Another high-speed car chase ends deadly! BP Congratulates POLICE


bowlegClick to Listen to ZNS Report

Nassau Bahamas: On Sunday once again on New Providence police was caught up in a high-speed chase through the streets of the capital.

Police chased the vehicle through the streets where occupants began firing back at the cops. The chase lead police into the Pride Estates Subdivision where police shot and killed one of the occupants. The other criminal got away, leaving police still on the hunt for him.

Now it was just last week Sunday when son of Archdeacon Etienne Bowleg was caught up in a similar chase through the streets of the capital. Etienne Jr. a 24 year old of Twynam Heights, made the police speed to the streets where he and other occupants also opened fire on officers. When the police stopped the vehicle a 2003 BLUE Lincoln Navigator license plate #99 (HIS FATHER’S Car), inside police found drugs, two guns and rounds ready to kill someone, INCLUDING POLICE OFFICERS.

Now this is the same Etienne Jr. who threatened to kill former Archbishop Drexel W. Gomez following an action filed in the Supreme Court against his father. Bahamas Press has learned that Etienne Sr. must answer to a case for LAYING TO THE CHURCH OVER HIS AGE!

Now everyone knows Bahamas Press does not mince its words and for now we leave that there for now.

Etienne Jr. was a once saintly looking alter boy at Holy Trinity Church. The once saint turned gangster is now once again back on the street as he was given bail to walk and terrorize this society once again. Now Bahamas Press is concern about this because Minister of National Security Tommy Turnquest, is a high-ranking member of Fr. Etienne’s Church (Holy Trinity)! Bahamas Press is watching this case VERY VERY CLOSELY as WE KNOW, JUSTICE ESPECIALLY WHEN A CABINET MEMBER OF THE FNM GETS INVOLVED, IS SWEPT UNDER THE RUG! Just ask CARL BETHEL what happened with his son’s case at the once prestigious Queen’s College.

But what angers us most is the fact that the son of the priest placed before the courts was given bail! WHAT THE HELL? Even after shooting after the police!

Working officers should consider this, if a CRIMINAL has no respect for you whilst you have the uniform on, WHAT KIND OF RESPECT YOU THINK THEY WOULD HAVE WHEN THE UNIFORM IS OFF?



  1. Reading this reminds me of my old room mate. That guy was one of the smartest people I know, but he was a little weird for my tastes though. Anyways I loved reading this, thanks. Will give me something to argue about when I see him.

  2. what the hell you talking about telling the police congratulates for killing young men and woman…..what would you say if was one of yours.

  3. We all know the Bahamas policeman is corrupt. I believe they plan this ..look at the facts.

    Too many of our young men our in prison..Eddie go with God..

  4. Maritime Student :Etienne Jr or “Eddie” is a good friend of mine since childhood. Knowing him, his family, and his background I can unequivocally say that this is a case of being caught up with the “wrong crowd”. I agree with Drama King’s statement of him being a “wannabe thug”. I guess being labeled as a “pastor’s son” for most of your life is enough to make you want to act out and feel like you have something to prove. I attended an Anglican highschool and I’ve seen a “pastor’s son” or two get besides themselves in order to fit in with what at the time seems to be the cool crowd. I am in no way justifying his actions, I am just saying the guy isn’t some hardened criminal and shouldn’t be slandered based on propaganda and unverifable ‘facts’. I appreciate Drama King’s attempt to keep an unbiased and non-grapevine conversation going about the matter. I can imagine that most of you who comment here are older than he as well as I (22) and you probably don’t remember a time in your lives when public perception and social acceptance were a priority in your lives. If you do remember, think about things you did in order to ‘fit in’. I trust it wasn’t anything as severe as this but however subtle, your actions, personality, and mindset were all shaped into what you thought somebody else would like and accept. Once again, this is not meant to endorse or excuse his actions, but just to shed some light on what’s going on inside the heads and lives of many young persons today.

    Amen! Well said Martime Student. I appreciate your comments and I too in no way want to justify Young Bowleg’s actions however, I KNOW he is not a real thug and hardened criminal. Maritime, I have two sons who are growing up rapidly and as a man I remember what it was like in my youth trying to fit in. My parents were strict and I used to get scoffed at for not being able to go here and there with the in crowd so I acted out plenty times just to show them that I was cool. I KNOW how it is.

