says Bahamas Press climbs to 17th most popular website in the Bahamas


If you are not Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, Windows, eBay, or, then more than likely you are not more popular than when it comes to monitoring the success of your website online.

Bahamas Press, the Bahamas’ leading investigative wire on the WORLD WIDE WEB, climbed to the position as the 17th most popular website from the Bahamas among global portals.

“Today we are more popular than The Nassau Guardian and the Tribune; both publications that are known to have enjoyed a presence in the country for more than a century,” noted Bahamas Press’ CEO, Alexander James.

Speaking with operators in Nassau from his Cardiff University suite James noted, “Amazingly, we never anticipated such dramatic growth in such a short period.”

BP was established in October 2007, when a group of tenacious writers/bloggers came together with the ultimate goal to deliver a revolution in the field of journalism in the Bahamas, and around the region.

“We identified then that there was a concerted effort by the establish press, particularly the WUTLESS bunch in the Bahamas, to censor the views and voices of the masses. We accepted that our very own letters of concerns could never make its way into the dailies and therefore moving with the times we began in an aggressive effort to being Change in that part of the world.”

BP’s ratings have exploded surpassing the much advertised “We are more popular than and the two largest number houses in the country, which provides online services in more than 20 web shops in New Providence alone.

The CEO added, “Bahamas Press is set to become the #1 source for news in the region and we are set on achieving that goal. In the not too distant future there will be new platforms added to the website, which will deliver greater enhancements to reporting news and information via our website. We invite our 300,000 plus daily readers to get onboard, for Change is coming!


  1. BP Gas is now over $5 at the pump and there is information that Cuba is drilling on our shared borders (estimated at billions of gal). Cubians are said to be paying a little above $1 per gallon. BP please investigate this on behave of the welfare of the Bahamian people. Why is it that we cannot benefit, even if it means buying it from Cuba? I suspect that this would not be information that the BIG OIL giants would want the public knowledgeable about, but let’s ignite the flames under this story and expose any deliberate silence to this issue! Please BP, our children’s future could depend on this!!!!

  2. And the intelligence level in the Bahamas declines by the day as well, so I guess both of these realities coincide with one another. No surprise here.

  3. Congrats on your rise to number 17. Of course, you’ve a ways to go to catch up with the #1 website in The Bahamas,, which is number 12.

    • Hey, don’t take our word for it, GO TO THE SITE! Imagine that! BP has more people reading us than people going to check their numbers online. Boy, we gat some followers.


      • Congrats on the online side, however:

        * The Tribune, along with its sister website Tribune242, is by far the Bahamas’ number one source for news, business, editorials and opinion pieces, sport and features, in print and online.

        * The Tribune is the best platform to meet every kind of advertising need.

        The Tribune, the people’s paper, is the biggest and the best.

        • Go look on they are somewhere down the ladder. We don’t write it we report it.


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