A writ will be served on Malcolm Adderley before 11am on Monday morning



Former MP for Elizabeth, Malcolm Adderley.

Nassau Bahamas
last night we told you about the Red FNM septic truck, on which Malcolm Adderley caught a ride. There he sat smelling as if he defecated, rink cold piss, we described, leaked from the tap attached to the sewerage hull, he said he rather this over being a ‘do-nothing MP.

Well, for your overenjoyment today we can say, the SELFISH former MP who cried crocodile tears in the House on Wednesday, has arrived to the steps of the Supreme Court looking for his judgeship, but he’s in for a rude awakening.

Bahamas Press
can now report, Hubert Ingraham, cannot and will not deliver this promise due to recent developments. No, not because Adderley owes NIB money in the thousands, but because come Monday morning at 11 am, a distinguished officer of the courts will serve Malcolm Adderley a writ.

Bahamas Press has seen a copy of the writ against the judge wannabe and boy, it don’t look pretty. Readers of BP should know we are taking no prisoners; but Adderley has jailed himself on this one.england-wig

In his closing farewell speech to the Parliament on Wednesday Malcolm said, “A new day is dawning for the wonderful people of The Bahamas, one in which the guideline is integrity and honesty. I pray that God will give me the strength and wisdom to continue to serve the people of the Bahamas in any other capacity with integrity and character as I have tried to serve the peopleElizabeth in the past seven years.”

However, what we’ve uncovered proves Adderley is a STRANGER to the words integrity and honesty and he’s the stepchildunclecousin to the words strength and wisdom.

A deal, which went bad some years back, has now surfaced to hunt Adderley, and we say boy, the prognosis of this blight don’t look good.

Property situated in the St. Margaret’s constituency is the epicenter of the problem now coming to head. Adderley was the lawyer for the buyer and the seller in the land deal gone sour. The transaction was between a Williams and Major.

Being the selfish awful lawyer he is, Adderley delivered a GOOD TITLE on the land. He had no liability insurance to cover any defects in his opinion on the title. The title was later discovered to be not GOOD. The buyer lost all his money. All $60,000 paid for the purchase and now the matter headed to the Supreme Court. Don’t feel bad Malcolm, Dion Fawkes could advise you on this one.

Again, we say Adderley will be served a writ early Monday morning.

Outside this matter, Bahamas Press can also confirm a flurry of complaints have flooded and have been filed with the Bar Association on this SELFISH lawyer; So Elizabeth, you were not alone with your complaints!

We are certain members of the Judicial and Legal Services Commission, being the legal scholars they are, will look into Malcolm’s appointment with immense dread, for they know a Supreme Court judge must be beyond reproach!

Without digging deep into our barrel of contempt on Malcolm your BP has surfaced some serious problems for the applicant.

Ingraham coached Adderley to lay down and play dead for twoand-a-half years. When he decided to rise from his sleep as a WUTLESS MP; Ingraham further taunted Malcolm to unshackle himself from the PLP and commit political suicide. Like a man under a spell acting like a two year-old child, Adderley fell for the trap. He refused council from inside his party’s leadership and he ran from the press like a cat running from cold water. That’s what happens to you when ya play with the Devil.

Perry Christie could be heard on Love97FM live last evening down in Elizabeth telling constituents, “The Devil is a Liar! The Devil is a Liar!”  He should have said, “Da Devil tricked SELFISH Malcolm BIGTIME!” For we know he who wants all, gets none.


  1. I call the man in question: AKA “The Silent Assailant.”
    The PLP tells the public, the FNM is canceling everything they left in place.
    However, this last episode with Mr. Malcolm Adderley, tells us that the FNM has one more thing to cancel on the agenda… CANCELING THE PLP!

  2. I consider the man in question as:
    “The Silent Assailant.”
    The PLP tells the public, the FNM is canceling everything they left in place.
    However, this last episode with Mr. Malcolm Adderley, tells us that the FNM has one more thing to cancel on the agenda… CANCELING THE PLP!

  3. STOP find reasons for that Pussycat he the only reason why Malcolm is with the PLP!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. For some strange reason because of our inability to forecast the future with certainty, the grass always looks greener on the other side.Malcolm sold his political “pusee” for a colour that appeared to show shade of a darker green;only to discover green was grey…..To the detriment of his loving wife and family Malcolm risked it all for greed, wagered everything and lost big time. Oh how foolish…

  5. Sky diving with no damn parachute what a shame how greedy greedy ya want everything fighting a battle when ya know ya cant win…….its always best practice to be straight and lead yourself where destiny is concerned

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