A woman injured in accident cannot get a hospital report since Nov. 9th – Hospital tells her it takes 8 weeks!


Where is the JUSTICE in this town for the poor? NIB V3 System and leadership fails the People!


Nassau – A woman is the latest victim of this Munnings Road dilemma. Lucky for her she has survived her ordeal, but she is now being denied justice from the Princess Margaret Hospital.

The woman, who we shall keep nameless at this point of the story, was making her way through Munnings Road when a woman driving a vehicle slammed into her causing serious injury to her body and livelihood.

After getting care from the hospital, when released she presented herself to the hospital for a Medical Report for an insurance application [PRIVATE INSURANCE]. She was advised that it would take another 8 weeks before she could collect that report in order to file with insurers.

But now unable to work because of her disability as a result of the accident, the incident gets worse.

With waiting to file with the private insurer the victim must wait another eight weeks before she could file for her benefits. And only the Good Master knows how long that filing would take.

And here’s were it gets even worse for people! NIB is getting no better for people! We at BP are also learning that persons without a job, persons with industrial accidents or persons awaiting for a maternity benefit at NIB, will also have to wait another 90 days before they can collect their cheques from the National Insurance Board. This is ridiculous!

Right now, a waiting list of some 5,000 NIB clients are unable to collect a cheque. And some new mothers seeking maternity benefits are left destitute for months before they can collect the first cheque from the Board. Some tell us the children are even cutting teeth before the first cheque is delivered by NIB. This is unacceptable!

The Board’s V3 System is not user friendly! Purchased by Algernon Cargill and crew under the Ingraham Regime, and after paying more than $30 million of invested tax dollars for the failed system, clients are still catching hell waiting on funds! The V3 should be thrown in the garbage if you ask us at BP. We understand with poor training with the system some tasks at NIB which once took just a few hours to preform under the old system, are now taking some four days to be completed.

Residents are suffering, losing their jobs, cannot get their benefits due and the people they elected are not checking for them. Political leaders are elected to make it easy for the good governance of the people. These systems are failing our people and who will fight for the PEOPLE? [SUCK TREETH]!

We report yinner decide!