone made her private area stand out by making it darker that the brown in her swimsuite Bahamaspress this will be my last time on your site. who is really making bahamian girls look bad is you trying to be negative.i wish your company the worst in all your doings!

  5. This Camille Kenny has a very nice body and a beautiful face and I wish her every success in the competition. I know me personally do not have anything to be jealous of any of those contestants for. God knows just how happy I am with the package he has blessed me with. Anyway, I tend to agree with all the other who thought this photo was in poor taste. Most men already view us women as sexual objects and this photo is definitely not helping us at all. This photo is sending a message to young impressionable girls, that in order to achieve or accomplish anything in life you have to flaunt your assets, that is all it is doing.

  6. @ronica7
    oops didn’t mean to knock on you in a personal way, just saying the most negative comments are coming from the gals.
    There is a photo with a sexy girl wearing a bikini above this post.That is 100% more revealing than what Camile is wearing, and not a head is being turned. According to what is been said employees are being encouraged to come to work dressed this way.
    It is us who because of our narrow ways of thinking turn these innocent posters into something ugly and wicked.
    Get with it people we are now living in 2009 not 1950.
    If we were almost every single lady would be arrested for indecent exposure.YEARS AGO IT WAS AGAINST THE LAW TO WALK ON BAY STREET WITH SHORTS 6 INCHES ABOVE THE KNEE

  7. I love the comments and must admit that I love the swimsuit competition as well as page three of the Punch.I agree that a competitor must have mass between the ears plus a body.Ladies one more confession most men love looking at other women scantily dressed but have a fit if it is there woman or relative.Sorry fellas I just had to confess to clear my conscience.I am also a supporter of the legalisation of the numbers racket and find it ironic that some in the Christian council who oppose have nothing to say about salacious photos of young women.mmmpppphhhh

  8. Whoever the winner is, will be the one to represent this country. I have been disappointed in the people who are promoting this contest and splash pictures of these young ladies in bikinis all over the television and print. These girls should be judged by their intellect first then poise and natural beauty. How will they be able to compete in international competitions if they are judged only by their bodies and with headfull of weave (which I like but will significantly lower their points on the international stage). People are being asked to vote online but we know absolutely nothing of how these girls will become real ambassadors for this country. BP, you have a point and as a woman I am disappointed to see what once was a highly regarded competition of the mind relagated to sports illustrated for men. And we wonder why rape is prevalent in our society.

  9. Tp, from you came on this site you seem to have a problem with ronica7.
    I am not jealous of anybody. I simply do not think Miss. Bahamas contestants,has to compete
    publicly, in swimsuit attire, as we see with the promotion of boat cruise, concerts, liquor ads. etc,

    And by the way opinions are like heads, everyone has one!

  10. come on this is just a photo why are we making a big deal over this photo please this nation at sometime has to grow up maybe the new generation will be more real and not so petty or over reacting like american press.

  11. @Disappointed in BP
    I agree with you 100% there is nothing wrong with that picture.Most of all I enjoyed the photos of earth angels.
    PRESS you need to come again, and all of the ladies on this site that are complaining they are just jealous and would give their weave to look half as good as Camile

  12. Media, I agree with you You are not calling Ms. Kenny a prostitute. What you are alluding to is the scarcity of clothing . These photos, while i think they are a nice way to dot our landscape. They could have been more” taste-ful ” in the clothing

    Every Bikini contest, or concert, shows scantilly clad women. Just a facial shot would’ve had the same effect Ms. Bahamas should be a cut above the norm!

    An as you said, alot of our young girls are watching. Seems as if Everything these days has to be salacious in nature

  13. media :
    @Disappointed in BP
    We want to be clear on this post. Bahamas Press is indeed not in any way attempting to attack the young lady, the event organizers or the designer of the suit. That is not intended here in any way. Nor are was saying that the posters, now being hoisted around the country, should not display swimsuit models. That would indeed be silly to suggest.
    All we are suggesting here in this, due to the style of the design and the dark spot knowingly in the area that it is. And with the knowledge that the committee had decided to place such a photograph in public view, ministry of works – who certainly gave approval for the poster to be placed on the streets – should have used better judgement on allowing this photo. Or better yet, ask the organizers to edit the photo more carefully.
    To Miss Camille Kenny we in no way intending anything against you, nor are we applying this to your abilities. We’re sure this is NOT your fault, but officials in the MOW you should have used better judgement in what is being placed in public view.
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Someone pay you do a hatchet job on this girl ah. Or you know someone else in the pagent so you trying to destroy this girl’s reputation, so they could win. For your own safety you better stop making malicious unfounded attacks against people. Its easy to find out who behind this website, and you might just have to watch your back. I don’t know Camile but if this was my daughter, sister you should be very afraid.

