After firing 5613 Bahamians since May 10th Minnis Government opens Job Seekers Register in the rain!


FNM MAKES A JOKE OUT OF BAHAMIANS – Labour Department Goes to Communities to Register Job Seekers

“Labour on the Blocks” in Bain and Grants Town at Sarah Ingraham Park, Saturday. The Labour Department will take the job fair to different venues each month and register job seekers. Photos show persons registering for work with the Department. (BIS Photos/Kristaan Ingraham)

NASSAU, The Bahamas — Minister of Labour, Sen. the Hon. Dion Foulkes launched a “Labour on the Blocks” initiative that drew job seekers of the Bain & Grants Town Community to Sarah Ingraham Park, Saturday, January 13, 2018, even in rainy weather, to register for employment with Department of Labour officers.

The “Labour on the Blocks” initiative is an opportunity for the Department of Labour’s Public Employment Services teams to meet individuals right in their neighborhoods — often those who have given up on employment or are uncertain or unable to take usual avenues of job search.

The Department of Labour’s personnel will go into various communities, each month of this year, beginning with Bain and Grants Town, to speak with persons and register them on the PCRecruiter database in an effort to match job seekers with potential job opportunities. Local businesses are invited to be part of the Department’s initiative.

“Labour on the Blocks” will take place in a different community each month of this year.

The next initiative will be a “Construction Job Fair” specifically focused on job seekers and employers in the construction industry, scheduled for next Saturday, January 20, at the Kendal G. L. Isaacs Gymnasium from 12 noon to 4:00 pm.

Some 20 construction companies are expected to participate.

Department of Labour Public Employment Services Unit Officers will be registering individuals on-site and ongoing at various events, in an effort to deploy unconventional ways of matching workers to jobs.