    It makes no sense to go around condemning this young man to hell and in turn MAKING him a hardened criminal. Lets try to SAVE one of our young, black men who have potential for greatness!! Its VERY hard to be a decent young man in this present society. VERY hard.

  5. Etienne Jr or “Eddie” is a good friend of mine since childhood. Knowing him, his family, and his background I can unequivocally say that this is a case of being caught up with the “wrong crowd”. I agree with Drama King’s statement of him being a “wannabe thug”. I guess being labeled as a “pastor’s son” for most of your life is enough to make you want to act out and feel like you have something to prove. I attended an Anglican highschool and I’ve seen a “pastor’s son” or two get besides themselves in order to fit in with what at the time seems to be the cool crowd. I am in no way justifying his actions, I am just saying the guy isn’t some hardened criminal and shouldn’t be slandered based on propaganda and unverifable ‘facts’. I appreciate Drama King’s attempt to keep an unbiased and non-grapevine conversation going about the matter. I can imagine that most of you who comment here are older than he as well as I (22) and you probably don’t remember a time in your lives when public perception and social acceptance were a priority in your lives. If you do remember, think about things you did in order to ‘fit in’. I trust it wasn’t anything as severe as this but however subtle, your actions, personality, and mindset were all shaped into what you thought somebody else would like and accept. Once again, this is not meant to endorse or excuse his actions, but just to shed some light on what’s going on inside the heads and lives of many young persons today.

  6. Morehands…..again I say I agree with you (stop to check my temperature). You are making a lot of sense these days. Young Bowleg’s last night was to be Monday night. Only prayers and God has him still with us. I hope he takes advantage of his opportunity.

    Morehands you realize if at least FOUR of all of those cops had hit the bush they would have found the accomplice/shooter. Can you imagine the terror in Young Bowleg’s heart at the time. He can safely be classified as a wannabe thug. So being in a REAL situation like this must have caused him to have a growing brown spot on the back of his camouflage pants.

    You are right, our police need to take back the streets and DEMAND respect from criminals.

    Now that you have clarified, I understand what you mean by “tank”. I, too, saw the bullet ridden body of what was once a “blue stately lady”….

  7. To clarify what I meant by “take that SUV tank right out”, I was referring to the extremely large vehicle as “a tank” and taking it right out, referred to every tire being riddled with bullets to flatten them and stop the vehicle.

    It really did not appear that the police was looking for an accomplice. No one was searching around in the bushes or streets. The RBPF 5-0’s were just surrounding the vehicle with guns drawn as if they were waiting on him to blink and BAMMM!!! he was going to be dead.

    To tell you the truth, when the story broke in the media, I was surprised to see that Bowleg Jr actually made it through alive and not shot. He is seriously covered by prayers, cause Monday night was supposed to been his last night. RBPF was hot!

    Our police need to take back the streets. Send a message to all wannabe criminals that if we catch you, its finish – judge, jury and executioner. There has to be some electronic device, helicopter, 50 caliber weapon, constant road blocks, something that will send the message that if you run you will be caught.

    I refuse to move behind a gated community just so I can feel that my family will be safer. The Bahamas cannot come to this.

  8. This is indeed a sad situation. Being an Anglican, I am aware of The Archdeacon son faults as well as the Archdeacon. This young man is a troublesome young man and what Bahamas Press is saying about The Archdeacon is indeed true! This is a problem. If this young man open fire on the Police, he was intended to kill someone. The Police as we all know have every right to defend themselves. Etienne Jr Lucky. He has no shame doing fool in his father’s car or is it in the name of Holy Trinity??? I cry shame. These parents know exactly what is going on. after all of that, the child pleaded not Guilty…What example is that. Bahamas Press should report on all of the Archdeacon children so that others can see exactly what the deal is..Ill leave that right there

