Another woman is dead while waiting to see a doctor in Exuma



A Woman is dead in Exuma tonight following a accident in Stevenson, Exuma.

74-year-old, Annie Gwendolyn Smith, is the woman who was accidentally knocked down by a vehicle in the community.

When relatives took the woman to the clinic in the area no nurse or doctor was present to examine her. After hours she was then taken to George Town where she waited there for medical assistance.

She died awaiting for assistance.


  1. An alleged gross negligence and a poor health care system could describe the latest incident on Exuma. Many including persons including family members of the late Annie Smith continue to say how baffled they are after yesterdays heartbreaking incident .
    Seventy four year old Annie Smith of Steventon just a month shy of her seventy fifth birthday is dead after what many called a freak accident. Family members and other persons are calling on the Minister of Health to intervene in this latest matter as had Annie Smith received the medical help that she needed she would have been alive today. However that was reportedly not the case….
    Reports are that the mother of a prominent local business man Cercil Rolle was reportedly struck by one of his work trucks on Tuesday morning and was taken to the Lydia Rolle Clinic in Steventon where nearly an hour later they were told to take her to the George Town clinic instead as the doctor was there.
    Further reports indicate that after arriving at the George Town Clinic nearly an hour and a half later there was no sign of a doctor leading family members to visit the doctor’s residence for some answers. After constant knocks and beating on the doctor’s residence door, the doctor reportedly appeared a bit frustrated and complaining about her job.
    It was later reported that the patient was still at the clinic complaining of pain in her arm and leg when the doctor came in at about ten o’clock.
    The elderly lady was reportedly checked out by the doctor who decided that the matter was indeed more serious than she thought and agreed that she should seek further medical attention. Now the question is being asked as to whether Ms. Smith died on the way to the airport or at the airport in Nassau and why a dead body was airlifted to Nassau. As family members say they waited at the airport in Nassau for more than an hour to then discover that the elderly woman was perhaps dead before she left the island.
    Other concerns are too being mounted as to whether or not the one doctor on the island sufficient to service the entire island and surrounding cays. Just last month the minister of health Dr. Hubert Minis made an announcement that plans for the islands mini hospital were forging ahead and that a similar hospital would be built in Abaco. To date there has not been any official word on the building process for that hospital. Also residents are still paying huge air ambulance or charter fees to be transferred to the capital to seek further medical attention. It was last May that more than thousand signatures were sent to the Minster of Health lobbying for a much need medical facility.

  2. Media, again this is a problem of a lack of will by whomever posts medical professionals. There are Doctors running into each other in Nassau. Send their arses to Exuma, and Andros and to wherever else they are needed. If they do not go when ordered, then they voluntarily resign their appointment, and it is as simple as that. Get off your arse Hubert Minnis, People are dying!

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