  14. @Disappointed in BP
    We want to be clear on this post. Bahamas Press is indeed not in any way attempting to attack the young lady, the event organizers or the designer of the suit. That is not intended here in any way. Nor are was saying that the posters, now being hoisted around the country, should not display swimsuit models. That would indeed be silly to suggest.

    All we are suggesting here in this, due to the style of the design and the dark spot knowingly in the area that it is. And with the knowledge that the committee had decided to place such a photograph in public view, ministry of works – who certainly gave approval for the poster to be placed on the streets – should have used better judgement on allowing this photo. Or better yet, ask the organizers to edit the photo more carefully.

    To Miss Camille Kenny we in no way intending anything against you, nor are we applying this to your abilities. We’re sure this is NOT your fault, but officials in the MOW you should have used better judgement in what is being placed in public view.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  15. Media, you really don’t have anything to write about eh? This is weak and really no big deal at all. What are you now, the Taliban?

  16. I think this picture was taken WAY out of context. Swimsuit photos have been hoisted all over this country for everything from promoting TOURISM to Kalik beer. To twist this photo into something of this nature was a perverted view on behalf of the writer. Not everyone is going to see this photo and think those things. This sounds more like something personal to me…

  17. I am a supporter of Bahamas Press but on this particular post I find great GREAT great disappointment in what Bahamas Press is trying to portray as this website is CLEARLY MISINFORMED on this matter.

    If you go to http://www.missbahamas.net or http://www.missbahamas.org or http://www.voy.com/199780/ you would clearly see what is going on to SUGGEST and insinuate this girl is leading to prostitution and the suggestive comments while slanderize her name I cry shame on this website in which I thought I clearly respected in the past. I know its freedom of opinion but on the eve of the MISS BAHAMAS pageant I find this as a MALICIOUS attack on this very decent girl character very deliberate and SAD. I knew the young lady very well she is far from prostition activities she is a very decent lady of substance and it was a photo taken from the miss bahamas swim suit competition as I find Miss World girl photos more edgy

    BUT BAHAMAS PRESS I URGE U TO GET INFORMED and TO DISCONTINUE the suggestive comment which is very destructive. I SEE nothing wrong with this picture but for you to point out what is in her CROUCH deeep down and zoom in…speaks volumes for your perverse mind. I encourage you to get informed and not be the NEW TOILET DAILYs like the Punch and Tribune in which you so often speak up about BECAUSE that what i am seeing right now.

    I am VERY VERY VERY disappointed in Bahamas Press to whom I much enjoyed and respected before this. I urge you to revisited or delete this headline as her photo is not the only swim suit photo posted onlien or around town

    One thing I see is we as a nation have moved beyond shallowness and ignorance as many kids have seen professional models in swim suits (she is a international model which DOES not suggest prostition but your maliciousness BAHAMAS PRESS has stooped to a all time LOW on this PERVERSE POSTING “Bahamas Press Ya Wrong on Dis One”

  18. I am a supporter of Bahamas Press but on this particular post I find great GREAT great disappointment in what Bahamas Press is trying to portrait as this website is CLEARLY MISINFORMED on this matter. If you go to http://www.missbahamas.net or http://www.missbahamas.org or http://www.voy.com/199780/ you would clearly see what is going on to SUGGEST and insinuate this girl is leading to prostitution and to slanderize her name i cry shame on this website in which i thought i clearly respected. I know its freedom of opinion but on the eve of the MISS BAHAMAS pageant i find this as a MALICIOUS attack on this very decent girl character very deliberate and SAD. I knew the young lady very well she is far from prostition she is a very decnt lady of substance and it was a phote taken from the miss bahamas swin suit competition BUT BAHAMAS PRESS I URGE U TO GET INFORMED and TO DISCONTINUE the suggestive comment which is very destructive i SEE nothing wrong with this pic but for you to point out what is in her crouch deeep down and zoom in speaks volumes for your perverse mind. I encourage u to get informed and not be the NEW TOILET DAILYs liek the Punch and Tribune in which you so often speak up about VERY VERY VERY Disappointed in Bahamas Press who I much enjoyed and respected before this. I urge you to revisited or delete this headline as her photo is not the only swim suit photo posted and I thing we as a nation have moved beyond shallowness and ignorance as many kid have seen professional models in bathing suit which DOES not suggest prostition BAHAMAS PRESS has stooped to a all time LOW on this PERVERSE attemped on the girl’s crouch

  19. Come on…. this is just a swim suit…. there is absolutely nothing wrong with it… Camille is a very nice person and it is horrible how so many ppl are not picking at her.

  20. Ahh Lord BP. I saw another one of these photos on Harold Road somewhere. I know this girl. She is a very, nice person. I dont think she meant no harm.

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