Bahamas Press DELIVERS The Goods! BIS Deputy Director and FNM Webmaster Sharon Turner Circulated Photos to the Media!


picture-3-copyThe email sent by Sharon Turner to members of the media in the Bahamas and around the world. Click on email to see fill size.

Bahamas Press is ALWAYS willing to backup its claims. Not so however, with many of the WUTLESS MEDIA here in the country. Bahamas Press told you our readers that the Bahamas Government was deeply involved in leaking information including photos to media houses around the country and the outside world involving the case with former PLP Pleasent Bridgewater.

Bahamas Information Services went to great lengths, almost swearing on a stack of bibles to say Turner was NOT involved. But today 12 noon as promised we release to you, an email sent to members of the media at 9:04pm by Sharon Turner.

Sharon Turner in the attached photographs requested of media houses, “NO BY LINE”. It is truely and indeed amazing to see what great lengths members of the WUTLESS MEDIA would go to hang themselves, all to defend a LIE! NOW, watch and see how quiet they will go after this release today.


We at Bahamas Press wonder, how much did Turner get for those pictures of Wilchcombe?


  1. Drama, I waiting for either one of them to refute that one. That gal a “looker”? She’s more like a “look a dis ugly gal trying to act cute.” I told you the picture BP had of her and another one he had with her tip toeing around Hubert is enough to say this gal ain’t winning no beauty contests unless she’s competing with zoo animals. Am I being cruel? Well, yeah, maybe. LOL. But looking at Hubert, I guess he can’t complain about looks. Woosha! All in good fun, of course. I have to say that because you know how sensitive they get when you point out the literal ugliness of some people and how they look even uglier when you realize just how evil they are. I need to ask BP this question because the image just jumped in my head and I know he must have thought this himself. Remember a couple of months back when BP did the story comparing Hubert to Mugabe and Idi Amin? Who do you think wins that contest for Mr. Handsome Guy? LOL. Gotta laugh to fight off the depression people.

  2. media :
    Hubert Ingraham will address the nation tonight and that would mean MORE FIRINGS AHEAD! Members of the WUTLESS MEDIA ASKED HIM ABOUT THIS BEFORE WHEN HE HELD HIS MEET THE PRESS in Novemeber (TURNER WAS MODERATING), and he said, No he was not aware of anymore firing, but shortly afterwoods, workers were being sent HOME!
    Ingraham “Da LACKEY” will speak tonight, LOOK FOR MORE WORKERS TO BE SENT HOME SOON AFTER!
    Bahamas Press/

    Well, Well wow did we not tell you all in this post, SOMEONE gave ‘DA Lackey’ permission to speak to us? See you all will soon learn Hubert Ingraham. Ingraham is the biggest sellout/lackey this country has ever seen. And somehow people TRUST HIM, how? We don’t know. But don’t say we did not warn you all. The layoffs will come form the RIU and from the Atlantis Resort we are being advised just now.


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  3. @therealtruth

    No one is disputing who took the pictures. It’s not a matter of who took the pictures but who forwarded them to TMZ in a defamatory effort. You obviously missed the point therealtruth.

  4. LOL……JR dont make me holla !! The shark toothed Ms. Turner is said to be a “looker” by plenty fellas. Joe Blow and Thomas Finley will rip your head off for that sarcastic remark…lol…..the only thing I’ve noticed is that her hairline recedes like mine…and I am a man. I dont think that’s flattering for a woman at all.

  5. Grapevine :Mr Archer, I take my hat off to you. Words well said.I remember when this country ‘led’ when compared to many other islands. Now its run down with scandals and selfish politicians in ‘house’ for their own personal vendattas/agendas..raping the system if you will. I will not say the answer here is PLP; but a ‘Change’ has to come soon… This can be fixed, but we must clean house.Ms Turner is probably working on Plan B Drama. I hope it is a good one. That gal seems to have the ‘Delilah’ spirit on her, so the PM better remember what happened to Samson.

