By Athama Bowe
Situated some half mile from the recently burnt out Haitian Village off Fire Trail Road, this one was also leveled, smack and smooth.

The residents believe that the fire started in one of the shacks where a woman was preparing a meal; the heavy winds fanned the flames quickly, which engulfed the box styled structures. This time, it would appear that the residents were able to save their belongings even though they are now without shelter.
The fire service, though challenged by high winds, low water pressure, the lack of a ready supply of water, poor access to the heart of the blaze and the abundance of fuel for the fire to spread, dug in and did a yeomans job to save the surrounding homes including a nearby sub division.
It should be noted that a detail from the Royal Bahamas Defense Force joined the considerable Police Team; the assistance was invaluable.
The questions whispered about by residents centered on whether and how Mr. Brenzil Rolle MP will now provide housing for the previous and now homeless immigrants at the expense of Bahamians.

This sip, sip escalated to several heated exchanges between angry, concerned residents and apparent residents of the Village, who made threats because they felt nearby neighbours had burnt them out.
A revisit to the site of the first fire disaster of Boxing Day revealed that a part of Mackey Yard still stands and is occupied by tenants. The Government Stop Order is clearly visible.
Any number of clergy leaders from the Haitian Community were seen providing words of comfort to the residents and several moved on to visit the o/c Supt. Paul Rolle of the Carmichael Police Division.
I thank Mr. Ethric Bowe for his telephone call advising me of this tragedy; fortunately, no lives were lost. The challenge to assist has gone to another level.
This is so sad, may God be with those innocent people.
What is going on?
A fiery demon seeking to burn down the city?
An act of God?
No matter how to dress it up one can not ignore the signs…
The famine is here.
This is a crying shame!
“This sip, sip escalated to several heated exchanges between angry, concerned residents and apparent residents of the Village, who made threats because they felt nearby neighbours had burnt them out.” This is some bold crap!!!
“part of Mackey Yard still stands and is occupied by tenants. The Government Stop Order is clearly visible.” This is offensive and a blatant disregard for our laws and our Government!!!
I maintain that if they are illegal they must be deported; if they’re on work permit, can’t affort proper housing or their employer can’t provide housing for them, then they need to make arrangement to leave, at the expense of the employer; the stateless kids over 18 needs to apply for regularization but first they need to identify their illegal parents and the parents needs to be deported before an application for status could be process!!! We need to start making some serious statements of action in the country to preserve The Bahamas for “Bahamians”
Naw… Watch this! Every able bodied adult will be give a new e-passport and citizenship, along with a voter’s card.
I hope that’s only wishful thinking, but empirical evidence details how this was done whenever The Mud or Pigeon Pea had a fire, Immigration raid, or other disturbance.
This, I am told, will be done in order to increase support for the government, and to counter the surging tide of discontent at the bad stewardship,and arrogant, dismissive contempt shown by the leader of the government.
They don’t have more land, only more motivation and determination.
Every country these immigrants migrate to, all look da same, run down, dirty,loaded with old cars, and filty *** hell.what flickin land they own? Do i here “SQUATTIN” anybody?
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