Archbishop Patrick Pinder in a letter warns parishioners with respiratory flu-like symptoms to stay home!


Catholic Church makes changes to its traditions following the outbreak of CoVID 19 around the world…

Archbishop Patrick Pinder

NASSAU| His Grace the Most Reverend Patrick Pinder Archbishop of Nassau has issued a letter to parishes across the country updating them on the Coronavirus and the changes that will now take effect during the mass.

In his letter dated this past Thursday, the Archbishop cautioned the faithful that it is important to maintain good hygiene.

Additionally, he announced with immediate effect the emptying of all Holy Water containers at the church doors.

The distribution of the Blood Of Christ during all services is now temporarily suspended.

The Archbishop has also announced that all moments of contact during the mass will be temporarily suspended. These include the greeting of the peace [shaking hands and the kiss of peace] and also holding hands during the Our Father Prayer will stop.

CoVID 19 will now force priests and laypersons to distribute the communion bread to the hands and not on the tongue as an option.

Eucharistic Ministers are also reminded to thoroughly wash their hands before and after administering communion and priests are encouraged to greet members without having any physical contact before and after mass. Well, what has the place of healing come to?

Meanwhile, the Archbishop advised those having respiratory flu-like symptoms to stay home [in BP language: stop spreading the virus!].

All that is left, we believe, for the Archbishop to do now is to tell church people mass is suspended until further notice. We now see why the Chinese President called COVID 19 the “great satan”.

Archbishop Pinder also admonished believers to pray for those who have contracted the virus around the world that they might be restored to full health.

Meanwhile, Pope Francis has caught a cold and has suspended many of his activities. The Holy See has also now been reported on a list of having active CoVID 19 patients, according to the World Health Organization.

You only are left to wonder if the people’s tithes could be contagious, too?

We report yinner decide!