Another Atlantis Worker FIRED!…Mass Layoffs/Workers Forced HOME Across the Bahamas!



Hubert Ingraham AKA ‘The Bald Head Monk’ laughing whilst workers across the country crying! WE NEED CHANGE! >>>

Persons who know Bahamians around the world as we do will tell you, Bahamians are a very, VERY Proud group of people. And perhaps this is the reason why many people have failed to appear to register for Ingraham’s Unemployment Benefit. People don’t want to be seen on TV. Or on the front pages of the Toilet Paper receiving a handout.

The fact is that people now unemployed in this country are at a low point in their lives. They live in a two-story home and BEC has disconnected their electricity. The car has no gas and their kids have moved from private institutions to the government public school. The times are hard for them and the last thing they now need are members of the WUTLESS MEDIA shoving a camera in their face to taunt Ingraham’s program.

Bahamas Press has just received word that Atlantis has fired its VP for Human Resources for Human Relations, for her refusal to sign an illegal document perpetrated by the company. Atlantis has demanded its workers to sign a two weeks without pay document, which the VP argued was an ILLEGAL MOVE. Therefore to silence her, Atlantis dismissed her. WHAT VICKEDNESS IS BEING PERPETRATED AGAINST BAHAMIANS! And not a word comes from this WUTLESS INGRAHAM GOVERNMENT! fnm_5034

<<< Dion Foulkes Minister of Labour says not a word. Boy Ingraham really fix your political future good.

But here is what those in the WUTLESS MEDIA should be talking about. They should be highlighting the many companies who laid-off workers. Even the government is guilty of this attack on its OWN!

Bahamas Press has compiled a list of employers who have sent home workers over the last 20 months. No one in the WUTLESS MEDIA is keeping the record of the MASSIVE LAYOFFS IN THIS COUNTRY. If you know of a company that has FIRED, TERMINATED, RETIRED OR SENT HOME SOMEONE, DO POST IT HERE AND ADD TO OUR LIST….

– 1,200     – Temporary Workers of The Government of the Bahamas

– 1,200        Terminated Workers at the Atlantis Resort

– 300        Hotel Workers at Baha Mar

– 16         Senior Police officers sent home on Early Retirement by Ingraham

– 42    RBPF other officers who have been sent home reaching the 55 years of age.

– 49    Police officers sent home just after the FNM win at the Police Tourism office

– 58    Workers sent home at the Closure of BACARDI

– 98    Workers at Pepsi Cola Bahamas in December.

– 6    Workers at the Tribune

– 8    Workers at the Nassau Guardian

– 28    Workers at Pizza Hut – Cable Beach

– 38    Workers at Global Shipping

– 17     Workers at Ernst & Young

– 20     Workers at Dominos Pizza

– 58    Workers affected and terminated at the closure of 15 Price Busters stores

– 8     Customs officers Sent Home on Early Retirement

– 180    Workers at Our Lucaya in Grand Bahama

– 21    Workers at ColinaImperial

– 19    Workers at the Bimini Bay Resort on Bimini in August 2008

– 29     Workers at the Big Game Resort on Bimini in Sept. 2008

– 28    Additional Workers at the Wyndham on October 17th, 2008

– 3    Senior Management at City Markets Ltd.

– 19    Workers at Bahama Rock on Feb11th, 2009

– 4     Executives at BEC dismissed on Feb 20th, 2009

– 90    Sales Staff at CLICO Bahamas Ltd.

Unknown    Number of Workers at Suntee Bahamas LTD.

Unknown     Number of Workers at a local grocery store on Exuma.

UNKNOWN    Number of Workers Terminated at the Closure of Cost Right Abaco Store.

– 20    Workers at Coco Nuts Restaurant on March 18th, 2009.

— 150        Workers at Global Shipping Agency

UNKNOWN Number at the closure of Bacardi operations in the Bahamas


  1. Every household is now becoming an operator for one of the web shops so PAOA better get the testicular fortitude and give legalisation to parts of the web games.Its desperation time in our Bahamas and only the strong will survive.

