A song for the people of Haiti…



  1. The People of a small but Great Nation had lost the war but O my friends not the Battle.  the Bahamian people feel’s your pain and will help in your fight however long it takes

  2. The People of a small but Great Nation had lost the war but not the Battle. the people of the Bahamas feel’s your pain and will help in your fight who ever long it takes

  3. THE BAHAMAS CHRISTIAN COUNCIL AND THE HAITIAN PASTORS ASSOCIATION will be hold a prayer service for the people and descendants of Haiti on Friday, 29th January 2010 at the Church Of God Auditorium at 7:00 P. M., this is your special invitation for you to attend, please bring your family, friends and your congregation to the prayer service.

    May God bless you.

    Francisca Moss. 

  4. This is another example of the outpouring of support around the world for the Haitians. We must mourn their loss. These people practically lost their land. May God give them strength.

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