    Man, Grapevine you off the chain with this remark ’bout Samson and Delilah. That man is going to let that lil gal be the ruin of him if he dont stop. She wicked, he wicked..thats a bad combination. You right though, I hope he prepared to take the same downfall Samson took. Delilah spirit….lol.

  6. Some of you guys are real idiots, a well known photographer from Grand Bahama MR. DEREK CARROL took those photos and have said so over and repeatedly. Ask Obie or the man in the black jacket, they are looking right at him!.

    No, she will not be made to resign nor will she be fired.

    • Well ‘Real Truth’ we at Bahamas Press can care less if Derek Carroll, Derek Smith, Derek Pinder or Hubert Ingraham himself took the photos. We said that SHARON TURNER (ACCORDING TO OUR CONTACTS AND PROOF provided) circulated the photos to members of the LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL MEDIA. THAT IS PROVEN no question about that! And for a second TIME ALL WE SAY is this, FOR SOMEONE who works for the people of this country, to partake in SMEARING the name of this country, SHE SHOULD BE FIRED!

      Her by line is posted on and the identical photos were published on the front pages of the Nassau Guardian last Saturday! It proves that the INGRAHAM GOVERNMENT IS GUILTY OF DEEPLY INVOLVING THEMSELVES IN A SMEAR CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY USING THE US MEDIA, AGAIN!

      And for many who have short memory in this country, you would know that this was done before with NBC in the 1980s. The then FNM operatives assisted the US media in a smear campaign against the Bahamas! Nothing has changed since then with the FNM doing such things, they have done it before! Check their file and you would see what we are saying is TRUE! But like we said, many of you who come to their defense have SHORT, SHORT MEMORY!

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  7. Mr Archer, I take my hat off to you. Words well said.
    I remember when this country ‘led’ when compared to many other islands. Now its run down with scandals and selfish politicians in ‘house’ for their own personal vendattas/agendas..raping the system if you will. I will not say the answer here is PLP; but a ‘Change’ has to come soon… This can be fixed, but we must clean house.
    Ms Turner is probably working on Plan B Drama. I hope it is a good one. That gal seems to have the ‘Delilah’ spirit on her, so the PM better remember what happened to Samson.

  8. child of the 60,s :Excuses upon excuses!!!! All Turner needs to do is confess and then we can move on.The jury did not retire as the case is too overwhelming against the defendant.Good job!! Now BP I need you to find out for us how a photo of Shane Gibson got in ” us in touch weekly”.You can see the magazine on the website.The story is about Lightbourne but some jerk put Shanes photo there instead.Turner is that you again?.Good job BP you are the Bahamas finest investigative newspaper reporters.

    Think Sharon Turner was working over time? lol…. She is a little mess and her puppet master, Hubert Ingraham, is pulling her strings well. Notice the heat is on her but he is dead quiet in his little corner. While our country spirals down in “bad economy hell” Ingraham, Sharon and their freaky deaky cohorts can be trying to destroy this country with their revenge tactics.

  9. Grapevine…..I with you…CHANGE HAS TO HAPPEN. Hubert Ingraham and his band of goof balls have go to leave public office. The thing is who is going to replace them? Surely not the PLP in the state that party is in right now.

    Ingraham is so blatant with this gal…..something has to give.

  10. As for Obie and Bridgewater, I think for the PLP to become a united force to be reckoned with, we need to seriously clean house…and start fresh..There are far too many tainted and corrupt individuals within this great party. We must again embrace Sir Lynden’s initial model for this wonderful country, modify it and run with it. Politicians today are catering to their own personal agendas and dragging this country in ruins in the process. We must again put people first. Bahamians through selfish and directionless politics have embraced fear over prosperity as suppose to hope and sincere meaningful aspirations. We are tired of this bullshit…I may not live to see that day, but through God, that day will surely come..

