All those who refuse to defend the Bahamas and what we ‘BELIEVE’ – Including the Minister for Immigration – should start packing now!!!


We believe in the Bahamas – even if the Christie Regime doesn’t

PM Christie and the Minister for Immigration Fred Mitchell.

NASSAU, BAHAMAS — This week Bahamas Press read a most interesting speech by the Minister for Immigration who was, once again, somewhere down in the Caribbean promoting one people of the region.

To be exact, the MP for Fox Hill was giving a Lecture at UWI Institute of International Relations’ Diplomatic Dialogue Series – “Saving CARICOM”.

We have been down this road before: the highway where we try sell the idea to Bahamians that they would be better off with higher taxes, greater foreign presence and one Caribbean. Well, just take a look at the EURO Zone and ask Europeans how positive that situation has been for them!

A group in the Bahamas in the last PLP Regime failed in the attempt to convince Bahamians that ONE Caribbean would indeed be fruitful for us. And we at BP believe nothing has changed.

Operatives in the Christie Government are back at it again, and we all know what happened to them the last time that proposal was put. They were OUT! OUT! OUT!

In his speech to the region, Mitchell drove home the idea that many of our leaders were either not from the Bahamas or had some foreign parent.

This is true. And the fact remains us how President Barak Obama can boast the same – but he isn’t parading around telling Americans, “I have African blood. My Daddy is from Kenya and I in charge!”

So we ask Mr. Mitchell what is the point here to repeat and repeat what is obviously true – yet remain silent on what is also true now: The Commonwealth of the Bahamas is where people call home and pledge loyalty to.

We at Bahamas Press reminds the Immigration Minister that the fact is also true that before the move towards Independence across the region we were all a part of what was then the West Indies, colonies of the “Mother Land”, many of which gave West Indians a British Passport.

Back then Regional Corporation was a must and we, embracing our differences and following our loyalties, believed that Independence was a must.

The question now must be: WHY SHOULD WE GO BACK?

Why should we seek an external influence to reach their hands in our business? Why should any regional country, or any other country for that matter, be about deciding how our money should look? Or what we treasure as ours?

To Mr. Mitchell and all hitching to his impossible wagon, we say without apology: “NO TURNING BACK! We believe in the Bahamas and in the Bahamian People!”

And to all those who seek asylum elsewhere, under some other authority or government, we say; “Pack your refugee tents now and move somewhere south!”

Bahamas Press makes no apology on this!

Imagine that – The people who sold a bill of goods to the Bahamian people to ‘Believe’ in themselves are now on the world stage talking SHIT and trying to sell us out! What in the hell is dis?

We report yinner decide!

Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, left, talks with Bahamas Prime Minister Perry Christie, centre, and Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell in Port au Prince, Haiti February 18, following the opening ceremony of the 24th Intercessional CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting.- BIS Photo/ Peter Ramsay