  9. Drama King :These are all very serious comments people. I am a father and I feel a bit sorry for Archdeacon Bowleg and his wife as I know he didnt raise his son like that. I feel this is a case of bad company and getting caught up with hoodlums to be “cool”.
    This young man apparently is brilliant and was to enter Med School soon. He needs to get himself together and get his life back on track. He has a lot to think about right now and I am quite sure he is regretting EVERYTHING he did that night.
    The size of the vehicle and the speed at which it was being driven says to me that young Bowleg had an accomplice in the vehicle who was the shooter. I feel its virtually impossible to drive a Lincoln, Navigator, which is a very big, high-powered vehicle, at top speed and accurately shoot at the police.
    The allegations against young Bowleg are very strong, however, its a shame if we have to lose yet another young, smart, well-raised black man to foolishness in this society. I hope he is truly sorry for what he has done, given up any gangster-type lifestyle he was toying with, tells the police EXACTLY what happened and WHOM he was with and then gets his life back on track.

    If you are cold enough to fire at a weapon at police officer or anyone and engage in criminal activities, the last thing anybody need to hear is who child you are, your educational background or what a potential future you had ahead of you. As far as I am concerned, all those criminals sitting up Fox Hill Prison had a bright future ahead of them, if only they had made the right decisions. Yes, I realize some people are weak and they made have fallen into the wrong crowd, but it is sad to say that’s the story of most criminals.

  10. Even though there are some corrupt police officers, I still say we have to respect law and order. Anyone firing at Law Enforcement officers and loses their life, I am sorry there will be no sympathy from me for them. We can not have this country running like the Wild, Wild West.

  11. Another thing Drama, I would like to know, who is at fault when these criminal files go missing in action? There is some things I could never erase from my mind, don’t care how hard I have tried. There was this young beautiful girl who happened to get involved with a very abusive and jealous man. I could picture her right now walking pass my house holding her baby in her arms, hailing as she passes my home. Well one Sunday afternoon, someone when and told this jealous boyfriend of hers that they saw her talking with another man. Well all I saw was went he grabbed the baby out of her arms and handed the child to his sister to hold and then grabbed a bat and beat that girl to death in the middle of the road. All the neighbors ran out into the street begging for him to stop. When someone was finally able to stop him the poor girl was already dead. Despite my testimony and all the neighbors’ testimonies, today he walks as a free man, you know why? When the case came up they were not able to locate his file. I say that some poor filing system the police have in place or some monies must of change hands. So when I talk as silly as it might sound, it is only from my own personal experiences.

  12. Morehands :
    I was on the scene just after the shootout on Harrold Rd happened. And it happened on a Monday night at about 9:40 p.m. and not a Sunday (Mr. Journalist Extraordinaire).
    Young Bowleg lucky he was not killed and that people like us were on the road at that exact time as witnesses to stop he police from shooting him up like they did to that SUV.
    As the crowd grew, half were shouting “kill him, kill him”, while the others were saying “call Father Bowleg, where the ambulance? They wan kill Father Bowleg son on Harrold Rd tonight”.
    I really can’t say which group I supported but I can say that I was glad to see how the officers took that SUV tank right out. They were out for blood that night and either fortunately or unfortunately Bowleg Jr lived.
    On a separate note, I feel it is so discouraging to the RBPF to see so many people walk away free on bail or major court cases thrown out because of “legal technicalities”.

    Me too although i still think More Hands lets his red get in the way of things. This time you didn’t. Joe Blow is a complete ass. Media, I’m with you 100 percent. Anyone crazy enough to shoot at the police is a danger to society and if they killed him, we would all be better off. You cannot allow the police to be shot at, otherwise, we will be a wild west town and I don’t give one holy hail mary who’s child he is. If Jesus Christ shoots at the police, they should shoot back at him with the intent to kill. The authority of the police has to be respected and you can’t write it off by saying it makes a difference who the shooter is. It doesn’t. What would you say to the police officer’s family if Bowleg didn’t miss? Will the Joe Blow school of ethics care to explain just what you would have said? Oh, its okay, his father is the FNM priest?

    BP, I want to tell you that you should go talk to Father Brown at St. Agnes and let him tell you about another sex scandal involving this same Fr. Bowleg and the daughter of an FNM Minister who was caught polishing somebody’s knob on the church property. Fr. Brown, according to my sources, caught the couple in the act. Both were teenagers. He gave the lil gal one bitch slap and the gal got her mother and Fr. Bowleg to call the police on Father Brown. Father Brown explained the situation and Bowleg still told the mother to press charges. That man is a criminal in the cloth and they should lock him and his criminal son up together. Don’t take my word for it BP, go to the source and confirm it.