  11. Ingraham has just a few days to get rid of Tommy Turnquest or I promise I will in dramatic fashion…He is not worthy to hold government office..Only cowards get others to do their dirty work…Ingraham take this as my only and warning rid your cabinet of Turnquest, and Foulkes or risk losing it all. It’s on now…

  12. You know….the FNMs have bragged about Mr. Christie being the first one term Prime Minister, but I can say that, that was one “good term”, though! The country was coming coming together as a nation (which some people didn’t like) and we were experiencing an economic and social success. There were lots of investments going on and in the “pipeline”- which the FNM continued to deny! Now look where we are – perhaps one of the worse two years – that I know of during my lifetime.

  13. I must admit that….I bleed yellow (figuratively)not red! And I am so disappointed, that to date I have not heard from any of the Young promising PLPs, like Hope Strachan, Jerome Fitzgerald, Paul Moss and Omar Smith (who I think could bring “Change”). Plans for the future of the party should now be “sowned” or “thrown out”…We need to know as a nation, where we will be taken, because we can see quite clearly, where Mr. Ingraham is taking us – to destruction! Come on Hope,Jerome, Paul, come on Omar !!!

  14. Grapevine, this gal may be a throwback but judging from the picture BP put up with her, you really gotta be desperate for that one. They really should throw her back. I still waiting to see who is going to pick this up and run with it when BP did all the leg work. The PLP is on notice.

  15. I say there is alot of ‘story’ to what really happened at the Travolta’s that night. Why the quick cremation? But the Travolta’s are not on trial here. Greed, stupidity and insensitivity are on trial here. Which once again leaves the Bahamas looking like the laughing stock at many ‘water coolers’.
    Drama, clearly this girl needs ‘out’. She makes professional women out there look bad. I thought laying on your back for a job interview was so 80’s.
    BP this was a good exposure. I commend you. Shame on the FMN. ‘Change’ has to happen here.

  16. Media, you may just win me over yet with this one. i knew you had that goods to pull off this one and i’m waiting now to see who will put their neck on the line for this lying wench again. If I was the PLP, I would take this email, the TMZ thing and the press release from BIS and take out a full page ad in all of the newspapers and just ask the question “who do you believe?” This gal is a national disgrace and the FNM has been exposed as the conspirators behind shaming this country. They are the ones who did this to us and they are the ones who sent that out and that gal needs to be fired immediately. Maybe then, she can devote her time to being a certain gruffy, rum drinking, hyena grinning, wicked man’s sweetheart, right BP?

    Great job man, you get my vote for the 2009 Bahamian Blog of the year. you should put that photo of the email up as an attachment so I can send it around this office to all these FNM A-holes who were shaking in their boots yesterday when 12 noon came. That was hilarious, almost as hilarious as them trying to come up with excuses to say that this was a fraud. LOL. the lengths these idiots would go to for party.

  17. Grapevine to our knowledge this girl has a degree in psychology. She worked for a NY minute in Love 97 news room and was accused of having a red hot affair with her boss and was somehow fired. When she got her “poltical appointment” as BIS deputy director she was announced in the newspaper as a “veteran journalist”. No one knows her besides Ingraham, of course.

    I think she should be made to resign. She was instructed, in my opinion, by Ingraham to shoot those pictures of Obi and distribute them to the press locally and around the world. I think she did but screwed it up somehow and ended up being exposed for the trickster she is. I feel she was paid for her pictures to TMZ

  18. Yea..I can’t wait to see how this one “weighs out” !!! I have always been led to believe that (most)Bahamians are NOT..patriotic ! They’ll sell their own “fer a nickel” Reminds me of AFrica…many, many, many moons ago! We have our own talent here, but we would always open our arms more to the Celebs..We need not just Political, but National “CHANGE”….