  2. BP, when you see KFC laying off staff, you know it’s rough. I know persons who went to work to KFC when they were just in their teens and they were able to grow old in that place. Robinson Road and Mackey Street had plenty old heads in there who went there to right out of High School. Working at KFC is almost as good as working for government. My husband and I saw the changes at KFC a few months back though, when we went to the one on Robinson Road for lunch and realized that we could have of driven straight around to the pick up window. I was telling him, it must because how the government do up the road, but another day we went to the one on Mackey Street and we notice the same thing happened. This wasn’t like KFC, because we were use to them to have a long line in the road during lunchtime hours. IF KFC is laying off, this is not a pretty picture for the country, from what I know about KFC and McDonalds they are always looking for new employees. In fact, I don’t think they is ever take down that help wanted sign.

  3. Residents in the country cannot afford KFC anymore ZNS is reporting 22 employees at the restaurant were given their walking papers today. The workers assembled at KFC headquarters in Oakes Field demanding their pay. The recession is now steep and the cuts are great. MORE TO COME!!!
    Monday 7th June, 2010— WoRKERS demand their money. This followed the mass firing of the workers at the Outback Restaurant two weeks ago when some 50 workers were laid off.

  4. Hotel Corporation Employees Given Final Notices
    We have learned that Sir Baltron Bethel and the entire staff of the Hotel Corporation of The Bahamas, the state corporation that holds all the rights to run casinos in The Bahamas and that was implemented by the late Sir Lynden Pindling’s government to  move the hotel sector in times of crisis, have been given their walking tickets.  This is preliminary to the announced plans of the Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham to destroy the Corporation and repeal its mandate.  It’s all part of the plan to destroy the Pindling legacy.  A special place in hell is reserved for Hubert Ingraham.

  5. Six [6] senior police officers sent home today [Friday 11, 2009] on early retirement leave. Bahamas Press can confirm the officers met with the minister of national security today. And while Tommy was sending officers home, another murder has occurred racking the number to the following: 79 murder – 21 unclassified deaths…
  6. On Monday December 7th NINE [9] Customs officers were fired. Joining a number of workers at Tourism workers also fired at the Ministry of Tourism. Bahamas Press reminds Hubert Ingraham of his own words at the FNM Convention when he said, “We have fired no one”.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  7. To compound the problem Minister Turnquest and Vanderpool are more interested in how the USA Embassy got the information to warn its emplioyees about Crime in the western area rather than trying to fix the problem.Wuthless newspapers have been hiding things so long to suit the Govt.that now that the urn has been opened there is panic.Tourism can be hurt by the advisory but the Govt. still has the opportunity to solve the problem….fire Tommy and put another Minister in the National Security portfolio.Tommy is too concerned about his image to make a good Minister period.He had his chance to be PM but thank God Bahamians saw him for what he is a wuthless person.I dare HAI to rem ove/fire bungling Tommy T.Captain the ship is sinking.

  8. Published On:Friday, September 11, 2009


    Tribune Staff Reporter

    A HOTELIER on Grand Bahama chalked up the most recent round of layoffs on that island after government rejected a proposal that he claimed would have kept people in their jobs.

    When contacted for comment yesterday, Tourism Minister Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace was sorry about the lay-offs but explained that government was not in a position to bail-out every company experiencing financial challenges.

    Andrew Barnett, vice president and general manager of the Best Western Castaways Resort in Freeport, said the property was forced to let go about one third of its employees — effective September, 20 — as it struggles with shrinking occupancy rates and tries to reduce losses.

    He also claimed that the hotel — which he said is 100 per cent Bahamian owned — was denied government assistance that would have allowed the property to maintain staffing levels.

    Now, 20 more hospitality workers are set to join the growing unemployment line, dealing another blow to Grand Bahama’s already weakened economy.

