Athletes requested Pauline Davis-Thompson not present any medals in Doha, Qatar at the World Games!

Minister Rolle and Track King and Queen Stephen Gardiner and Shaunae Miller-Uibo
Pauline Davis -Thompson

NASSAU| A war developed in Doha between athletes and a key Bahamian IAAF Federation executive during the 2019 World Games in Qatar.

BP is learning Bahamian IAAF Federation executive Pauline Davis-Thompson, who is also a key advisor to Minister of Youth Sports and Culture Lanisha Rolle, got the shock of her life when Bahamian 400m Champion Stephen Gardiner protested any idea of the former Olympian presenting him his gold medal at the games.

Pauline, as you know, has been in some serious rows lately with BAAAs executives who are also at odds with the Minister.

Pauline, who was honoured by the IAAF last week, has built up serious tensions with both athletes and the federation and we at BP do not know why.

The parents of Shaunae Miller-Uibo also made their feelings known while in Qatar that they were not willing to invite Pauline to any present or future medal presentations with their Queen.

Some believe most of the animosity stuck between the federations, athletes and Pauline, who has been a longtime Golden Girl of the Bahamas and who represented the country with distinction around the world, played a major role in the present wars with Minister Rolle. How did we get here!?

Many athletes have not been paid their subventions since June this year and in the recent trip to Qatar the Government refused to fund the full $116,000 budget for the athletes.

Before athletes even competed at the Games, Rolle was nowhere to be found around the National Stadium as she and her beloved husband were seen shopping all around Qatar! In fact, before Miller-Uibo even made her final run on the tracks, Rolle was out of Qatar and returning to the Bahamas! That will hold ya!

If you can’t stand Bahamians, why do you seek to represent dem?

We report yinner decide!