Audience refuses to stand for Cabinet Minister at packed Ms Daisy show…


Crowd near booed Cabinet Minister and refused to stand for Lanisha Rolle.

Nassau – The joke was on the Minister for Youth, Sports and Culture when – in a packed audience on Friday evening – no one stood at attention to welcome her.

Comedic character Ms Daisy had a performance at St Johns Auditorium on Friday night past and, boy, was the crowd thick.

Early in the evening, the MC acknowledged several prominent persons and ministers of the gospel. The audience clapped and acknowledged their presence.

But when he asked the people to stand and acknowledge the Honourable Minister for Youth, Sports and Culture Lanisha Rolle, the audience played deaf and failed to comply.

In fact, some in the audience began to suck their teeth loudly and, after much hesitation, only five persons, all believed to be working at the Ministry of Culture, stood. The response was embarrassing, to say the least, and proved that Bahamians are sick and tired of the greedy power-hungry operatives of the Minnis Government.

But, from BP’s skybox view, the show was fantastic, funny and well attended.

Ms Dynamite Daisy is back!

We report yinner decide!