"As Many"



<<< Speaker of the House, Alvin ‘Chipmunk’ Smith.

Nassau, Bahamas — We have been watching the House of Assembly where our elected officials should be able to speak freely on our behalf in the seat of democracy.

The Speaker, Alvin Smith, has been stifling free speech and should be removed. He has no sense of decency and I call for “as many as are in favour” of his removal to respond and write to him to leave.

He suspended the member for Englerston, a duly elected member who tried to put a very important matter before the house on behalf of her constituents. This act by the Speaker was disgraceful. He continues to let Mugabe and the other sorry bunch of losers on the Gov’t. side to get away with all manner of things.

Well, Mr. Speaker, we are looking through your closets and robes and will report on you shortly. We are hearing some interesting things about you and one fella who goes by the last name Kemp, who ran your office when you were leader of the Opposition. We are hearing all kinds stories of devious, salacious and psycho sexual behaviour.

You seem not to know what decency and fair play is and we will bring you to account. “As Many”.