Another bright spot in the Cabinet Room…Desmond Bannister


bannister<<< Desmond Bannister MP.

Nassau, Bahamas — The Hon. Desmond Bannister, the MP for Carmichael and Min of Youth, Sports and Culture  is another of the bright spots in that otherwise dark Cabinet led by Hubert A Ingraham. As a Minister, he met a dysfunctional Ministry full of rejects in the Public Service. Most of the staff are incompetent and have been sent from other Ministries. 80 % of them should be retired in the “Public Interest”.

The Minister should be applauded for his work in bringing together some of these rejects  to bring the FiFa Conference here. His PS, Archie Nairn does not have a clue and is lazy. The Undersecretary is even worse. We will not talk about all the so called ” Consultants” who are paid for nothing. Reports coming out of that Ministry confirmed that Arlene Nash Ferguson has not been seen in the building for the past two and a half years and our source wanted us to ask what is she being paid $ 60,000 dollars per annum to do?.

The Hon. Desmond Bannister has to work under these harsh conditions including exposure to Mold in the building, yet he does not complain. He is active in Carmichael and should be promoted if he chooses to stay on. The overall grade for this Minister is C-.

The Political Scientists have told us that with his general deportment and gentle nature, he can go far. He needs to stay above the fray and not get too political. Your grade has been hampered by the staff in your Ministry, you need to get rid of those ” Consultants you met there– Obama does not have as much Czars as Consultants in that Ministry. They do not show up to work and we should not have to pay them. You can bring your grade up to a solid B  if you get rid of some of these people.

We will not waste ink on the Min of State for Culture and MP for Golden Isles, Charles Maynard, also known as the “Pillsbury Dough Boy”, he needs to go. He was graded an S, which  is for Silly.  


  1. Green Tea :@2 centsArlene Nash Ferguson is a good person (she was my favorite teacher) but if she not shown up to work for two years and still on the payroll somebody please tell me why has Moon Mcphee been given the boot. This is a man who has made sacrifices for many young persons and is always on the job performing. Somebody please assure me that this has nothing to do with politics?

    They still have Eddie Ford and others who do absolutely nothing. This is patronage politics and it is dead wrong.

  2. 2 cents :Why are you taking shots at Arlene Nash Ferguson? She’s one of the most energetic and visionary Bahamians around. Desmond Bannister is is one of the best examples of a good man in politics. Nash Ferguson was one of his teachers and I’m sure she’s so proud of him that she will make everyone around step up to make his tenure at Youth successful. Minister Bannister gets an A from me. That’s my two cents.

    The Hon Desmond Bannister did not hire her. He inherited this mess. Please advise what she does to earn this money. When does she go to work?. As a taxpayer, I would like to know.

  3. @2 cents
    Arlene Nash Ferguson is a good person (she was my favorite teacher) but if she not shown up to work for two years and still on the payroll somebody please tell me why has Moon Mcphee been given the boot. This is a man who has made sacrifices for many young persons and is always on the job performing. Somebody please assure me that this has nothing to do with politics?

  4. Why are you taking shots at Arlene Nash Ferguson? She’s one of the most energetic and visionary Bahamians around. Desmond Bannister is is one of the best examples of a good man in politics. Nash Ferguson was one of his teachers and I’m sure she’s so proud of him that she will make everyone around step up to make his tenure at Youth successful. Minister Bannister gets an A from me. That’s my two cents.

  5. @Russell Johnson
    Russell NAW LOOK you workin on my nerves now…. GO WORRY BOUT YOUR STUPID PARTY MEMBERS WHO GAT COURT CASES PENDING. THATS BP PERSPECTIVE of who they think are good ministers.

    Stupid Die hard plp’s like yourself cant be a bit OPEN MINDED to realize that when YAL was in office there wasnt NO RECESSION. Money was coming in YES, Jobs was staying YES. But Unfortunately we as Bahamians depend on US for to generate TOURISM. Now that the US economy has dropped…… everything over here has dropped too.

    MY GOODNESS WHEN PERRY WAS IN OFFICE HE DIDNT EVEN BUILD A SCHOOL, A CLINIC or SUMTINNNNNNN. What he did but promise dis and dat and didnt control his school yard filled with crooks.

  6. BP, you are right on target with these three Ministers, the rest are a drain on the public purse. Charles Maynard, is such a louse. He is not Minister material and should be fired, but, he and Neymour shall stay on for political expediency. What a shame. Idiots in the Cabinet.

  7. @Bahamasyouth
    You are such a coward as Bp gave an opinion and all you do is still rate doughboy as a good Minister.Are you one of those comnsultants who get paid for nothing?The man says that Bannister,McCartney and Minnis are good and all the others are incompets.All should go so that a new order can come.And stop being afraid of Christies return as he is the undisputed Leader of the PLP.

  8. Oh yes BP…. Oh yes….. FNM might have their faults but at least they got some LOYAL competent ministers.

    The FNM Good Ministers are:
    Branville McCartney
    Desmond Bannister
    Hubert Minnis- Despite that big time PLP as Pres. of Nurses Union
    Vincent Vanderpool Wallace- Despite being bashed for Miss Universe
    Charles Maynard
    Loretta Turner

    These are the Ministers who doing a AVERAGE JOB:
    Zhivargo Laing
    Lawrence Cartwright
    Earl Deveaux
    Kenneth Russell
    Brent Symonette
    Phenton Neymour

    These the people who GATS ta GO QUICKLY:
    Tommy Turnquest
    Neko Grant
    Carl Bethel

    All the rest like Dion Foulkes and Byran Woodside dey needs to do sumtin!

    Its time for people like these to be appointed something lets see if dey gud for sumtin:
    Kendal Wright
    Verna Grant
    Jacinta Higgs

  9. yeah… he’s good people… you got some good ones here… him and Bran… now if only Carl could get a clue

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