Another fire torched by culprits at landfill successfully extinquished!


Persons desperate to have their way and impede progress at the dump-site keep starting fires!

Great Progress at landfill

NASSAU, The Bahamas (Feb 1, 2015) Renew Bahamas has successfully extinguished another aggressive fire started in south-western section of the temporary tipping floor.

This is the third arson attack in the last two weeks. Security identified the culprit as he fled the area.

The fire stared around midday on Saturday, January 31st. The company’s fire fighting team was immediately mobilized to the area and firebreaks cut to stop the fire from spreading. Water, fill and heavy plant were then used to suppress and extinguish the fire.

Teams worked through the night to minimize any impact to neighbouring residents. The company is satisfied the fire was fully extinguished around 2 p.m. Sunday.

Meantime work crews are still working on the final pocket of the burned area of the massive fire on the other part of the site that occurred January 17th. About 85 per cent of the 17 acres of the area burned by this fire has already been covered with fill.

Please be assured the company is doing everything it can with its team of contractors and the Fire Services Branch of the Royal Bahamas Police Force to bring relief.

The company will continue to post updates regarding its progress in dealing with the fire.