All Locked Down or Locked Out? OPPOSITION SAY ITS Da People’s Time but Da People ain’t with FNM Candidate!


Doors closed and locked in FNM Freetown Office…

FREETOWN CANDIDATE discourage after da wave of support begun for the Governing Party last night in the North.

This is the FNM branch on Village Road all locked down and the supporters gone home today. Sonething has went wrong deep with da FNM!

The signs of defeat is settling in on the FNM. Party Officials have went into a serious meeting to answer the question…What Just Happened!!!…???

Grand Bahama PLP Tsumani event left at least on FNM Candidate pissup dis morning! Da candidate had not piss bed since in Primary School.

Meanwhile, Wayne Munroe – Da People’s Defender – is working overtime and his office on main Kemp Road is busy and jumping…


Doors closed and no one at FNM Freetown Office Big Saturday…all day! Did da candidate quit?