A young boy dies in fatal shooting in the Bain Town community – Homicide #25 recorded tonight….

Young boy shot dead in Bains and Grants Town tonight #25th homicide victim.

NASSAU| People are crying and screaming through the roads leading into Finlayson Street as we are getting a confirmed report that a homicide occurred (#25) in the community of Bains and Grants Town.

In this latest incident three were shot including a young boy, who suffered a shot to the head in the incident. The child died on the scene and the other victims were taken to hospital.

BP is also updating that earlier report of a fatal shooting in FOX HILL. The victim did not die, but survived the shooting and is in hospital. We apologise for the error in that update.

Police are extremely busy tonight. Pray for the parents of the child and all essential services staff guarding the nation tonight.

We report yinner decide!