Violence snatches the life of another female in South Beach. Incident records the 4th murder for the year!

Nassau, Bahamas — Police now have the 4th murder for the year and we can tell you the scene is familiar.
The first being a double murder, then is was the murder in the Haitian Village in the east. And then the fourth murder is the incident today. ZNS reported today’s incident was the second murder incident for the year, but that is not true. Now you see why the numbers don’t be right!
The latest incident we can report took place in the area of Bougainvillea Boulevard in South Beach. The same street where the lives of Nelle Brown-Cox and another female were ended.
We can tell you a 32-year man is in custody assisting police with a stabbing incident, which left the woman dead and a man with minor stab wounds.
According to police reports, shortly after 4:00am the female and male victims were at a home located at South Beach Drive off Bougainville Avenue when another man forced his way into the residence and stabbed both victims about their bodies. The man then fled on foot.
Police on arrival at the scene met the lifeless body of a female with multiple stab wounds about the body just like Nelle Brown Cox’s murder. The male in the incident suffered minor stab wounds.
The female was pronounced dead on the scene and the male was taken to hospital via EMS personnel where he was examined and later released.
A 32-year old man is in custody assisting police in connection with this matter.
Readers would remember how in October last year the badly stabbed body of 21-year old Anthonique Hunt was discovered in her apartment. The brutal murder of Hunt was the result of a serious altercation.
Eleven (11) adult males and a juvenile are in custody after Police in Eleuthera arrested them for Possession of Dangerous Drugs on Friday 11th January 2013.
According to police reports, around 5:40pm a team of officers from the Eleuthera Division of the Royal Bahamas Police Force acting on information conducted a search of a local restaurant in Tarpum Bay for Dangerous Drugs. During the search the officers found a quantity of Dangerous Drugs. As a result, twelve (12) suspects were arrested and taken into custody.