  13. @Drama King

    Drama King :I am thinking carefully about this case and what exactly happened that night. This is a VERY large vehicle – Lincoln, Navigator – traveling at top speed through the streets of New Providence. I am already convinced that young Bowleg was NOT the shooter. His passenger was the shooter. Now Morehands gave me something else to think about. Morehands said the TANK of the Navigator suffered damages. Thinking about the size of the vehicle….when the shooter put his gun outside that window, he only put enough of him outside to get a shot. He also wants to protect himself from being shot……so he makes a quick movement with his arm and fires a blind shot……..which VERY WELL could have landed on the side of the vehicle continuously which resulted in the damage to the tank area. The police might have gotten a few of them in there too. Unless young Bowleg’s passenger was a hardened criminal experienced in road chases and shoot outs, I would say the police tried to pull up on the side of the vehicle and the shooter got some lucky shots which resulted in damages to the police car – Crown Victoria.
    The police are very tight-lipped on this case. Firstly, the reports of a BLACK FORD EXPEDITION being driven by a 37-yeard-old male of Prince Charles Drive was ridiculous ESPECIALLY when the license plate “99? was given. Why was this erroneous information put out there? Why are the police STILL using a 2003 BLACK FORD EXPEDITION as the description of this vehicle? Everyone, especially those in the Anglican community, knows that Archdeacon Bowleg has a 2003 BLUE Lincoln Navigator, registration plate #99, yet the police have not corrected this and I am sure this description is now on court documents. What does that mean for the case? Also, I guess the police was FORCED to give the real name, age and address of young Bowleg. Another mystery is why are the police not talking about the other party(ies) in the vehicle who escaped. Are they actively looking for him? Did young Bowleg finger his accomplice?
    Like BP said, this case is one to watch closely. Young Bowleg has a very good lawyer so I am sure he is getting off. On another note, because of young Bowleg’s sterling performance in leading a high speed chase through the streets of New Providence while driving a Lincoln, Navigator he has probably set a new trend with real criminals. The Navigator will now be the new Sentra….lol….. We all know that the Sentra is the getaway/robbery car of choice for Bahamian criminals. Now they will use the Lincoln, Navigator for better handling, speed, luxury and protection during criminal activities. Watch the trend!…lol…this is no laughing matter.

    Well Drama I am only talking from my personal experience. In the past I have sat in on several court cases and there were incidents where the information in a police report just was not adding up and the defendant was able to go free. Another thing I notice with the courts is a lot of time the police who made the reports do not even show up to testify and the case keeps being adjourned and until the case is completely thrown out. I agree with you though, they should not allow person charge with murder back out on the street, most of the time these people goes back on the street and do the most heinous crimes.

  14. I am thinking carefully about this case and what exactly happened that night. This is a VERY large vehicle – Lincoln, Navigator – traveling at top speed through the streets of New Providence. I am already convinced that young Bowleg was NOT the shooter. His passenger was the shooter. Now Morehands gave me something else to think about. Morehands said the TANK of the Navigator suffered damages. Thinking about the size of the vehicle….when the shooter put his gun outside that window, he only put enough of him outside to get a shot. He also wants to protect himself from being shot……so he makes a quick movement with his arm and fires a blind shot……..which VERY WELL could have landed on the side of the vehicle continuously which resulted in the damage to the tank area. The police might have gotten a few of them in there too. Unless young Bowleg’s passenger was a hardened criminal experienced in road chases and shoot outs, I would say the police tried to pull up on the side of the vehicle and the shooter got some lucky shots which resulted in damages to the police car – Crown Victoria.

    The police are very tight-lipped on this case. Firstly, the reports of a BLACK FORD EXPEDITION being driven by a 37-yeard-old male of Prince Charles Drive was ridiculous ESPECIALLY when the license plate “99” was given. Why was this erroneous information put out there? Why are the police STILL using a 2003 BLACK FORD EXPEDITION as the description of this vehicle? Everyone, especially those in the Anglican community, knows that Archdeacon Bowleg has a 2003 BLUE Lincoln Navigator, registration plate #99, yet the police have not corrected this and I am sure this description is now on court documents. What does that mean for the case? Also, I guess the police was FORCED to give the real name, age and address of young Bowleg. Another mystery is why are the police not talking about the other party(ies) in the vehicle who escaped. Are they actively looking for him? Did young Bowleg finger his accomplice?