  19. Lou and Rudy, you all have common sense and are the only ones with the view of something that can possibly make sense. I cannot wait until the case unfold the facts. We pre jundge and condemn our own people. When these celebs come here, we treat then as gods especially obie. Talk to the people in West End, they know what gone down…you’ll be suprise…

  20. This Sharon Turner is a peice of work. Could someone explain her purpose and real qualifications for this job. The Bahamas is becoming a mockery and a place for scandals these days. I say someone needs to put the pressure on Turner. I strongly feel this was a paid transaction.

  21. Another thing. The Police kept Daniel Smith’s body long enough for our pathologist and a US pathologist to do a proper autopsy. Something is terribly wrong here !

  22. What is also frightening, is the role that our Police force is playing in it all. I still want to know why they “kicked down” Bridgewater’s office door and not get a warrant and just execute it ! She was not a “known” criminal !!! My lord, that was so “distasteful”. They wouldn’t do it to the “known” criminals, eh ?? We need to pray for God to do something about these “Gestapo” tactics of late !!!

  23. LOU :BP, like I said before….you are truly a “Godsend”. Because of the “stranglehold” on our daily media, it is re-assuring to know that we, the public, can STILL..get the facts, the TRUTH! I also, heard some very “interesting ” news about the so called “signed document” regarding the case against Lightbourne and Bridgewater. Boy, I can’t wait to hear the “evidence”. Still wondering why Travolta’s son’s body was cremated so soon, and why the Second or third in Command at the Royal Bahamas Police force is handling this case – didn’t happen with Anna Nicole Smith, eh ???

    We cannot continue to cover up for celebs while we kill our own. I say expose them all! BP you really need to get a hold of that release he signed. I hear whatever is on it is worth a lot of money to keep quiet!

  24. BP, like I said before….you are truly a “Godsend”. Because of the “stranglehold” on our daily media, it is re-assuring to know that we, the public, can STILL..get the facts, the TRUTH! I also, heard some very “interesting ” news about the so called “signed document” regarding the case against Lightbourne and Bridgewater. Boy, I can’t wait to hear the “evidence”. Still wondering why Travolta’s son’s body was cremated so soon, and why the Second or third in Command at the Royal Bahamas Police force is handling this case – didn’t happen with Anna Nicole Smith, eh ???

  25. to joe blow,
    do you know a guy named bumbles from fox hill? he was a chauffer for former minister and now ambassador c.a.smith. if you don’t know him, find the nearest mirror and ask the first person you see in it! stop perpetrating a fraud and get back to the people’s work in washington–if you don’t know bumbles that is. that’s enough–for now.

  26. Hubert Ingraham will address the nation tonight and that would mean MORE FIRINGS AHEAD! Members of the WUTLESS MEDIA ASKED HIM ABOUT THIS BEFORE WHEN HE HELD HIS MEET THE PRESS in Novemeber (TURNER WAS MODERATING), and he said, No he was not aware of anymore firing, but shortly afterwoods, workers were being sent HOME!

    Ingraham “Da LACKEY” will speak tonight, LOOK FOR MORE WORKERS TO BE SENT HOME SOON AFTER!

    Bahamas Press/

  27. I do not think there is no single entity more responsible, for the division that exists in this country than, “the worthless toilet paper tribune”. And now bahamas information They need to be exposed for the traitors that they are.

    The fnm has a serious stranglehold over media in this country, from talk show host, to newspapers, to tabliods. This is frightening!!!!

  28. Excuses upon excuses!!!! All Turner needs to do is confess and then we can move on.The jury did not retire as the case is too overwhelming against the defendant.Good job!! Now BP I need you to find out for us how a photo of Shane Gibson got in ” us in touch weekly”.You can see the magazine on the website.The story is about Lightbourne but some jerk put Shanes photo there instead.Turner is that you again?.Good job BP you are the Bahamas finest investigative newspaper reporters.

  29. Furthermore…..Turner sent out the BIS release….isnt she a “veteran” journalist? So how she end up in the Boo Boo Prize” list?

