Suspension comes after one St. Agnes Vestry member who was removed by Parish Rector was not reinstated as ordered by Bishop…

Bishop set to discipline lawless church leaders…

Nassau, Bahamas – St. Agnes Anglican Church could have a new rector and vestry appointed before Pentecost, if Anglican Bishop Laish Boyd puts his foot down in the parish after serious concerns erupted once again.
Breaking News coming out of Addington House at this hour confirms Bishop of the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Island, The Rt. Rev. Laish Zane Boyd has lifted his CROZIER and has suspended a member of his Cabinet.
The breaking details stems from an incident more than one week ago when Rector of St. Agnes Anglican Church, Archdeacon I. Ranfurly Brown defied an order by the Prince of the Church and walked out of a meeting with The Bishop, the Chancellor and the vestry at St. Agnes.
Now get this, Archdeacon Brown, who made a clear decision to remove vestry member, Henry Dean, from the parish board is not complying with a ruling of the Bishop to have Dean reinstated. That decision forced the meeting with the top cleric to have Dean returned, however, it was met with opposition by Archdeacon Brown.
Dean and crew from the “GUARD ROOM” in the historic Grants Town Church petitioned the Bishop to intervene on the decision of the rector, who is now in a ball of confusion within his Church.
Bahamas Press supports the decision of Archdeacon Brown, who we know is also protecting the purse of St. Agnes from a known group of thieves and rogues, who it is believed, landed a former pastor of that same parish church deep in his grave.
However, Archdeacon Brown must be careful to note that no one would agree with any kind of disrespect to the senior cleric, who is charged with all powers of his Synod to command and instruct the direction of the Church in the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Some tell us recommendations have come to have Archdeacon Brown stripped as a member of the “Gold coloured” Cathedral Chapter.
Others believe a decision should be made to have St. Agnes Church to be assigned a new pastor immediately, whatever decision is made, we advise the Bishop to quickly – without delay – appoint someone with the grasp to watch the purse in that church before a Houdini move on the bank accounts comes once again.
For we all know that when the cat is sent away, the rats will play.
BP calls on all members of the Parish of St. Agnes and all right-thinking Anglicans around the country to pray for the unity of the Church – and that the matter is amicably and speedily resolved.
For those who know the virtue of prayer – Pray for all involved.
It is so very sad when a situation cannot be resolved amicably….. And the “Bishop” knows better. He is just proving himself to be small minded and too beneath him petty.. Yes – he needs to be reminded, and forcefully so..
Having been a “non stop” member in St. Agnes’ Parish from 1952; I find it utterly appalling and totally apprehensive that the supposedly “Shepherd” of the flock could be so involved in and what allegedly occurred in a vestry meeting at St Agnes. That, that that vestry member is no newcomer to the vestry makes all caring members of St. Agnes stop not only to think, but also, at the same time to wonder about “our” Bishop! If this vestry member is so smart and services so essential to the running of the Church, how can he then be so arrogant and so unscrupulous to quit the vestry but, regretfully, afterwards, come ‘sprinting’ back, “trying to take it back” relative to “I quit”! Who advised him that he could “take it back”? Additionally, it is asked, what need has any organization to be either bothered or concerned over such a miscreant or is this a situation wherein all semblance of virtuousness seemingly have been discarded leaving honest persons to put credence in the alleged free garbage collection and what else is fueling this situation?
A grown man seeks leave to depart from a meeting when, obvious to all, the agenda had been covered; what is the problem with permission being given?
That I. Ranfurly Brown has the interest of St. Agnes and its people at heart is evident not only in the condition of th building and its surroundings, but also, have a look at the financial position of the Parish!Still have some doubts? Show up at the the Saturday morning children’s mass and see for yourself!
Other than the gift of I. Ranfurly Brown to St. Agnes, what does, except for that always outstretched empty open empty hand, always looking for something, the Diocese offer to St. Agnes?
Granted, to obey is better than sacrifice, but, a so called experienced business man cannot say what he means and mean what he says instead of ‘sprinting’ to “our” Bishop who is ever so much within himself and who, seemingly without thinking, resurrects some archaically obsolete rule to annoy our Rector and his members!
Do we need to remind our Bishop who he works for? DO WE?
“Dean and crew from the ‘guard room’ ” are not St. Agnes!
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