A Sure Win COVID-19 care packages


NASSAU| Over the past two weeks, A Sure Win in partnership with the Brice Newball Foundation distributed care packages to its customers, team members and selected organizations and groups.

This initiative was led by A Sure Win’s CEOs Leander Brice and Garvin Newball with the objective to lighten the burden felt by its team members and gaming customers as a result of the ongoing global crisis of Covid-19. 

Mr. Leander Brice, Co-CEO pointed out  the fact that “the grocery lines are longer than usual. Persons are trying to budget their funds and are feeling the financial pinch with this unexpected series of events. With the uncertainty and anxiety felt by many during this time, we believe these packages provide some relief and comfort to the recipients.” 

In an effort to maintain social distancing and follow all covid related guidelines, A Sure Win coordinated a drive-thru distribution for each recipient. Recipients entered the secured parking lot, opened their trunks and a team member placed the items in the vehicle’s trunk for a contact-less transaction.  “We coordinated our efforts to ensure the safety of our distribution team and the recipients as best as possible. The whole process reminded us to be grateful and to help each other however we can, the best way we can.” said  Mr. Garvin Newball, Co-CEO 

The packages consisted of bread basket items, meat, canned goods and other items to aid in nutritious meals for each recipient’s family. “The overwhelming response speaks volumes of the needs of our wider community at this time. We are grateful that we can do our part to help others and we will continue to identify areas where we can assist our staff, our customers and our community during this crisis.” – Ms. Rashae Gibson, Marketing Manager 

In addition to packages distributed to staff and customers, A Sure Win distributed care packages to the Persis Rodgers Home for the Aged and Good Samaritan’s Senior Citizens Home. “We realized that those most vulnerable among us like our senior citizens are challenged with getting the supplies they need along with a feeling of loneliness as visitation to the respective homes are limited. We wanted to provide supplies and let our senior citizens know that they are not alone because social distancing doesn’t stop us from spreading the love and the hope that we will get through this together.” – Mr. Garvin Newball, Co-CEO