  30. I’ve just read Nikki Kelly’s column. She is dead on. She paints a very clear picture of this whole BIS/FNM matter. Sharon Turner needs to go !! She is not loyal to this country!! Plus we need to know if she was paid for those pictures? She is a disgrace in more way than one.

  31. Media, i cant stop laughing. You hear that sound Media? thats the sound of Sharon Turner’s balls getting squeezed. lol.

  32. Thomas Finley :
    The email also says in the subject line “FWD”. The email did not originate with Mrs Turner or why would there be the word forward in the subject line? Seems like someone sent the email to her and she sent it to your source. At least that is what the graphic suggests to me.


    NO NO NO NO FINLEY, this means the forward was the last person sending it to US, (IF YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT EMAILING). SHE GUILTY OF THE CRIME OF SMEARING THE ENTIRE BAHAMAS FOR CHEAP POLITICAL BROWN POINT, HOW YOU THING TMZ.COM got her name on them pics then? Answer that DOUBTING THOMAS, the last fella, (JOE BOWE) we asked that question to GONE MISSING, how ya think got them?


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  33. Thomas Finley :
    This does not prove anything unless it can be verified by the people who received the email. The media houses should be able to confirm who they got the email from. Can someone place Mrs Turner outside the Police station when the pictures were taken? There are some very good lenses out there, and she may have been a distance away, but surely someone must have seen something. Nothing like an eyewitness to impeach someone.


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  34. lol…Wisdom you are so entertaining…lol…for real though if Obie has nothing to do with this, he needs to say so and stop talking about his feelings. ALL of us are “in pain” and hurt as we are Bahamians and we are being scandalized AGAIN.

    You are right Wisdom…..someone had to take those pictures and email them to the world and I strongly feel that person is Sharon Turner.

  35. Joe blow, one thing is certain, someone took the photos, and there aren’t many good photographers in this country. It is clear the photographer had a political agenda, instructing not to publish their byline. But, I am not sorry for Obie. Did you read his statement yesterday, He is just full of himself, and was trying to make the Bahamian public feel sorry for him. Listen to his quotes…”MY image “I” “I” “I” built over 19 years, …”My” “My” “My” chances to run for PLP leader, … MY mom in Florida” “I’m in pain”, He did not insist that he had no information on the issues in question, but focus everything to his personal problems. He must be a born politician that is their traits clouding the issues.
    But he was the first to call Minister Laing “CRY BABY” when Laing wanted sympathy.

  36. BP, a few months back you gave us a lovely story about the newly married Senator McAlpine. How about an update on the happy couple.

  37. Your proof? is very hazy. Something was forwarded from Turner to your source. Since you say your source is from BIS, why isn’t it possible that Turner was e-mailed these photos from an interested party and she asked your source to look into it. How do we jump to the conclusion that she took the photos and that she forwarded them to MTZ? Where is the line that she wanted no recognition for the photos? Could the culprit in all this be your source? That being that the photos were released to the international press by your source?

  38. Sharon Turner needs to be fired for committing this treacherous act against her country as an information officer of The Bahamas.

  39. She obviously forwarded it from her BIS account to her private account. BP I am NOW POSITIVE that Thomas Finley is Sharon Turner. I have suspected for a while. Always jumping to her defense and probably was waiting patiently for the email to be posted.

  40. The email also says in the subject line “FWD”. The email did not originate with Mrs Turner or why would there be the word forward in the subject line? Seems like someone sent the email to her and she sent it to your source. At least that is what the graphic suggests to me.

  41. This does not prove anything unless it can be verified by the people who received the email. The media houses should be able to confirm who they got the email from. Can someone place Mrs Turner outside the Police station when the pictures were taken? There are some very good lenses out there, and she may have been a distance away, but surely someone must have seen something. Nothing like an eyewitness to impeach someone.

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