    “We put a proposal before the government, as they had assisted many of the foreign owned hotels and they chose not to assist us and we have to do what we have to do,” Mr Barnett told The Tribune during a telephone interview from his office in Grand Bahama yesterday.

    He claimed that the hotel’s proposal would save the government more money than it would have to give out in unemployment assistance to the 20 persons who were laid off.

    Mr Vanderpool-Wallace said that while government was not able to accept the hotel’s proposal, it had assisted the Best Western hotel in the past.

    “A large number of people make proposals to government when they have these circumstances and unfortunately it’s impossible for government to provide assistance to everybody to the degree that they ask (but) Mr Barnett certainly knows that we have assisted him in the past, in a whole number of areas,” said the minister.

    Grand Bahama’s tourism sector has limped through several hurricanes in the last few years, but has been crippled by the worldwide financial crisis, which struck last year.

    Said Mr Barnett: “This (the current situation) is extreme compared to previous years. We saw declines ever since the three hurricanes came our way, but when the economy in the United States began to fail we felt the domino effect of that.

    “This is the slowest it’s been. For the 30 years I’ve been here we’ve never had to lay of employees — of course we had to make adjustments in schedules — but we never had to lay off employees for economic reasons,” said Mr Barnett.

    He explained that the 118-room property in downtown Freeport — which caters mostly to business travellers — was dealing with a significant fall off as many international companies cut back on unnecessary expenditure.

    “People just don’t have the funds to travel, we’re a downtown hotel so we do more corporate business and so they are saying instead of travelling we’re going to do conference calls.”

    The resort is also grappling with dwindling domestic tourism numbers, a cornerstone of its market.

    “We used to get a lot of people coming from Abaco on stay-overs to go to the Discovery Cruise — all of that has been dropping off. People just are not working, so it’s these things they have to cut back on.”

    Best Western currently employs 60 persons. This number will be reduced to 40 on September 20.

    The Department of Statistics recently noted that unemployment in the Bahamas jumped from 8.7 per cent last year to 14.2 per cent this year, the highest rate recorded since the early 1990s.

  9. Old Bahama Bay to close for one month

    By CANDIA DAMES ~ Guardian News Editor ~

    Following a move made by at least two other resorts in the country in recent times, the Ginn company is temporarily shuttering its Old Bahama Bay Resort in West Grand Bahama.

    According to company spokesman Ryan Julison, the resort will close September 8 and reopen October 9.

    “It’s just a scheduled closing during our slowest time of the year to do some maintenance work,” Julison said. “…Staff will obviously be scaled down significantly and if they have vacation time they’ll be paid for that vacation time. If they do not have vacation time then they would not be paid.”

    Several weeks ago, the company laid off just under 100 workers from the property, blaming the move on low occupancy levels. Julison said the resort currently employs 31 workers.

    Old Bahama Bay General Manager Jackie Carroll said, “Temporarily closing the resort, including the restaurant and gift shop, during this time period will ensure that the maintenance will not inconvenience any guests.”

    Hotels in The Bahamas have reported persistently tough times all year.

    The Bahamas Hotel Association (BHA) recently said hotels in the country reported significant declines in business activity during the first six months of the year. More than three out of four hoteliers (77 percent) anticipate that revenue will be down for the remaining months of the year, according to the results of a survey conducted by the association.

    Several weeks ago, the Riu resort on Paradise Island and the Wyndham Resort on Cable Beach closed temporarily. The closures come during what is traditionally a slow period for the tourism industry.

    Julison said, “Our focus is providing the best experience for our guests and making sure we’re staffed accordingly. Certainly, the hospitality industry has been hit from all sides.

    This recession has been deep and broad and it has affected everybody at all levels and price points in the hotel industry. We’re certainly doing everything we can to be cost conscious and still be mindful of our employees and provide them with an excellent working atmosphere.”

    Minister of Labour Dion Foulkes said while he had received no confirmation from Ginn, he expects that all the workers will be rehired once the property reopens next month.

