Another C.V. Bethel Student Stabbed to Death, as Crime Swells in The Bahamas


Click to Listen Report from ZNS: ds_20061.mp3

Nassau Bahamas – Another student has died on Thursday afternoon, just days after students of the C.C. Sweeting High School witnessed the stabbing death of 16 year old Rico Farrington.

An eyewitness and student of the C.V. Bethel High School told the story, as to how the country’s 13th murder victim came to his death. (LISTEN TO AUDIO)

With his murders fleeing the scene, the crime took place outside the City Markets Food Store and one block away from the South Beach Police Station. The victim – whose name is being withheld – was stabbed in the chest and succummed of his injuries at the Princess Margaret Hospital.

C.V.Bethel became the center of the full introduction of the ‘School Policing Programme’ back in 2005 when a 16 year old student, Alando Williamson will murdered by another student. The heighten violence in the government public schools along the withdrawal from classrooms by members of the Bahamas Union of Teachers (BUT) on Grand Bahama back in 2003, pressured the then Christie government to introduce the ‘School Policing’ initially in eight public schools in Abaco, Grand Bahama and New Providence.

The debate continues to louden, following the decision by the Ingraham government to withdraw police presence off school grounds. The programme once pressured to be implemented by the BUT, today is now being discouraged by BUT president Ida Poitier.

Eight weeks into the year and some 13 murders have already occued in The Bahamas. Three of which were school students.

C.V. Bethel also lost last year, 12th grader 17 year old George Oliver on September 30th. The student was gunned down just outside the Town Centre Mall, as he walked home following a class church service at the Golden Gates Assembly Church. Oliver was the country’s 58th murder victim in 2007.