Air Traffic Control Now Has a New Boss? Is Damian Blackburn and Aliv running them now?


Desperate Aliv CEO Damian Blackburn shows up at BTC Madness event in Marsh Harbour Abaco. – BTC COUNTRY!!!

Bimini – Yesterday Aliv’s executives, or should I say clown show landed on Bimini, which suffered the touchdown of tornados following Hurricane Irma’s passage on Sunday.

BP understands the control towers had shutdown the Bimini runway after debris was all across the runway as high winds battered the area. We know the airport was scheduled to open on Tuesday morning. But by some great mystery Aliv executives smuggled themselves into the island and arrived late Monday night.

We at BP didn’t know that the Aliv CEO was a pilot! Perhaps this is how some move around the Caribbean landing in and out of backyard airports evading regulations and breaking the rules. Someone must explain this! This we at BP describes as a very slippery and disrespectful. But why should we expect better? This crew has shown that the rules don’t apply to them. They’ve missed every single deadline with 0 penalties, hired every expat they could find to run their senior management team and now it would appear that they’ve become the government overnight.

Who cleared them? Who gave the authorization for these private flights to land on the island when the airport was closed? Maybe they were evacuating their hole in the wall store to avoid any further embarrassment.

Even government officials were unable to arrive into Bimini until Tuesday. So how did Aliv executives do so? Did they break the rules? Are the rules applied to one group over the other? Perhaps theAir Traffic Control Department Now Has a New Boss? We The Bahamian public need to know. Is this The Bahamas or a banana republic. Stop letting these foreigners make a fool out of us.

Bahamas Press has already reached out to the Air Traffic Controller for a comment.

We report yinner decide!