    “There was no mention of staffing levels (in the notice received from Ginn),” Foulkes said. “The assumption in the ministry is that the employment level will remain the same after they reopen…We would wish no hotel to close, but we would prefer if they do close to make it as temporary as possible and to re-employ their staff complements.”

    Julison stressed that the workers are not being laid off. He said their jobs will still be available when the Old Bahama Bay reopens.

    “Old Bahama Bay will be fully operational October 9 and optimistically looks forward to the new season,” the company’s statement said.

    Despite the temporary closure of the resort, the marina will remain open so boaters and yachtsmen will have full access and use of that facility, Ginn said.

    But Obie Wilchcombe, the member of parliament for West End and Bimini, said yesterday he is concerned about the property’s temporary closure.

    “Whenever you see these decisions made it sends the signal that things are not good and there is no evidence that things are going to be better in another month,” Wilchcombe said.

    Properties on Grand Bahama are among those in the country that have had to send employees home over the last year as a result of soft tourism performance. The Nassau Guardian recently revealed that Port Lucaya Resort & Yacht Club has decided to close altogether.

    Grand Bahama’s unemployment rate stood at 14.6 percent in February 2009, up from 9 percent in May last year, the highest number recorded in 15 years, according to the Department of Statistics.

    In New Providence this week, Sandals Royal Bahamian Resort laid off 80 staff members.

    Friday, September 4, 2009

  10. BP is now confirming as reported 80 workers at Sandals were made redundant yesterday [Monday 31st, August]. Late last year the company fired 150 workers.

  11. Published On:Tuesday, September 01, 2009


    Tribune Staff Reporter

    EIGHT managers and two line staff are now without a job as Atlantis yesterday announced that it has restructured its Food and Beverage division and centralised its reservation system.

    Days after lauding the promotional success of the massive Miss Universe pageant event, hosted at Atlantis, for its capacity to boost future arrivals to the resort, Kerzner International said the job losses are part of an overall effort to make the resort “more efficient.”

    “We are consistently reviewing our business globally with a view to making our operations as efficient as possible, while at the same time providing a high level of service for our customers.

    “In this instance, group business, which has been impacted industry wide on a global basis, demanded that adjustments be made in the relevant departments,” said a statement issued yesterday.

    Labour Minister Dion Foulkes said his Department was informed of the pending redundancies early last week.

    The company said the restructuring — which also saw four jobs made redundant in the company’s Fort Lauderdale office — came in light of “adjusted forecasts for group related business,” indicating that the company had received new signals that group arrivals are to be fewer than initially expected.

    Earlier this year, resort executives pointed to the cancellation of group trips — such as those traditionally taken by staff from North American corporations — in the wake of the global financial crisis that had seriously impacted occupancy levels at Atlantis.

    While hotel occupancy levels temporarily rose to around 85 per cent during the recent Miss Universe pageant, which was hosted at Atlantis for much of August, Ed Fields, Senior Vice President of Public Affairs for Atlantis, pointed out in a statement last week that many of the rooms occupied were complimentary, according to Kerzner International’s agreement with the Miss Universe Organisation.

    As the resort heads into the typically slow September/October period occupancy levels were forecast to drop to as low as 30 per cent within weeks, executives stated.

    The move comes nine months after Atlantis let go 10 per cent of its workforce — 800 people — citing low occupancy levels.

  12. It was announced today 18/8/2009 the Port Lucaya Resort will close and 32 workers will be laid off as the hotel is schedule to close.
    The minister who was not informed on the matter just after the GM of the resort spoke said that only 13 people will lose their jobs. Minister in the Ingraham government are doing soo much lying, SPIN and deflection of the reality, that when they speak they BLATANTLY LIE! And the Wutless media don’t even question their statements. The General manager at the resort told reporters in Grand Bahama 31 people will be displaced, whilst the minister in Nassau says only 13 will. When you LIE THAT BOLD, YA DARN RIGHT CAN THIEF LAND!!!


