Adrian Gibson is a juvenile at the WSC! BP supports every action exercised by the powerful union president Dwayne Woods and his team!


The FNM should cease and desist circulating fake information in the name of Bahamas Press!

WSC Executive Chairman Adrian Gibson and Union President Dwayne Woods.

NASSAU| Today operatives of the FNM namely Adian Gibson and Earl Thompson have circulated false fake material against union leaders at the Water and Sewerage Corporation.

Firstly, Adrian Gibson is a juvenile! He is SHAMELESS! He is unfit for the office of Chairman at the WSC. He exercised serious breaches of espionage against the staff and has broken dangerous protocols at the corporation. He should not serve as Chairman of the WSC!

Anyway, president Dwayne Woods is a good man and we at Bahamas Press support every action exercised by him and his team to get rid of the juvenile Chairman at the Water and Sewerage!

STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE! And do not follow or share the fake news of Adian Gibson, Earl Thompson and the FNM! THE FNM DOES LIE!

We report yinner decide!