Three more churches consider joining the Southland action against Bishop Johnson…

NASSAU| Three more churches of the Church of God could join the actions of the Southland Church of God against its National Overseer Bishop Moses Johnson and his associates.
Church leaders, along with their lawyers, gathered in the Supreme Court this morning to get an extension on the Injunction blocking the Bishop from operating or sending any agent inside the Southland Church.
Today was another day of victory for the Southland membership as the injunction was upheld and extended, restricting the Bishop from operating in the church.
Further, Bishop Johnson suffered another defeat as the court ordered that his appointments to the church are null and void, restricting his power to direct or instruct who operates inside Southland.
The powerful DECENT Justice Loren Klein agreed for the injunction to remain in place until October 27th, 2020 when a hearing will take place on all outstanding matters.
Former Bishops and Overseers must be looking down from heaven – and some up from that other place – to see the state of the Church in these uncharted COVID times. Questions over Hurricane Dorian funds were also presented before the court today.
Armed with financial documents in files marked with serious questions Queen’s Counsel Wayne Munroe, along with other ministers of the church, have begun an action against the Bishop to have funds of the Church for the last six years accounted for.

Bahamas Press’ agents and internal auditors have shared copies of the financial report from last Saturday’s meeting with the ministers and there is a lot to reveal.
We want yinner to stay close to these pages as they could drop like lightening at any time in the middle of the day or night!
With three more churches seeking to join the action, BP warns the Bishop and all involved to once again pursue the things that make for peace! Because, if the church and all its seasoned advisors, prayer bands, and agents cannot pursue peace in this matter and resolve this outside the church, trust us – THIS WILL RESULT IN WAR!
We report yinner decide!