Another official set to be arraigned before the courts


Nassau, BahamasA BP NEWS ALERT: Bahamas Press is reporting the interdiction and possibly pending criminal charges for alleged misappropriation of funds by a senior official in the department of youth and culture.

Police sources tell us they have completed their investigations and files have been forwarded to the Attorney General’s Office to issue a fiat for his arrest.

This official’s alleged crimes are being linked to a trip to Florida last summer, where youths attending the Battle of the Band in Orlando were herded 16 in a room as monies paid by their parents never made its way to accommodating hotels.

The matter was brought to the Cabinet, which instructed the upper echelons of the department to proceed with its investigations.

That official has since been placed on half pay and was set to return to work on January 17th, however, following conclusions of police, his interdiction has been extended and could possible be arraigned within the coming days.




  1. call a spade a spade. Errybody know its big black Butler, stink attitude from he was teaching in primary school. Totally unsuitable for working with young people or anyone for that matter. Type of person who should be self employed, no people skills whatsoever.Arrogant, rude to the core.

    • Every crime should be punished but MY GOD….people are out there shooting down people and we are expending all this time on the funds that was spent on a trip. Let a jr police investigate that matter..Let the senior police get out there and help us combat crime. Tell Hubert to try to find a way to get the county out of the shit we are in, find some jobs and reduce crime and stop spending time on things that can easily be handled by others. Any excuse not to work!!!!

  2. :The matter was brought to the Cabinet, which instructed the upper echelons of the department to proceed with its investigations’.I hope this is not so as it is a clear case of political interference.There is no need for the Cabinet to get involved in this investigation as it in my view shows that the now BIG BROTHER.I say let the chips fall where they may but interference causes the Govt to lose credibility which they already lack tremendously.

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