  13. For the information of all,City Market at Independence and Harold Rd has also closed and am informed that the store at Village Rd is next.Last Sunday I saw the manager of City market Cable Beach shopping at Solomons East West highway but these layoffs appear to be top secret.Homemade bread will be the order of the day soon but no one in positions are talking.hhhmmmpppphhh.Thanks BP for being on top of these stories.

  14. On Friday 24th July – 84 employees at the Old Bahama Bay [GINN] on West End Grand Bahama was laid off.

  15. No More Lay-Offs Expected At Ansbacher
    By Kendea Jones
    Days after Ansbacher Bank and Trust slashed 24 persons from its workforce as a part of a restructuring exercise; an interim board director at the private bank said no more lay-offs are expected.

    Ansbacher Bank and Trust, one of the Bahamas’ oldest banks is merging with Sentinel Bank and Trust, which is a part of AF Holdings.

    Interim Board Director James Smith explained that the terminations could not have been avoided.

    “When you combine two banks there is bound to be an overlapping of posts,” he said.

    Smith noted that, “For instance, if you had two chief accountants, you would still only need one for the bank. You would have had any number of redundant positions throughout the organization.”

    Mr. Smith also said that, those who were kept on fit into the company’s “business plan,” going forward.

    The others were given notices and severance packages this Friday past.

    The interim board director said a final sign-off by the regulators should complete the merger and this should be completed within the next few weeks.

    He added that “more than likely” there wouldn’t be any more lay-offs.

    “We only needed to take care of the redundancies and I think we pretty much dealt with that,” Mr. Smith said.

    Meanwhile a single mother of two, who spoke to the Bahama Journal yesterday on the condition of anonymity, said the workers have been anticipating lay-offs for about a month.

    However, she said many of the workers still appeared to be shocked when they received their letters.

    “A lot of persons who were there for over 30 years took it really hard,” she said. “As far as everyone is concerned the new owners would be breaching their contracts because we had employee protection within the agreement [for the merger].

    “It was a shock for me because I was one of the few persons who took advantage of the employer’s benefits… I was trying to make myself more secure while being there with the company but then there were also persons there with minimum credentials.”

    The former worker added that she is not happy with her severance package.

    “It was basically crumbs,” she said. “The former managing director was really fighting for us. We were entitled to more.”

    She said many of the workers feel more lay-offs are pending.

    “We honestly feel that it is going to continue,” she said. “We feel that Sentinel bought Ansbacher for the client base. There is going to be another lay-off but we just don’t know when it is going to happen.”

  16. Monday 20th, 2009 – 24 WORKERS at Ansbacher Bank were FIRED. The Bank was just announced to have been taken over by the same fellas who own Colina Imperial.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  17. @Joe Blow
    Joe all I can say is this, this is the reason why when the Tribune, YES the Toilet Paper, began its crusade for the Freedom of Information Act under the Christie administration, this writer was an avid reader. BUT since the FNM came to power, the WUTLESS editorial OLD MAID has not once call for its need in this country anymore.

    Sandals Royal Bahamian can say what it wants, We KNOW FOR A FACT THAT SCORES OF NEW FOREIGN WORKERS ARE NOW EMPLOYED ON THE PROPERTY. The real question is not why they were fired, it who is replacing those Bahamians!

    This is the point everyone is avoiding. And had we had a Freedom of Information ACT you and I would be able to know just how many work permits were issue to SANDALS since the firings last year.

    You say it was 12 workers, according to the report you heard, but today the minister [Foulkes] said it was 5 workers. What’s the true number? WE must stop playing games in this country you know, you cannot see all we having are these VIGILANTE Attacks? JONES from Britannica is just the latest victim. And just how you can hire a criminal lawyer, you can now hire a criminal to do one’s bidding! THIS IS SAD!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  18. Media: In one of the TV reports, it was noted that the “firing” was for cause. Seems a scam had been going on for a couple of years and these 12 were somehow involved. It was reported that $2 million has gone missing. Only heard that one broadcast, with that reason, and then all went quiet. Do you have the facts? Why is the union into the mix since they don’t represent this particular group?

