Abaco resident arrested in US for human trafficking…


Some 17 people from Ecuador, Haiti and the Dominican Republic were onboard…

James Sawyer, 27, of the Bahamas, was arrested on federal charges after investigators said he tried to smuggle a total of 17 people from Ecuador, Haiti and the Dominican Republic into Broward County on board his boat.
James Sawyer, 27, of the Bahamas, was arrested on federal charges after investigators said he tried to smuggle a total of 17 people from Ecuador, Haiti and the Dominican Republic into Broward County on board his boat.

When last was someone charged with human trafficking in the Bahamas? Everyday Haitian vessels are intercepted but we don’t hear the captain getting charged! WHY?

Abaco – An Abaco resident in the big business of human trafficking has been arrested in Florida after being caught trafficking illegal migrants.

James Sawyer, 27, of Abaco, Bahamas, was arrested on federal charges after
investigators said he tried to smuggle a total of 17 people from the Bahamas into the US on September 14th.

According to reports out of the Sun Sentinel Sawyers’ boat, which entered the Hillsboro Inlet, might have gone unnoticed, if the captain hadn’t made an “aggressive” U-turn beside a sheriff’s boat and headed back out to sea. He might have been a serious terrorist moving hidden cells into the US, and thank goodness decent Sheriffs caught him!

Broward sheriff’s deputies called out and signaled for the captain to stop. But he just gave them a thumbs up, pointed in an easterly direction and kept going, investigators said. Sheriff’s deputies said they followed the boat — and only gave up when they were 25 miles off shore.

The Sept. 14 excursion eventually ended with boat captain James Sawyer’s arrest on federal charges he tried to illegally smuggle 15 people into the U.S. On Thursday, he pleaded not guilty.

A Coast Guard cutter stopped the boat nearly three hours after it left the inlet, about 10 p.m.

Bahamas Press wonders if Sawyer is also apart of a huge gun smuggling operation into the Bahamas? Here we are with a major problem of illegal immigration in the country, and yet, some Bahamians are willing to illegally enter the boarders of the United States with their trade of humans in da middle of the night! WHAT IS DIS!?

Sawyer pleaded not guilty to one count of conspiracy to bring migrants into the U.S. and 15 counts of bringing migrants into the U.S. The conspiracy charge carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine and each of the other charges carries a maximum punishment of five years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine.

We call on the Americans to deliver the most swiftest punishment the law affords to the illegal human traffickers and show dem that such illegal behaviour shall not be tolerated! This is good!

Meanwhile in the Bahamas we wonder when will the captains of illegal ships into the Bahamas carrying loads of migrants will be brought to justice here!