All employees at the AG office – by the dumb direction of Carl Bethel – ordered to enter and leave through the backdoor of the Paul L. Adderley Building!


Office Of the Attorney GENERAL!

Nassau – There are more reasons in our mind why Carl Wilshire Bethel should be thrown out of the Attorney General Office and his recent mistreatment of professionals within the office is a CLASSIC EXAMPLE!

We at BP have learned that all staff at the Paul L. Adderley Building must enter and exit through the back door.

A letter circulated to all staff recently reads:

“As you are aware, the Office of the Attorney General and the Ministry of Legal Affairs, prides itself on being the premier law chamber of The Bahamas.

“As such, we also pride our self on protecting our most precious human resources, you our staff.

“In this regard, I am directed to advise that measures have been put in place to enhance the security of our working environment.

“To this end, I am further directed to advise that effective immediately, staff is required to enter the Paul L. Adderley Building, via the north / back entrance.
Additionally, I am to advise that, each officer must swipe at the entrance, thereby activating their card for the day. Failure to swipe upon entering, renders your card invalid to access the various doors / floors.

“It should be noted that visitors must continue to enter through the front entrance, where they will be buzzed in by RBDF officers.”

So what are staff to do? GO through the back. In fact, what are they to do in the dark evenings? Where there is no security to assist?

And Bethel forgets how many of those hardworking legal minds are on the frontlines defending the country from the barbarians now at the gates? These staff have no weapons to protect them from the criminal minds, yet they must, at their own risk, exit the backdoor in the dark all by themselves?

Carl Bethel, you are a piss poor inebriated representative of people! And this why you ga get FIRED FROM THE PEOPLE!

We report yinner decide!