    Like BP said, this case is one to watch closely. Young Bowleg has a very good lawyer so I am sure he is getting off. On another note, because of young Bowleg’s sterling performance in leading a high speed chase through the streets of New Providence while driving a Lincoln, Navigator he has probably set a new trend with real criminals. The Navigator will now be the new Sentra….lol….. We all know that the Sentra is the getaway/robbery car of choice for Bahamian criminals. Now they will use the Lincoln, Navigator for better handling, speed, luxury and protection during criminal activities. Watch the trend!…lol…this is no laughing matter.

  15. Kim Sands :Majority of time when people walk it’s because the police did not do their job effectively. Either they did poor investigating or leave something of significant out of the report. Sometimes, when I speak with some of those law enforcement officers, I wonder how the hell did they got on the force in the first place.

    Kim I beg to differ on this. I think the police bring the culprits before the court but its the horrid legal system that puts them back out on the street. What really gets me is when MURDERERS get bail. When I was a young man growing up, this was unheard of.

  16. Morehands :I was on the scene just after the shootout on Harrold Rd happened. And it happened on a Monday night at about 9:40 p.m. and not a Sunday (Mr. Journalist Extraordinaire).
    Young Bowleg lucky he was not killed and that people like us were on the road at that exact time as witnesses to stop he police from shooting him up like they did to that SUV.
    As the crowd grew, half were shouting “kill him, kill him”, while the others were saying “call Father Bowleg, where the ambulance? They wan kill Father Bowleg son on Harrold Rd tonight”.
    I really can’t say which group I supported but I can say that I was glad to see how the officers took that SUV tank right out. They were out for blood that night and either fortunately or unfortunately Bowleg Jr lived.
    On a separate note, I feel it is so discouraging to the RBPF to see so many people walk away free on bail or major court cases thrown out because of “legal technicalities”.

    Morehands, I thought the day would never come when I actually agree with you. You are right!! (Did I really say that?)Young Bowleg is VERY lucky he is alive as situations like his usually end in the culprit being taken out by police. See what the prayers of parents can do? He was obviously covered by prayers.

    So Morehands when you say the cops took the Navigator’s tank right out, are you saying that the reason young Bowleg finally stopped for police is that he ran out of gas?…lol…..this is no laughing matter.

  17. Majority of time when people walk it’s because the police did not do their job effectively. Either they did poor investigating or leave something of significant out of the report. Sometimes, when I speak with some of those law enforcement officers, I wonder how the hell did they got on the force in the first place.

  18. I was on the scene just after the shootout on Harrold Rd happened. And it happened on a Monday night at about 9:40 p.m. and not a Sunday (Mr. Journalist Extraordinaire).

    Young Bowleg lucky he was not killed and that people like us were on the road at that exact time as witnesses to stop he police from shooting him up like they did to that SUV.

    As the crowd grew, half were shouting “kill him, kill him”, while the others were saying “call Father Bowleg, where the ambulance? They wan kill Father Bowleg son on Harrold Rd tonight”.

    I really can’t say which group I supported but I can say that I was glad to see how the officers took that SUV tank right out. They were out for blood that night and either fortunately or unfortunately Bowleg Jr lived.

    On a separate note, I feel it is so discouraging to the RBPF to see so many people walk away free on bail or major court cases thrown out because of “legal technicalities”.

  19. These are all very serious comments people. I am a father and I feel a bit sorry for Archdeacon Bowleg and his wife as I know he didnt raise his son like that. I feel this is a case of bad company and getting caught up with hoodlums to be “cool”.

    This young man apparently is brilliant and was to enter Med School soon. He needs to get himself together and get his life back on track. He has a lot to think about right now and I am quite sure he is regretting EVERYTHING he did that night.

    The size of the vehicle and the speed at which it was being driven says to me that young Bowleg had an accomplice in the vehicle who was the shooter. I feel its virtually impossible to drive a Lincoln, Navigator, which is a very big, high-powered vehicle, at top speed and accurately shoot at the police.

