A political lesson for the PLP and the FNM from the history books


fnm_5253Nassau, Bahamas — Centuries will pass and some people still living in The Bahamas will still be stuck on the question; how was the Ingraham government toppled? And if the PLP loses in 2012 some will be researching the question; how did the PLP remain in opposition? We can see it now. The question will be like the mystery now being discovered in the death of Mozart the great prolific composer of the classical era.

Here was a composer who wrote the more than 600 pieces of classical works, but despite his musical geniuses, researchers are discovering that Mozart died young, 35, of rheumatic fever. Knowing his great pieces we would suggest his death was caused by romantic musical fever, but even to this day people are researching the question.

Bahamas Press believes that had the WUTLESS MEDIA in those days did its job and reported facts, Mozart’s death to this day would be known.

What’s happening to the Ingraham government is the same it suffered back in 2002. The FNM under Ingraham became one band of corrupt men and women. A crooked ship of THIEVES Bahamians, and in particular FNMs, could not stomach anymore.

Ingraham’s rancor was so steep it threw Tennyson Wells, And Pierre Dupuch into independent seats in the Parliament. Ingraham kicked Lester Turnquest into political retirement in his 40s. And he caused Algernon Allen to stand alone on a cold and lonely podium on RM Bailey Park to pen these words, I am at “the crossroads of my political life.” And what happened to him in the FNM he described as a ‘nasty betrayal’ by his colleagues inside the Party.allen_algernon_campaign

“I am concerned more than ever before in the wake of what has happened, that my worth and my value to this party that I love, is as disposable as old toilet tissue,” said Allen. “A Party to which I’ve put all my energies, all my aspirations, all my dreams. I am aghast and deeply wounded, up to a degree you know, terrified. Terrified that colleagues whom I held so dear…who counted me as one of the faithful, could in a craved lust for power, scandalize me and my family throughout the islands of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.”

Allen said this much as he condemned the FNM 2001 leadership elections, saying they would remain “a sorry chapter in the history of this democracy and in the history of this country.”

Tommy Turnquest would go on to win that leadership race and later deny that any fraction existed within the organization. However, it did exist and the FNM lost the May 2, 2002 general elections. The FNM lost because Tommy was perceived as not being ready, WEAK and a ‘mamma’s boy’, still sucking milk from mamma’s breast. He lost the FNM’s bid in the 2002 general election.

pierre-dupuchThis is history. This is recent political history here in The Bahamas and from it there is much to be had. No country, people or party for that matter needs to repeat history but learn from it! Learn from the mistakes of the past and embrace the call for ‘Change’.

Sir Cecil Whitfield lost elections under the FNM banner because the people saw him as weak to Pindling. Tommy lost the 2002 elections because he was perceived as weak to Perry Christie. And Christie lost the 2007 elections because the electorate saw him as weak to Ingraham.

We can then say history has taught us a fundamental lesson. That lesson being; Bahamians have always rejected ‘WEAK LEADERSHIP’! Every time they’ve gathered to the polls here in the country, they’ve rejected a Prime Minister perceived as the weaker or as being weak. They have rejected anyone who they saw as not confrontational and soft.

PLPs should turn to the history books and accept this October it is time to ‘get da rid’ of anything looking, smelling and in some cases tasting weak. They must VOTE CHRISTIE OUT! They must endorse someone who will deliver CHANGE throughout the country. And bring strength to the Party!

Bahamas Press declares that a vote for Christie delivers another term for Hubert Ingraham. A vote for Christie will mean the same within the PLP party and the same for the country. And a vote for Christie cannot ever spell CHANGE, but much of the same!

We need Change Bahamas!


Perry Christie (Middle photo).



    Good morning the National Development Party is holding a Youth Forum/Discussion on Tuesday, August 18th at 7pm at E.P Roberts Primary School on the current state of the country and what the youth would change to make our country better. We will also touch on hot button issues such as the suspension of the Guaranteed Loan Programme and the falling BGSCEs and BJCs results. We will be introducing ourselves as a new party to the audience but this will be more of listening exercise than a political event. We are expecting a good turn out and would appreciate if Bahamas Press could be present to show support of the young people and to let them know that their voices can be heard.

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