Another woman is fighting for her life following an accident. What is wrong with motorist on our streets



Mother fighting for her life following an accident in the Yamacraw Road area last evening.

Nassau, Bahamas: The photos in this post are taken showing the latest vehicle wrecked on the streets of New Providence. This was the scene on Yamacraw Road just behind Her Majesty’s Prison on Wednesday night around 10p.m. A mother and her children were the occupants of this Ford Explorer. With no skid marks on the street, the vehicle, which was traveling west, plunged into a dilly tree and wrapped around it, which stood alongside of the road.

The kids are said to be fine, but the condition of the mother is unknown. After almost a 20-minute wait for the ambulance to arrive, it took EMS vehicles almost another 40 minutes to leave the scene (after the victims were loaded into the ambulance). But just then the unthinkable had happened, one of the ambulances could not start. Again we do not know the condition of the woman, but if she did indeed survived that accident, it would have been nothing short of a MIRACLE.

Drivers are all in frenzy this holiday season, with some finding themselves never reaching their destiny. Last week Sunday two men travelling in a vehicle near Bacardi Road drove off the road and crushed their vehicles in the bushes. A tree cut the car almost in half, leaving the driver fighting for his life in hospital.

Another accident was this past Sunday around 4PM on Gladstone Road (THE INDY 500). That driver was chasing a truck as they both zoomed passed us overtaking. But that was not enough, as the race continued yards ahead of us, the driver of the Honda decided to move into lane two (for drivers traveling opposite), drop into overdrive and overtake the vehicle in front of him. Drunk, CRAZY, PLAIN STUPID or ALL THREE, the driver continued up the road overtaking, whilst at the same time a mini van driven by another man was trying to turn onto the Gladstone Road from a side street. Well we know what happened there, that race quickly ended as the driver overtaking in the Honda slammed into the van taking the front section of the vehicle with him.

But that was not enough, again near the same area around 6 o’clock that evening, another motorist attempted to fill his fantasy by trying and see what making love to an electricity pole is like. There he was on the ground, outside his car with his shirt off with his vehicle wrapped around a pole near the intersection of Carmichael and Gladstone Roads. The pole was cracked in half and the vehicle written off.

This is the season to be jolly, NOT CRAZY! Residents of New Providence must know by now that every Christmas the ‘Bus of Death’ make a special stop in the Bahamas for drunk and reckless drivers. And  so why is there soo much SPEEDING ON OUR STREETS? Why overtake a car to stop in front of it amidst this TRAFFIC JAM EVERYWHERE? Nassau is ONLY an island (21 X 7). Buckle up, slow down, drive within the speed limits, don’t drink, eat nor answer the cell phone whilst behind the wheel. And if you must drink this holiday, DON’T DRIVE! If the turkey is that juicy, pull on the side of the road and eat. And if you want to use your phone, pull off the road when answering your call. DRIVE TO LIVE AND ARRIVE ALIVE! Be safe this Christmas!


The front section of the vehicle burst into flames following impact.


Vehicle shattered upon impact into a dilly tree in the Yamacraw Road area last evening.


  1. What is get me with some of these lunatics, they know they can’t chew gum and cross the road at the same time, but yet they like to get wasted, eat, answer phone, put on make and speeding all at the same time,. You and I know that’s an accident waiting to happen. On a serious note though, I have seen a few of them plucking their eyebrow and getting ready for work in traffic. They want do everything in these cars; all it leave for them to do is start washing and hanging out their clothes and bathing in these cars. Everyday, I find myself trying to avoid these crazy people who do act like they don’t have anything to live for. Anyway, at least these set running into trees and not people.

  2. And Wisdom Bahamians are SOO deceitful (DUPLICITOUS), there was a gentleman on the scene who claimed he witnessed that the driver was NOT speeding at all. I mean take a look at this wreak and to say the driver was NOT speeding is just UNTRUE. And If the driver was not speeding, then certainly it had a bomb on board!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  3. Driving reckless is a serious problem in Nassau. But BP you make the news so entertaining. I enjoy the lines: …”fill his fantasy by trying and see what making love to an electricity pole is like” LOL!!! And .. the ‘Bus of Death’ lol!!!
    The government could get rich of these traffic violators.

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