  19. On Thursday April 23, 2009 is was reported that Sandals Royal Bahamian Hotel on Cable Beach has terminated some 5 managers at the Hotel. The Union for Sandals say it was 12 managers. Whatever it is, more workers are today unemployed.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  20. HOA continued: For Mr. Davis, I give a B+ for content and a C- for delivery. Garden Hills: B+ for content and B for delivery. South Andross: C- for content and B for delivery. MICAL: D for content but an A for delivery. (mostly because I enjoy the passion he always displays and the fact he makes me laugh.) Marco City: While he is not a favourite person of mine I have to give him an A for content and a B+ for delivery. Yamacraw: C+ for content (she raised some interesting points even if she is “thin-skinned” and C- for delivery. North Andros: C- for content and B- for delivery. St.Thomas Moore: F for content and F for delivery. (He needs to get over himself) All in all the Ministers conducted themselves in a much more appropriate manner to-day. The last 20 minutes was a disaster though. The Speaker is doing a little better job these days despite the waywardness of a few like T.M. and Dr, Nottage. The FNM seems to be heeding the suggstion that not everyone needs to speak to each issue. Even the PLP seems to have listened. I do agree with the point the PLP brought up about the Commission. In my opinion it should not be disbanded but re-organized to be more productive. Deregulation caused a big problem for the U.S. Oversight is a much needed factor for every department and Ministry here.

  21. @MEDIA
    You know just why you haven’t heard from Malcolm Adderley ! I love him dearly – he’s my friend, but he sure ain’t “loyal”. Say what you like about Hubert, but like a lot of “accomplished” leaders, he demands loyalty. That is why he ensures that he places FNM’s in key Government positions! Malcolm needs to stay right where he is – until he decides where he wants to belong!

  22. @Joe Blow
    I hope you see even if we missed your point on Fred and Christie, you saw ours with your BLINDED BIAS! How could you grade the opposition and fail to grade the presenter and the seconder?

    Now what I did find WUTLESS in Christie’s presentation is this, he has 17 members and he had to speak on behalf of his shadow Housing Minister. You mean to tell me the leader could not call on one of those 16 to fill in? I mean I cannot remember the last time we heard from Malcolm Adderley! What is happening with the PLP? WELL MUDDO!


  23. Kendal Wright is a FNM, I believe. I didn’t rate the presenters because they did just that, present the ammendments. They did a passable job. A “C-” as to presentation. Rather lacklustre also. Mr. Thompson was just so-so. Give him a C. Just reporting what I saw Media. No bias intended. But your comment sure misses the points. I guess you only appretiate your own point of view on subjects.

  24. @Joe Blow
    Joe your Bias is just GLARING! You grade Christie, Kendal Wright and Fred. But totally avoided the presenter Minister Kenneth Russell, Minister Hubert Minnis and Thompson. All three also made contributions this morning. Does this means that you only listens to PLP leaders? Or is it that you have a fixation on Christie and Fred ready to give grades? And all the rest including Ingraham get DUCK EGGS!?

    Come on Joe, this is Bahamas Press NOT the ‘Toilet Paper’.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  25. Media: At your suggestion, I listened this morning to the debate in the HOA. Just maybe our constant message is finally getting across. What! No heckling or boisterous comments! For the most part, speakers addressed the content of the bill. Mr. Christie gets an I.M.M. grade for his contribution. He has a way of saying in 100 words what he could say in 10. He overdoes his play on how concerned he is for MY poor people and how all the suggestions everyone else makes were “on the table” or “about to be executed” UNDER HIS WATCH. His style is a little wearing. An A+ goes to Kendal Wright. He obviously has the vision to think out of the box. His suggestions were right on. If any of you have time tune into the repeat program. He was the fourth speaker. Fred Mitchel started out as a C+ but I had to ammend it to an F. He has a nice delivery which I usually enjoy, but he was so lacklustre that I got bored. I perked up though when he advocated a $0.00 down payment. That suggestion was one of the reasons (along with deregulation) that caused the housing fiasco in the States that led up the present recession. You weren’t thinking clearly Fred. We’ll see if the boys and girls can continue the good-behaviour through the afternoon session!