    The allegations against young Bowleg are very strong, however, its a shame if we have to lose yet another young, smart, well-raised black man to foolishness in this society. I hope he is truly sorry for what he has done, given up any gangster-type lifestyle he was toying with, tells the police EXACTLY what happened and WHOM he was with and then gets his life back on track.

  20. “no one should………..” is exactly what I meant to say, so why would I withdraw that? In the context of the article, the police were in uniform and in police cars chasing suspects. Your jump to the comclusion that I think it’s ok to shoot at a police out of uniform is your misunderstanding. Don’t read things into my response that are not there.

  21. OK Joe Blow here goes, withdraw the quote.”no one should receive bail if they attack a police officer,while in uniform”. My extensive analysis pointed this out but of course you did not get it.Sorry if I was not simple enough.A Policeman is such 24/7.

  22. I am against those accused of murder being given bail under any circumstances. I am against those accused of rape being given bail under any circumstances. I am against anyone who shoots at a police officer while he is in the line of duty being given bail. I am for capital punishment, provided all avenues of appeal have been followed. I am also against anyone in Government using their influence to protect anyone accused of any criminal offence so as to be protected from prosecution. I am against anyone who advocates violence against another person or group.I view those who sell illegal drugs as the worst of criminals: akin to murderers and rapists, who should have all their civil legal rights stripped from them. And I am against persons who use this site to belittle others, threaten others and use vile language. I believe that if we all followed the ten commandments to the best of our ability we would all live in a more gentle and loving way. If I am asked to remove a quote, you must put the words in parenthesize so I know what you wish me to withdraw. And I can tell by your writing, YOU DO NOT KNOW WHO I AM.

  23. Joe Blow :Now I totally agree with you that no one should receive bail if they attack a police officer,while in uniform.

    You my friend gets mre ridiculous each day,perhaps you spend too much time on the net.Some Police Officers are Detectives and only wear civilian clothing?Are you adv ocating that criminals wait until Policemen are off duty before confronting them?Since I kbnow who you are please correct this insinuation.We cant have the protectors under attack and not support them 100 %.I am strongly against bail for any criminal but remember now we have over 175 persons on bail for Murder.We have reports of witness intimidation which you must bring up in your meetings with the m overs and shakers of the Govt.I anxciously await your withdrawal of the asinine quote.

  24. A police officer’s duty is to serve and protect. We do not give them a right to act as part of a vigilante gang. When an officer’s life is threatened of course he must do all he can to protect his own life, but to advocate what you are proposing is nor appropriate and gives the young more inexperienced officer a wrong message. No, Wisdom I do not wish to control Bahamas press, I just want him to exercise some control over his over-emotional outburst,

  25. BP, Joe Blow sounds like a strong editor, who want to control Bahamas Press content.
    However, I can not see why Etienne Jr. got bail. Trust me he better leave this Island, because the next office will shoot for the head.

  26. @Joe Blow
    Now JOE you forget this is NOT THE TOILET PAPER ECH? Bahamas Press does not take instruction on its editorial content from you, CHRISTIE, INGRAHAM or ANYONE ELSE!

    And that is what makes this blog what it is. WHO IN THE HELL YOU THINK YOU IS SUGGESTION THAT WE, “remove it from your article” ? You fotget Bahamas Press has its editors ech?

    We stand by what we say, “AIM FOR THEIR HEAD OFFICERS, AIM FOR THEIR HEAD!” You mean I ga put on my uniform and allow a CRIMINAL SHOT AT ME and leave my family crying. HELL NO! AIM FOR THE HEAD whether they fire or not, ONCE THEY PUT AN OFFICER LIFE IN DANGER I SAY TAKE THEM OUT!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  27. Media: Now I totally agree with you that no one should receive bail if they attack a police officer,while in uniform. If Mr. Turnquest was in anyway responsible for this young person receiving bail he must be censured! I would like to hear his statement about this. We must. at all cost, protect our law abiding police officers as they go about doing their duty to protect us. While I know you are very angry, you must not advocate that the police take an action that is against their code. Please think about what you have written and remove it from your article.

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