Another Teenager Murdered In Bahamian Classroom


Nassau, Bahamas – Residents call for greater parental care and attention given to children amid the murder of a 17 year old on the school grounds of C.C Sweeting High School. Young Rico Farrington was stabbed to death in the classroom by two fellow students on Monday morning, shortly after 11:30am. Students returned to their classes on Tuesday morning greeted by counselors at a special assembly at the school. Mrs. Deloris Ingraham principal of the school toured the grounds with police officers and members of the media today, pointing out the positive programmes in the school.


  1. You both made two very important points. Attorney Paul D. Moss and I along with numerous supporters have pressed for months for the Government to put police officers in certain troubled public schools. We are not students, but we were at one point and time. In my personal opinion Mr. Moss was right from day one and he predicted if “the Government didn’t adhere to our cries, he feared greatly that this would have happened. NOW WHAT? The FNM Government always say they are listening to the cries of the people, but always seem to be just a step behind in regards to their taking decisive action. Even Pauper agreed that police should be placed in schools and he is blind..

  2. What sickens me in all this is the fact that the MEDIA in this country would be talking for days now about, BahAMar or the PLP and everything else in this town, except the school violence and what presents on the streets of New Providence.

  3. Not to point fingers or anything but the wife of the same Prime Minister is the principal of that school…though she isnt in a position to place police on campus she definitely can voice the need and the fact that school violence decreased during the time of school policing. She’s in a better position to voice it than any other citezen of this nation. However my condolences go out as well, and in all honesty i wish out bahamian parents would work harder with raising their children with better morals as did my parents and grandparents

  4. My condolences go out to the family of the deceased. A young life snuffed out and potential.
    What a pity the present Prime Minister thought it foolish by the PLP to have police officers on site at schools. Putting our children in the middle of a political fight. So sad.

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