A series of shakeups within the Ministry of Education and only BP has details of the Minnis Cabinet decisions….


Who will become the new Director of Education now that Belinda is being rejected around the table and Lionel Sands is being sent to the Attorney General’s Office?


Nassau – We understand early in the New Year Director for Education Lionel Sands – who is presently on sick leave following a vicious attack by BUT President Belinda Wilson – will return to work at the Office of the Attorney General. There he is expected to perform “light duties” as a senior officer in that department.

The current Acting Director of Education Marcellus Taylor, unexcitingly, will be transferred to the University of the Bahamas to take up duties there.

The Cabinet has also agreed that Seretha Clarke a current Deputy Director of Education will be transferred out of the department’s main complex and sent to Assessment and Evaluation Division on Harrold Road. She too is being thrown out da top floor.

In the Human Resources section of the Education Department two close friends of Director Sands, Sharon Pratt-Rolle and Delerese Symonette, will both be transferred in exile to the Department of Public Personnel.

Meanwhile we also know that the Cabinet has decided to remove Education Undersecretary Joel Lewis. He will be headed to Local Government.

As we reported earlier with all these changes, which was to clear the way for Belinda Wilson, PM Minnis is faced with the fact that three of his most trusted Ministers, Carl Bethel, Desmond Bannister and Jeff Lloyd, have all opposed the idea of a Belinda Directorship in Education. Therefore, we have learned Mr. Ross Smith has been approached for the top job. Ross was a former executive in Education and has led a successful transition in licensing as he presently heads up the Road Traffic Department. He would be a welcome fit in Education.

All we ga say is this: 2018 will be a very interesting year as da People’s Time Government moves full steam ahead to fire scores of contract workers in Education.

We report yinner decide!