Abaconians under big blackmail scam by Ingraham and Religious henchmen


<<< Hubert Ingraham

Abaco, Bahamas — At the expense of the good and decent people of Abaco, Ingraham is pulling out all the guns to blackmail Abaconians into saying yes to Bunker C.

For weeks now residents of that northern island along with many tourists have fallen victims to a nasty campaign to demonize any one who have protested against the Bunker C power plant at Wilson City.

We here at BP are being told that Abaconians must leave work whenever the electricity is turned back on to go home and wash their clothes as electricity is now a precious commodity in Abaco.

BP sympathizes with the people of that community who are represented by the national mongrel himself. However, despite the mass power outages, local religious henchmen of the PM are hosting a daily show and are indirectly blaming the mass outages on the persons who have protested the Bunker C power plant; saying if the power plant was ready there won’t be any power outages.

“This is pure political Ingrahamization foolishness” says a former supporter of the FNM on the Island. “The wetlands are a treasured resource and what if something happens, then we will be just like the folks near the Gulf Coast.”

Bahamas Press finds the situation now facing the people in that community “HORRIFIABLY” disturbing and ‘VICKED’.

Only time will tell if Abaco wetlands will be the next Gulf of Mexico at the hands of Ingraham and “Bunker C” fuel. The man we liken to Mugabe has high-handedly destroyed a vibrant and robust economy, which Bahamians were accustomed to by his nasty stop, review and cancel policy.

If Abaconians are saying it then we should all join suit and say the same to Ingraham.



  1. Yinna late. BEC announced weeks ago that they would use regular diesel fuel and NOT bunker C at Wilson City station (It was in the newspapers) But its not as if Bunker C isn’t used in the Bahamas. Abaco has had power issues every summer for many years…It really is time to stop blaming every thing on PAPA!

  2. BP needs to be given the Governor General’s highest honor for its balance and investigative reporting. I happen to have alot of friends living in Abaco and from what I am being told, things are bad with the electricity…

    I cry a holy shame on the PM…

  3. I hear so many people complaining about how thiw religious henchman tink he so unbiased but is just the opposite – he need to listen to his tapes.

    Apparently the EIA is a JOKE – the people who made it even ain have no licence to do that – it seems like dey in college or just out a school man.

    We can not be foolin’ round with our environment. More and more I just seein this man as the spokesman for the PM. I remember one time ago when he himself was in front of BEC protesting – now he like he in love with them.

    I hope the people of Abaco ain’ fool by his rhetoric!

  4. By the way, Mr. Ingraham go collect our taxes owed to us by the casinos and hotels. Atlantis needs no more concessions. I do not wish to hear anything about writing off taxes owed to us.

  5. Please I urge the makers of this video to get this aired on JCN 14 or Cable 12 NB, because i know ZNS is not brave enough to do so.

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