  26. Kevin that is right on point,

    We have missed the boat in investing in Cuba and the problem lies that we have no vision and therefore we will again be left behind.

    That said we must remember that the weekend that went was Easter Holiday and many people went back home to the Family Islands and therefore on Saturday was not going to stand on any lines when most people were making plans to leave New Providance……But they will be there this weekend.

    Hubert and the FNM is a failed government and therefore Iam not surprised that layoffs will still be happening on P.I……the FNM had no agenda when they came to office and they still have not gotten one to this day.

  27. I mentioned from last week that was one of the salient points of Fred Mitchell’s stint as foreign minister.

    But one Thomas Finley tried to take me to task. I hate to have to say it again but here goes. Fred Mitchell was and still is, the epitomy of what a minister does in government, and most certainly demonstrates, how one should act in opposition.

  28. @kevin mckenzie
    Well Kevin looks like we will not get our article link ech? hmmmmm. Anyway, YOU are dead right on this comment however. I was surprise to hear Brent Symonette say tonight that Cuba in this this global world should not be excluded from the Obama talks in Trinidad. he don’t follow Hubert no more ech?

    Mind you it was his party and his leader who attacked Fred Mitchell and the PLP for opening the Cuban mission. In fact it was just a couple of days ago, they were all over the place using the ‘Toilet Paper’ to hype expenditures at the office in Cuba.

    Eileen Carron must have left something in CUBA for the way she used that ‘Toilet Paper’ to attack the former government for establishing stronger ties with Cuba and setting up a office.

    Now look even OBAMA against that THINKING. And is Joining Fred in his quest to normalize relations with CUBA! Whilst the ‘toilet paper’ publisher and her Mugabe boyfriend gat foot-and-mouth disease. They both kicked up soo much dust up over foolishness, tell they tongue BLUE. Repeatedly they attacked the CUBA/Bahamas relations established by Fred Mitchell.

    But this again is what happens when people like EILEEN (DA VICKED WITCH) possess the word ‘BIAS’ in every breath she takes. WUTLESS BUNCH!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  29. I hope Bahamians now realize that we were lie to by the media and the FNM in our relationship with Cuba.The media especially the Tribune lambasted Fred Mitchell for opening an embassy in Cuba and for encouraging trade relations with Cuba.Mr.Ingraham went as far as to state that he would downgrade the embassy to a consulate but now comes President Obama who has just given approval for American’s telecommunication companies and agro businesses to conduct trade and investment in Cuba.The Bahamas governments must begin to understand that nations have interests and not friendships and it is the job of each country to look out for the best interest of their citizens and businesses.We had a golden opportunity to get in on the ground floor with investment deals with Cuba,however due to our lack of vision and fear of what the Americans might think we have missed the boat.

  30. Lousy lousy FNM…now they want to humiliate the people by making them PUBLICLY sign up for unemployment benefits. No wonder the numbers are low

  31. @Fern
    Well Fern I was being modest with that number, but ya see that is what the department said. I believe you ya know. But I want to tell you notice the WUTLESS media will tell you the economy booming and Customs hiring…


  32. @Joe Blow
    You don’t think they laughing JOE? Look at that picture again, or better yet, watch the House of Assembly tomorrow and just watch how every problem that is affecting Bahamians is being danced around and avoided.

    Watch the BIG JOKES and loud outbursts by the members. Just watch it, tomorrow 10AM. The only time they CRY is when someone VICTIMIZE THEM! (eg. CRYBABY SOUR LAING)

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  33. Y’all want to know why there was a low turnout this weekend. Because nobody wanted to go and register when the program first starts only to have ZNS shove a camera in their face and have show them on TV and all over the other WUTLESS media as part of the government’s propaganda machine and gloating about how great they are for helping the “poor unemployed people”. Never mind the fact that they caused many of these persons to be in the position they are in and need unemployment assistance.

