A police officer arrested following an alleged rape incident in Prospect Ridge last night!


Another police to be indicted for committing a serious crime!

PC 3490 Rigby now arrested for an alleged rape incident!
PC 3490 Rigby now arrested for an alleged rape incident!

Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamas Press confirms another police has been arrested – this time for an alleged rape with a police issued weapon.

We can report that PC 3490 Rigby was arrested last night in connection with an alleged rape and abduction investigation.

The officer, along with another male friend, allegedly abducted a female at gun point on Faith Ave. The pair then took that victim into the Prospect Ridge area where that alleged rape incident occurred.

Police also uncovered the firearm at the scene.

Now Bahamas Press’ investigative team has taken this report into the Island Connection Complex in Farmer’s Hill Exuma where we are told the suspect lived some time ago. Sources who work for Sandals on the island upon hearing the news tell us this is good news.

They tell us of reports on the island where PC Rigby once served resulted in another alleged rape incident of a female employee. In that incident nothing came out of it! We at BP are certain detectives are now monitoring this report and shall dig deeper into that alleged crime aswell.

Sources also tell us tell us that in last night’s incident that it was a police issued weapon used in the crime! The other male made good his escape, but we know he will be brought in soon for the cut a#$ of a lifetime.

We all as a nation must pray for the solid, decent management team of the top brass of the Royal Bahamas Police Force as they clean up ‘THE BAD APPLES’ they met in the institution.

To the decent men and women on the RBPF – we say – EXCELLENT work!

We report yinner decide!

