Air Traffic into Bahamas resumed after industrial action taken by UNION… Airport Authority mandating security screening of all personnel accessing the secured airside of LPIA!



Control Tower at LPIA, Nassau Bahamas
Control Tower at LPIA, Nassau Bahamas

It is with great regret that I inform the people of The Bahamas that air traffic controllers this morning refused for at least 2 hours to report to duty as a result of industrial action taken by BATCU.

The dispute arises from concerns by the Union about a Security protocol that is executed by the Airport Authority mandating security screening of all personnel accessing the secured airside of LPIA, of which the Air Traffic Controllers were recently included.

The inclusion of the screening of air traffic controllers is a direct mandate by the International Civil Aviation Organization which advised the Government of its imminent intent to post globally that this specific deficiency made LPIA a vulnerable aerodrome as it relates to security and noting that such action would seriously and negatively impact the economy and reputation of The Bahamas. These concerns were also documented by the United States Transportation Security Administration.

As a consequence air traffic controllers are now screened through security along with all other personnel accessing the secure airside except on duty law enforcement officers.

I personally undertook to the President this morning to cause for a meeting on Monday to discuss these concerns, however, the President was non-responsive and it was not until sometime later that the Union agreed to report for duty. I should advise that the Union advised in that meeting that if the outcome of Monday’s meeting was not to its satisfaction similar damaging action will again be taken.

During this unjustified industrial action national and international commercial air traffic to The Bahamas was negatively impacted for more than 2 hours.
The following airlines were impacted:

Delta Airlines 4 flights scheduled today; on average all flights delayed 3hours
All flights are primarily full and ninety percent of the passengers are expected to miss connections.

American Airlines Flight #4511 outbound to MIA delayed
Flight #4520 a 808hrs arrival to Nassau returned to MIA and was cancelled
Flight #4521 is delayed approximately 2hrs

Jet Blue Flight #2194/FLL cancelled with 90 passengers onboard
Flight #422/JFK is delayed approximately one hour

InterCaribbean Flight #271 delayed approximately two hours, 9pax onboard

Bahamasair Flight #201 delayed approximately four hours (730hrs departure – 56pax onboard)

As a result of BATCU’s industrial action, there were two cancellations to the scheduled morning flights. I am advised that on average, the remaining morning flights are delayed between 2 – 4 hours. Delta Airlines will be the only Carrier that is expected to experience delays in the afternoon. Delta, American and Jet Blue have indicated that there were large numbers of missed connections.
I am advised that the impact on domestic carriers is as follows:

Southern Air – 1 flight delayed 2hrs

Sky Bahamas – 6 flights delayed an average of 2 – 3 hrs

Pineapple Air – 2 flights delayed to Haiti 2hrs

Western Air – 2 flights delayed 3hrs

Le Air – 1 flight delayed 3hrs

Flamingo Air – 1 fight delayed 3hrs

I wish to assure the Bahamian people that the government will not compromise on securing LPIA in accordance with international standards and in our own national interest and I am calling on the Union to be responsible and proportionate in its actions so as to not cause undue harm to the Bahamian people.