Aliv needs more cash, but right now they don’t have a clue as to how many mobile customers there are in the Bahamas…


Why is URCA dragging its feet to inspect ALIV! Aliv say dey growing and URCA dragging its feet to tell us if that is true!

Alan Bates, Damian Blackburn and Johnny Ingle. Why ya think Aliv didnt announce many in its C-Suites?

Nassau, Bahamas – Aliv continues to repeat a lie, which suggests it has taken some 25 percent of the mobile customer base and one must wonder who are they trying to fool?

Aliv entered the market late in November – far off its October 3rd deadline. It came into the market with the aid of URCA who facilitated its moves every step of the way. Bahamas Press will dig deeper into this “FACILITATOR” relationship [Aliv and URCA] next week and show the public just what time it is.

Every reader of the Guardian business section should ask one simple question: Why is it so necessary for Aliv to continue – about five times this week – to echo this lie that it has captured 25% of the mobile market? Could it be that the company is eager to persuade investors to help? Dey are desperately looking for cash and need customers!

Aliv needs money and it needs it BAD! In the Feb 6th issue of the Tribune, the chief at Aliv, Damian Blackburn, told the paper how they were looking at a $30 million bond issue that could be placed by March. The company needs this and, well, the mobile problems are worse!

The Government’s 51% ownership in Aliv through HoldingCo, simultaneously is attempting to quickly sell off its interest in the new second mobile company. They say that was always its intent. Many would remember how the Government had temporarily taken 100 per cent ownership of HoldingCo to ensure NewCo/Aliv is not delayed in obtaining the necessary financing to meet its infrastructure rollout objectives. In short the Government knew Aliv [Cable Bahamas] didn’t have all the necessary capital to startup the company, and so, to ensure that the venture worked, they jammed themselves in da dead company business. Now dey stuck like da vat money!

Aliv needs plenty plenty money and dey don’t have the customers. They need the $30 million from new investors, and the government at the same time wants to haul out of the venture, but cannot because investors don’t see the need to buy any of the HoldingCo’s interest. What a time! So what Aliv ga to? Dey gata LIE!

Dey gata tell yinner and investors something like dey take da market and dey gata say dey hired plenty people, when all we can see at the top are former Digicel execs. Dey mussy think Bahamians fool, eh?.

Bahamas Press ga invite Aliv AKA “Alie” dem to visit again how many mobile customers they think are in the Bahamas, they ga soon learn that there are far more than the 25% they claim. Far more and that’s the first point investors should note…’ALIE’ dem ain’t do dey homework!

Damian Blackburn should also note that if he really took 25% of mobile market, and his competitor’s reported this week how they grew customer base and profits to the tune of 6,000 new customers. This means the market must be larger than he was told, eh?

We believe what really happened is dis: Aliv needs money, it needs to convince investors and appeal to new customers quick cause dey need $30 million dollars fast or they just might not meet their obligations set by regulators.

But keep watching dis page all through next week…

We report yinner decide!