
New Attorney General Michael Barnett, A SEXUAL PREDATOR and look what he holding, THE BIBLE NO LESS! And he gat one SISSY in the picture with him TOO!

Bahamas Press has sought on several occasions to make the point that those who serve the public should be of a character worthy of being looked up to and looked to for not only quality service, but also moral goodwill.

Bahamas Press
had hoped that new AG Michael Barnett would have brought a statesmanship to his title of AG and Senator. But after his maiden performance in The Senate today, it is obvious that AG Barnett feels that he now has license to be obnoxious and snobbish. Which only leaves Bahamas Press to conclude that along with his snobbish and obnoxious behavior, will come an even darker side of him to his prestigious post.

Bahamas Press has discovered that AG Barnett has a serious problem with accepting the word “no” from females in the work environment when it comes to his lewd, obscene and vulgar sexual advances. This has, on at least two occasions, forced his private law firm, Graham Thompson, to settle such matters with female employees, before the Courts where asked to intervene.

If the female victims had not already been compensated for the crimes perpetrated on them, Bahamas Press would be happy to name them, since Bahamas Press has named the sexual predator. But suffice it to say for now, Women of The Attorney General’s Office—Beware! Michael Barnett—The Sexual Predator, is now your boss.


  1. I think it’s wrong to try to assassinate someone’s character without evidence. For what I know if this man, he is an upstanding, law abiding citizen, and if we judge people based on their “alleged” sexual preferences, there are many homosexuals in high places in this community. I really don’t care what they do in the privacy of their own home. Tread lightly unless you want to get sued yourself!

  2. I think it’s wrong to try to assassinate someone’s character without evidence. For what I know if this man, he is an upstanding, law abiding citizen, and if we judge people based on their “alleged” sexual preferences, there are many homosexuals in high places in this community. I really don’t care what they do in the privacy of their own home. Tread lightly unless you want to get sued yourself!

  3. Firstly, it is wrong that they place a sexual predator in a high position, nevertheless give the man a chance yes many have made mistakes that are sometimes hard to forgive them for.. so give him a chance before you judge him.. on the other hand as for the sissy comment.. what that man does in his private life is his business…. as long as he keeps his private life seperate from what he was put in place to do .. then it should not be a problem.. I know of many who is standing there discriminating persons and has more dirt on their mat then the next person..

  4. He is a sick bastard and I glad this article came out. He will be sexually harassing them lil gals from the A.G. office…..watch it.

    So is Arthur a sissy too? muddos!!!

  5. What other form of dirt is the FNM government going to dish out to us? Now we have a Sexual Predator as the Attorney General. The country is in the worse state ever when it comes to criminal activity and a faulty justice system, now Hubert Ingraham has decided to shove a Sexual Predator aka Criminal down our throats to LEAD a judicial department. Those famous words are going to come back to haunt the FNM government – “It Aint Long Now”. One year is already gone….only four more left. The FNM will be the second ONE TERM government in the history of The Bahamas.

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