  34. Joe Blow :It is not surprising to me that there was a minimal turnout. We have a poor system of disseminating information in this country. Too many of our people do not read newspapers or listen to news on radio or TV. I suggested, in a previous contribution, that we must change the name to an Employment Benefit. This should help those who allow their pride to get in the way of their well-being. For those who do not listen to the news, ask the churches to take a few moments on Sunday to inform their congregations about the Benefit. Perhaps a pamphlet with the appropriate info could be included in with utility bills. Then, again, maybe there are more, previous laid-off persons, who have obtained employment than we know of. Since you seem to have noted that the sensationalism of the Tribune headlines does not connote the message in the article perhaps you will also adjust some of your headlines to more accurately depict your message. We are in a recession folks! Layoffs are inevitable! No one in Government is laughing!

    Boy Joe I can’t believe this but I agree with you again. If only all of us can put aside the things that we we agree on and focus on collaborating to solve the real problems. this is the 21st century and maybe I am giving away a good idea here but there should be a site where you can go as a citizen of the Bahamas and see everything that you are entitled to as a citizen NIB to scholarships and I agree that churches and schools and other organizations should have been involved but that shows just how serious we are about solving problems……we are not. This government seems just to want to keep the seat warm and pass the big problems on to the next guy. We really need to get serious but next time there will probably be a better turn out now that people should know whats going on. I disagree with one this this government is laughing all the way to the bank every month to collect their regular salaries, you want proof….watch Channel 40.

  35. It is so discouraging; they sign any agreement, amend any laws and don’t ask the people for suggestions or ideas.

    Since they are in the mode for signing anything. Just sign us over to the US as a Colony. Let Obama float this sinking ship. The worst is yet to come.

    “TRUST” the Country will deteriorate.
    “TRUST” Victimization will continue under their watch.
    “TRUST” that Life will be made a living Hell for those who threaten to expose Sweet hearting of MP’s (You show your list and I’ll prosecute you on my corruption evidence) That was the genuine reason the order was sent to investigate that idiot.
    “TRUST” that uneducated and incompetent people will be in the Government Cabinet.
    “TRUST” immature and potential mutineers was appointed and being watched as State Ministers.(No mutiny nor referendums under his watch)
    “TRUST” hard times will continue to punish the poor.
    “TRUST” More Bahamians will die from stress than in any other time of our history.
    “TRUST” The party’s future will be left in PM son hands – Vargo, the economist.

    P.S. I remember the first unemployment cases started with a two Diplomatic Consolers then two Managers at NIB including the Director. Maybe you should separate the persecution cases as a special note.

  36. It is not surprising to me that there was a minimal turnout. We have a poor system of disseminating information in this country. Too many of our people do not read newspapers or listen to news on radio or TV. I suggested, in a previous contribution, that we must change the name to an Employment Benefit. This should help those who allow their pride to get in the way of their well-being. For those who do not listen to the news, ask the churches to take a few moments on Sunday to inform their congregations about the Benefit. Perhaps a pamphlet with the appropriate info could be included in with utility bills. Then, again, maybe there are more, previous laid-off persons, who have obtained employment than we know of. Since you seem to have noted that the sensationalism of the Tribune headlines does not connote the message in the article perhaps you will also adjust some of your headlines to more accurately depict your message. We are in a recession folks! Layoffs are inevitable! No one in Government is laughing!

  37. BP to prove your point how the Tribune has no idea what journalism is look at their caption on the amount of people who signed up for the unemployment scheme on page 1 and then read the actual story. The caption is totally misleading. The caption reads, “Hundreds sign up for national unemployment scheme”. From the caption you get the impression that there were long lines but when you read the story the story is actually the opposite. Contrast the Tribune’s with that of the Guardian’s caption: “Low turn out for jobless benefit registration“.

    I told an American friend of mine that he will never catch a Bahamian in thrift store. We too proud. lol.

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