Another Murder in the Peter/Deveaux Streets


Bahamas Press is reporting another murder in the capital in the East Street/ Deveaux Stret area last night. War in the area has to date claimed the life of some 7 young men in the last six months.

BP can confirm MATHIUS ALIAS ‘TYIE’ is died following a shootout in the area. The Peter/Deveaux Streets area has broken out in a dangerous drug war since the death of Pearl Eye. The Haitian drug gang, ZOE POUND, has taken control over the area and is reeking havoc with residents in the community.

Mathius is the 126th murder victim in the country since 2009.

UPDATE FROM THE WAR NOW ON THE GROUND IN THE Peter/Deveaux Streets area :- Mathius is a witness in the murder of Marvin Sears, who was shot dead through Milton street. He also got shot in the hand that day when Marvin Sears got killed. He was also Pearl Eyes’ best worker, he was there when Pearls got shot dead. Mathius shot back at the guys and a stray bullet ended up in the tire shop yard on the corner of Milton street. He was actually the culprits next target. Pearls died and his brother who was incarcerated at the time of his death. He is now out on bail for Murder. His brothers name is Lil D, I think that’s who the culprits really want. ‘ Tyie’ always stayed wearing his bullet proof vest, I guess he got to relaxed.

BP IS ON THE GROUND IN THE Peter/Deveaux Streets area where the war is now taking place.


  1. I read in the newspaper that this victim was shot over 20 times now thats cause for concern.Well like PAPA says they are ,Killing themselves.I found this statement when made to be ridiculous and in view of whats taking place in the Milton St area ,frioghtening as schools and the general public traverse this area daily.

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